Priscilla Hernandez blog
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My beloved monster:My cover of Panna a Netvor music and a revision of the Beauty and the Beast fairy tale
Article updated 2014
Above: illustration of Beauty and the Beast by Arthur Rackham
One of my favorite fairy tales is Beauty and the Beast. I think I have watched every version made for cinema. Of course when you think about the Beauty in the Beast on the screen most people will go wether to the highly poetic and brilliant French version by Cocteau (1947) or the most recent and correct Disney animated one from the nineties. These are the most known versions and both are all right but the maiden falling in love with the good-hearted monster (drinking from the French version of the fairytale by J.M. Beaumont though we may not forget there is a previous version written by Gabrielle-Suzanne Barbot de Villeneuve,) has echoed in many versions. I highlight for example a russian animated version "The Scarlet Flower" (1952) which realist animation and color makes us think of Dulac´s vibrant illustrations.
There are also versions that are so forgettable like the Canon and Faerie Tale Theatre versions in the eighties, the second being a copy of Cocteau´s almost frame by frame and only saved by lovely and young Susan Sarandon. Some modern tv series have also revisited the myth, being the best (I think) the one in the eighties with Ron Perlman as Vincent. Though departuring from the classic fairytale I like the fact Beauty falls in love with the "monster" which I find strangely handsome as beast itself as as it's tradition since Cocteau´s version is portrayed as a "lion-like" creature. But sometimes it is shown as a different creature, for example as a boar in the 1976 version.
Above: Cocteau´s Beauty and The Beast (1947) almost perfect version? Aesthetically it is so but fails inthe final transformation under my point of view.
Most of them have a major flaw, the anti-climatic transformation, in most of them you end up thinking, why didn't you stay as a beast? Even in Cocteau´s the beast transform into an effeminated version of the antagonist. George C, Scott (1976) was well acted and faithful to the take, but his and Klaus Kinsky (1984,tv) were even uglier as princess than as monsters... My romantic self claims.... no way! stay as a monster, please! Ron Perlman (tv) demonstrated with his Beast he could make a believable romantic hero without transformation involved. This series were remade recently for TV but beast lost all his beastly factor and I gave up after first episode I confess.
Above: Ron Perlman as Vincent in Beauty and the Beast TV series (skip the recent re-make, it is not really a remake at all)
Above: The scarlet flower (russian animated version 1952) This "russian folk" version of the tale was also remade in 1977 as a live action movie that cannot surpass the previous animated version and had an irregular production.
Above: Disney's 1991 animated version, collecting shards of so many versions provided a really lovely approach, and the final transformation was satisfying enough. Still as Disney's some points were a bit blind but well it is a children´s version after all.
I particularly some of the variations that are also inspired by the greek myth of Eros and Psyche. This is the case of the Norwegian re-tale "East of the Sun and West of the Moon" written by a Jørgen Engebretsen Moe where the Beast is portrayed as a Polar Bear, and just like in the Eros and Psyche myth the wife is banned from watching her husband and is punished when she does so. The tale was brought to life in the movie "The Polar Bear King" (1991), an ok fantasy movie that is worth a watch, but it has its many flaws too.
Below: Dulac´s illustration for East of the Sun and West of the Moon and The Polar Bear King movie adaptation.
Same happens with "Hans, my hedgehog", one of the chapters from the amazing TV series The Storyteller by Jim Henson. In this chapter rather than a version of the Grimm version we see many of the elements portrayed in East of the Sun and West of the Moon, the heroine betrays her husband confidence burning the hedgehog skin and then he vanishes and she goes on a search to find him. One lovely Beauty and the Beast little treasure in my opinion. Maybe my second favorite.
Numerous other versions have been released, some based in one of the zillion versions and retellings like Beastly (based in Beauty and the Beast spinoff novel written by Alex Flinn and set up in modern New York). In the movie version, not being faithful to the novel, they turned the Beast into an emo-bald tatooed not-so-ugly guy and I found it not convincint at all. Still for lovers of the tale, here you have a modern spin of. Just too teenager-sweet for me!
