They say eyes are mirrors into the soul

After a scare I had yesterday (check my twitter or facebook, eek!)  I was forced to stay up late all night and couldn't sleep, made all sorts of random sketches and also  took the chance to keep on painting the artworks for The Underliving (please spread the link to help us) so working and  finishing the artworks of the CD, my deadline is in july, if things go ok I'd love to release it during summer. I've been painting a pair of eyes for "ode to the silence" it's a simple drawing, just a front face with a hush gesture, but somehow I spent painting like forever in the eyes, and they ended up much more realistic than the rest of the sketch... (pd. no photo, it's just painting, and not very clean but these eyes were suddenly looking back at me... Well for the rest of the drawing, now almost finished you'll have to wait for the cd. I also almost finished "a thought at the dreams door" so getting back to Northern Lights the one I promised to share step by step and that you can see up to actual state in previous blog entries.