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Some pictures of our Christmas mini-concert in Figueres

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Priscilla Hernandez
Imagen de Priscilla Hernandez
se unió: 2009-12-13
Some pictures of our Christmas mini-concert in Figueres

We made two mini-performances in Figueres last 23rd of December. Me and Héctor on stage along with dancers Phoenyx (Mireia Blasco from Drakonia) and Wui de Lue and Nimue Arianhrod from Ánima tribal ensemble.  Thanks also to Duncan and Dramian for being assistants. We also had a lovely time afterwards among friends but here some photographies (more later) courtesy of Duncan Trisquel.


Me and Héctor on stage

Final song Christmas Carol Silent Night at the harp

closeup of me playing the piano and singing

Me with dancers Wui, Nimue and Mireia and also Josep from Drakonia and our Christmas Miracle. This dog is Max, he was rescued by my friends Mireia and Josep, he had been deserted tied up in a flat with no food and water and about to death and severely injured he´s been rescued by my friends who are bringing him back to health as foster family while we look for a family to adopt him. To know more about Max you can "like" his facebook page here

Me with Wui and Nimue from Ánima and Mireia Blasco (Phoenyx) from Drakonia, they danced and sparkled with their spinning magic the whole show. :)




Priscilla Hernandez: singer/composer/instrumentalist/illustrator
Unfurl and live through the Long Way

Imagen de Louisa
se unió: 2012-05-01

Hi Priscilla & Hector,

Hooray, finally logged in again! Whoo-hoo! Thanks Hector for helping me with the new password - it's typical of me to find a way to stumble over something in the field of even the smoothest, simplest technology! - so, now to say to you & all your fey clan:

Happy New Year!

We're having one heatwave after another here in south-eastern Australia. (One day was at least 43 degrees celsius.) So it's funny to see your beautiful pictures of the Yule / Noel concert, wearing winter garments... sparkling & twinkling like snow.

Well darlings, we're going for a walk now, but now that I've logged in again, I'll be back again soon, lurking and lolling about in your faery realm like a lounging cat.

Our new website is only a few days from beaming... at least we hope it'll be up this month. Oh, and while on holidays, I'll try to work out how to do Skype with you as you had long ago suggested.

Love always,

Louisa xxx

Priscilla Hernandez
Imagen de Priscilla Hernandez
se unió: 2009-12-13

Thank you Louisa for coming here on regular basis, it really honours me so much and I love each of your comments... fancy a suprrise tea visit :) 

we must definitely plot how to make "one last hope" video in the distance :)  luv you!

Imagen de Louisa
se unió: 2012-05-01

Yes that would be great, if only I had your photogenia... you're one of the most beautiful divas on this planet ! Even beyond the faery domain, I'm surprised your'e not sparkling across all the major magazines & movie screens :-)

back to you soon... need to find one of my cats, lost underneath garden foliage. They melt in the heat and forget to awaken.... till I sprinkle them with the hose to flush them out of their hiding places, then they flop onto the ground, after which I cover them with cold towels; then they find the energy to come into the house for a while. However, air-conditioning confuses them, so they soon drift outside again. It's a constant challenge to keep them cool in these Summers.

How are your little fuzzy babes?

x L



Priscilla Hernandez
Imagen de Priscilla Hernandez
se unió: 2009-12-13

Aww I think you're super gorgeous and believe me I'm not model size or height LOL hahaha :) plus I think we look a lot alike, we have the same hair and round face :). It would be lovely to make a little video even in the distance :)


by the way readers of mine :) check Louisa´s music :) you'll love it :)