In 2014 there has been a new version of the classic tale released La Belle et la Bete, which is not a remake of the Cocteau classic version but a re-tale of the story directed by Christophe Gans and starring Vincent Casell and Léa Seydoux, though quite memorable it doesn't peak the romantic and decadent energy of Panna a Netvor though it is a beautiful and rather faithful rendition to the tale and I enjoyed very much the new approach to The Prince origins. A couple of moments of chemistry but not really such a romantic build up as we see in Panna a Netvor either. Overall beautiful but something was missing.
During the last years some "Beauty and the Beast" television specials have been released, one German and one Italian version. Belle was really sweet in the german version though the production obviously suffered of a slow budget and the make-up of the Beast and servants was really laughable. I may add though that It was curious to see a Beast trying to impose himself on Bella and the first hints of attraction still in his monster-form. My two cents for this.
Beauty and the Beast (germany, 2013)
Recently an Italian/Spanish co-production, made for tv two chapter version of Beauty and the Beast was released. Featuring prince "Leon" and "Belle", there is no monster (except for a subtle scar) but a transformation of the soul. Overall it was really romantic though an always mixture of Phantom of the Opera, Jane Eyre and Beauty and the Beast itself. Despite not having the best of productions, it stood even if only for the chemistry among the lead actors. If curious I was able to find a subtitled version in youtube.
A new version of the tale is being made by Disney that want to retell the story in a live-action movie as it did with Cincerella and Maleficent. Of course curious about the result, though it is difficult they surpass their own animated version.
So why I have picked PANNA a NETVOR to make a cover of the soundtrack and tribute Beauty and the Beast video?
Panna a Netvor (1978)
Panna a Netvor (literally "The maiden and the Monster" (1978) is a Czech movie directed by Juraj Herz is really a captivating approach, different from all the others made and definitely stands as different from the Cocteau´s referece. Instead of polished, this version is gloomy, eerie, almost spectral and very sensual. Definitely not a children version and full of uneasy camera angles that sometimes put you into the eyes of the Beast which is the undeniable lead.
It´s very rare to find though I have found it full in youtube and even other fans of the movie covering this lovely theme and other online platforms if you want to have a look. I say it's worth you get the original, It's really a rare yet haunting version of this tale.
As in almost eavery BATB re-tale some elements are still there, Beauty is the daughter of a merchant, she asks for a rose... As in East of the Sun (and Eros and Psyche) Beauty is forbidden of watching his captor mixing then two of my favorite tales <3 and thus she genuinely falls in love with the monster ignoring he is so, and while doing this Netvor (the Monster, portrayed beautifully by coreographer Vlastimil Harapes) starts his transformation back into his human form, something that we think he might even have forgotten he once was. We see a "monster" not a gentle tamed lion, with the face of a crow and a tattered cloak with burst of animal predator instinct, and despite not having FX, make up, performance and movement makes it all strikingly poetic. And for once we have a rather good looking human alternative to the monster. Overall I think it's the most romantic version of this fairytale ever made with some genuine romantic tension and despite having a slow movie opening and some bizarre scenes that I dislike and don't justify in the movie (including some village life butchering a pig, ewwwww which you must understand in the context of villagers being also "animals" and in fact greedy little monsters themselves and another one with a little deer that wasn't damaged but pretty much scared in the film making) then it happens to become one of the most romantic movies ever made.It happened to be a version I accidentally watched when I was really young and impressed me deeply (despite some of this points that I find hard to approve) the rest of the movie dwells in such in depth beauty that it stayed with me for a long time in my memory, to the point that I still remembered the main music motif which now I have covered myself as a little tribute to this very unknown movie. The castle environment is oppressive and almost rotten. Being a fan of fantasy and romance (in an era where paranormal romance is in fashion but doesn't seem to grab it "right") here is my little version of "Motiv Panny" written by Petr Hapka. One of the most unknown and underrated but strikingly beautiful soundtracks ever, that kind of melodies that stays in your head for over a couple of decades till I could re-watch this movie again. Of course it has its odd moments but overall it shows really thrilling.
So here it is, my own version of MOTIV PANNY (PANNA A NETVOR) I hope you like it and that you made a little discovery.
Priscilla Hernandez (me :) ) piano, voice, winds. I also mingled myself with a chandelier in the video some of the images are me, Armen and Sveta playing as well as the scenes from the movie I like most)
Armen Vartanyan: violin
Svetlana Tovstukha: Cello
Leave your comments about my cover in the forum
Below some useful links if you want to research more:
East of the Sun and West of the Moon Old Tales from the North (book)
Beauty and the Beast (1947)
Beauty and the Beast
(Disney, 1995)
Beauty and the Beast (2014)
Jim Henson's The Storyteller ~ The Complete Collection
The Polar Bear King (1991)
The Origins of Christmas trees and Xmas Worship + a Sad Fairy Christmas Fairytale
As I told in my previous post some of the posts I will share in December are going to have a very Christmas or Yuletide (Winter) vibe. I am myself a December child as I was born mid December, so for me it's a very special time of the year, a time of new resolutions.
I write this article to draft a glimpse of the background story behind this tradition of using "Evergreen" during the closing of the year, Winter or Yule. But also I take the chance to say how sad is that millions of trees are chopped just for the sake of this tradition. If you must use a real tree, please consider to buy it in a pot instead of chopped off, even deprived of light it might make it if you plant it again after the festivities are over.
There are always ways to do things with balance.
I understand that for some people this is a very important tradition and I respect... I only call for moderation... There will be always be debate as Faux plastic trees are a poor alternative and also rise another kind of environmental concern... so as I say there are pros and cons... still sharing just my personal approach and then moving on to the origins. I'm also aware of the jobs that it provides in rural areas but there is something very sad in a "clone forest" perfectly programmed to be consumed, used and thrown away.
As for me, trees belong to the woods (not farms), growing and living
That is why I always take a fallen branch from the forest floor or use a tiny faux tree as ornament. Most of live Christmas trees that are sold as objects have grown for over a decade just to be used and neglected after a handful of days. I also cover one particular sad XIX century fairytale "The Fir Tree" by Danish author Hans Christian Andersen (who wrote also The Little Mermaid) which actually contemplated this very thought almost two centuries ago and that broke my heart at a very tender age. I include a synopsis and a link to a full read of the tale (now public domain) at the end of the article. I want to say that this is my personal opinion, and I'm not trying to preach anything to the ones following this tradition but always a call to moderation, because as usual things are getting environmentally out of hand (even Amazon will sell live trees this year) and vast surfaces in protected rainforests being replaced by Christmas tree farms, which is just sad. It could be argued that fake trees in fact (most of them ) are made of plastic which are even worse for the environment... but still we can be recycle it many years or be creative and use other materials like paper or fallen foraged materials from the woods. Growing 10 years just to be adorned and then cut down or burnt after a few days is sad. There are some that can be replanted and come in pots, but people usually want the bigger more sumptuous one. More than 30 million trees are cut down and sold in USA alone each year. Oh but they plant trees right... yes but that land takes away from wild forests land with higher diversity... so yes, there are pros and cons. and again this is just my opinion and is not intended to generate debate, keep on reading because this article is not only about my personal opinion but about the origins, stories and curiosities behind this tradition.
The Origins of Christmas Trees
The origins of of Christmas trees date to pre-Christian era, for thousands of years evergreen plants (mistletoe, holly) and trees (pine, spruce, fir) has been used during winter as "promise" of the life to come after the bleak winter, and thus keeping evergreen plants (including holly and mistletoe) is meant to brighten our spirits during the stark bare winter. They are symbols too of everlasting life.
Boughs of evergreen would adorn the doors of houses to keep away evil spirits.
It was considered in many cultures that the Sun God was weaker or ill during Winter. Egyptians would use evergreen palm rushes. Old Vikings also provided special powers to evergreen plants for the same reason so did the Druids of Ancient Celts.
Evergreen plants were used by Romans in Saturnalia Festivals (17th -23rd of December), and also by countries in the far North of Europe who used Evergreen as a token of "hope" during the bleak Yule and usually included December and January. Nowadays Yule starts 21st of December (Winter's Solstice) and last for 12 days... those are the 12 days of Christmas. There is no real evidence of Jesus being born the 25th of December though it felt sensible to adapt the already existing "Pagan Winter Feast" as after the Solstice days become longer and they could relate it with the light of God entering the World. But just to say date was picked as convenient and not as accurate
Christians later changed this meaning of "evergreen" to represent the everlasting love of god. And thus Yuletide became Christmastide.
Impressions of Yuletide season, the green and reds, and holy another evergreen used in Chirstmas that also date back to pre-Christian traditions.
First Christmas Trees as we know them were originated in Lavonia (now Latvia and Estonia) and placed in the Square for everyone to enjoy. First indoor trees are usually placed in Germany.
Later on Martin Luther , 16th-century Protestant reformer Luther was credited for starting to decorate the trees with "candles" to resemble the trees against the starry sky. This was the origin of the Christmas Tree lights (despite a very dangerous practise that was finally replaced by safer electric lights in the XX century). If you are a traditionalist and still use real candles on your tree, never leave them unattended... custom was responsible of a great deal of unintended casualties though no electric light can replace the warm vibe of those vintage Christmas Trees that our ancestors remember.
The origin of tinsel and the story of the Christmas Spider
As for the famous tinsel , the word means spark and before being made of plastic it was extruded from real silver hammered into a thin foil and then cut into strips.
It is believed that the idea of tinsel came from the sparkling frosted cobwebs. And thus in many European countries spiders are considered good luck and are related with Christmas this way. There is even an Ukrainian folk tale about the "Spider of Christmas Cobweb" that tells the story of a very poor family that found their bare Christmas tree all adorned by iridescent cobweb woven by the spiders during the night and how they never felt poor again grateful for the gifts life had provided them. That is why some ornaments are shaped as cobwebs, especially in Ukraine where the legend is originated. I will talk more about this in another post as I have a collection of frosted cobwebs I've made myself, but meanwhile it's not difficult to imagine how tinsel was inspired by it.

Frosted cobweb on fir tree around my neihbourhood some winters ago
Oh Christmas Tree: The Christmas Carol
"O Tannenbaum" (literally "The Fir Tree") is a german traditional folk son which origin can be tracked back to the XVI century though was provided the modern lyrics by Ernst Anschütz in 1824. The song that now we know as "Oh Christmas Tree" was not related with Christmas but to the evergreen quality of the fir tree to represent the faithfulness in love. And thus "true" was replaced by "green" in the English translation as it became a Christmas song. There are many English variants. But I'll include here an excerpt of the original.
O Tannenbaum, o Tannenbaum,
wie treu sind deine Blätter!
Du grünst nicht nur zur Sommerzeit,
Nein auch im Winter, wenn es schneit.
O Tannenbaum, o Tannenbaum,
wie treu sind deine Blätter!
O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree,
How steadfast are your branches!
Your boughs are green in summer’s clime
And through the snows of wintertime.
O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree,
How steadfast are your branches!
Hans Christian Andersen tale: The fir Tree (very sad fairytale, very real though)
Above an illustration of The Fir Tree in one of the Andersen compilations I own
For me one of the saddest and more pessimist fairy tales that Danish author Hand Christian Andersen ever wrote and one that as a child (as Andersen was the first book I ever owned) made me opt for a faux tree or just a fallen branch token. Childhood trauma about Christmas trees... ;-) But still a must-read.
The tale is about a fir tree anxiously looking to grow up, aspiring to grow tall, and it is told as if the tree has a will and awareness. And as sparrows chant of trees in warm rooms with decorations and being worshipped, the tree longs to be cut... until one day it happens and feels the delight of being admired with all the decorations then to be abandoned in a dark room.
That night many people gathered in the room around the little fir tree. They sang and told stories. They placed gifts at his feet. And the fir tree, trembling with joy, listened to the stories they told.
"I wonder what will happen tomorrow?" he thought. He longed for the next day to come.
The people returned the next day. This time they removed the popcorn and the candles and the dolls and the angels from the little fir tree's limbs. Then they lifted him up in the air and carried him up a flight of steps, into a dark, airless room.
And there in the attic is left forsaken, withered in the darkness until one day it's taken outside, and the fresh air reminds it of the forest, but then it's chopped and burnt...
Did I mention this was a traumatic fairy tale for me as a child? This was likely the origin of my conviction. LOL You are warned... if you are curious it's just a short read and as it's Public Domain it's available at Project Gutenberg Online Library at this link:
My Christmas Decorations
So here a snippet of my usual Christmas Decorations that will go up of course with Fufunchis. It's just a small faux tree, something symbolic and humble.
Fufunchis have already decorated their Christmas tree
The Power of Christmas / Yule Spirit transcends our beliefs
I confess I'm not religious but spiritual, and also I'm not pagan but I celebrate Yule, The Closing of the Year. For me it represents the Wheel of the Year coming to an end, also Winter's solstice is the shortest day, but also the day light starts to return, days will become longer as Winter reigns... such contradiction and quandary... that the "dark season" is precisely the bringer of light.
And wether you are religious or not, whatever your beliefs are, this is a season to reconsider what we've done during the year, to build new resolutions and determinations... The year closes and it's always a time to think thoroughly of what it has yielded... To start afresh with new dreams and resolutions, to fix whatever we did wrong... It's a time of new hopes and new chances... As weather turns cold outside and we spend more time indoors it is a time to organize, to enjoy our family and friends along with a hot mug of chocolate. It provides a reason to gather, to go home, to hug our beloved, to be giving...
So if you ask me if I believe in Christmas Spirit, as an excuse to bring us together and remember the power of kindness, yes I believe in its power.
I wrote in my own song Grow
As seasons flow,
once more it all
turns bare and cold
but save green in your heart
And that's all the green I need in Winter
So let me think of Christmas trees like this
All pictures taken by me or in collaboration with Héctor Corcín.
PD. My collar is faux fur. I don't wear real fur.
Priscilla Hernandez
singer-songwriter & illustrator
Shchedryk (Carol of the Bells) my version and origins of this Yule Song
Watch video below, mp3 available for FREE at my PATREON
The music of this famous Christmas carol as we know it today was first published in 1916 by Ukrainian composer, teacher and choral conductor Leontovych and was heavily inspired in pre-Christian folk chants and much older arrangements. The original song, known as Schchedryk sings about a bird foretelling wealth after Winter. And it had nothing to do with bells ;-) The song was later adapted into English as most know it.
My version is lyricless and just instrumental with choir because as I felt unsure to pronounce the original Ukrainian and most common English translation is not yet in Public Domain. Thus my version has no words. Vocals start on the second half doing choirs. I did all the instrumentation and voices in one afternoon barely a few days before Christmas a few years ago as I have been doing a short Christmas special for the last four years (plotting what I'll do for this one, but will be sharing the ones released so far during December)
Credits in this version: Arrangements by Priscilla Hernandez as well as piano, vocals, chalumeau, flute, chimes, bells, mixing and mastering. Short and sweet it barely lasts one minute.
This is a song I associate with winter, Yuletide (the closing of the year) season and first snow and thus we chose snowflakes to dance along with the music. You can listen to it with an animated video of snowflakes falling and pulsing in synch with the music that @hedac made for me:
Carol of the Bells comes from the Ukranian Shchedryk which is inspired also in older traditional folk songs
The original version"Shchedryk" (means "Bountiful Evening" in Ukranian) released in 1916 and is also known as "The little Swallow". Original song, despite being a Yule (end of the year) song, had nothing to do with the later Christmassy lyrics about Bells. . It was composed by Mykola Leontovych (1877-1921) who was a renown teacer and conductor of A cappella Choral Music and besides his own original interpreations specialized in arranging already existing folk Ukrainian music too (the signature motif of four-note melody over a minor third of the chant is typical in many of his compositions). This early version that was my inspiration tells a story of a swallow flying into a household to sing of wealth and riches the following Spring would provide.
What about the bells?
"Shchedryk" was later adapted as an English Christmas carol "Carol of the Bells" (because he thought the motif sounded like bells) by Peter J. Wilhousky following a performance of the original song by Alexander Koshetz's Ukrainian National Chorus at Carnegie Hall on October 5, 1921 (copyrighted by him in the thirties) and it became since associated with Christmas. My version is instrumental though and inspired by the earlier works original music by Leontovych (1916) that was heavily inspired by already existing folk chants he loved to arrange and adapt.
I do a Christmas special every year and open to recommendations for this one: Recommend your favourite Christimas/Yuletide Music
For the last few years I have been doing Xmas specials, they're always short and sweet, barely over a minute. Sometimes a traditional Christmas song and sometimes original ones or covers from Xmas movies. This was the first one I made, and this year will be the fourth Xmas special. All 3 Xmas specials done so far : Carol of the Bells (Traditional), Winter Night (Original) and "The Closing of the Year" will be shared during December and I will also share remastered mp3 for my patrons at
Meanwhile as I have yet to do this year special... open for your recommendations...
Which are your favourite Yuletide/Christmas season songs?
I prefer old traditional / Public domain ones for obvious reasons... but still open to listen to all your recommendations :)
Stay tuned as I will be sharing some Christmas related songs and posts during December (I am a December Child after all)
All pictures of myself taken last winter and wearing a custom-made snowflake pendant courtesy of
Hirvi and family: befriending a family of Deer

Above:Are you happy to see me? My "deer" friends: Hirvi's daughter all grown up into a beautiful doe. Proud dad behind her just a few days ago.
Still not over the Steemfest flu but after two weeks of coughing and feeling unwell I knew what I needed to recover was to connect back with Nature, hug a tree, smell the damp forest floor. So I have been going out these last few days, but I'll keep some of the hikes for another post. Grounding in Nature is the best way to heal it, I swear, I felt it clearing my lungs. Yesterday we also hiked and enjoyed the beauty of this moody Autumn season.
So, for the above reason, some days ago me and Héctor (who seems recovered from the bug) and I went to feed my "deer" friend Hirvi and his family, that we have been befriending for the last year and a half. They all came running to us like puppies as soon as we stirred close their living area. They already know we often come visit with treats. The baby fawn is now all grown up into a beautiful young doe and ate bread for the first time. I swear she was smiling all the time enjoying the new flavours, and so excited about it. Mum doe ate lots of carrots. Proud stag looks like a crowned king with the antlers fully grown, a true Guardian of the Forest
He is the only one that still keeps a distance to us, but each time he gets nearer and already enjoy apples and carrots. I am still with bronchitis (SF3 flu gone bad) but feeding the animals and walking in the little pine woods did me well. They are tame but still wild. Same with the sparrows I feed every morning.
Why Hirvi?
I usually name all my pets and animal friends with Finn names, still apparently as a friend from Finland told me I may have called him "moose" instead of deer XD, but after two years he's keeping the name even if not accurate ;-)
Last Spring the family had this new baby, few months ago it was still drinking milk and was sporting the cute fawn spots like in this picture:
Cute baby fawn
It's incredible how big it looks now, and just like her mother, sister and father knows us... she's learning to trust. She was literally smiling while eating bread (first picture in this post). For me it's a healing experience. I truly believe in empathy. I love to feel she knows she is safe with me.
Fawn has become a beautiful young doe
Empathy: the ability to understand and share the feelings of another. No words needed
My deer friend: Majestic Hirvi
Hirvi is a deer we befriended a couple of years ago. He is featured in one of my music videos, "Grow". At the beginning he kept the distance but as time has gone on and our visits with carrots and treats became often, we gained his trust. Last year he had a baby doe and last Spring a new fawn was born too. Some days ago we visited to find out this little baby girl all grown up and ready to conquer our hearts with those big brown doe eyes of her. Now the family is comprised of four: Hirvi and the mum of the two young does.
Above: One of the scenes featured in my videoclip Grow where "Hirvi" appears.
Click here to go to the post where I shared that music video
Above: My song and videoclip "GROW". Hirvi appears at 1:51 Filming another video where he will be more prominently
I am vegetarian and very much against hunting (please, I appreciate no discussions about that in comments, that's not the purpose of this post), I've grown to love these this particular family and relieved they live in a protected area with a reasonably sized pine grove to roam free, but I know it also becomes harsh for them during winter up there so we will make our visits more often. I am very proud to know they have had cameos on my music videos too. I will be returning to visit them and I feel fortunate to be able to get really close. I'm in fact writing a song about "wilderness and innocence" inspired by them. I am also cleaning my desktop to start painting again... and I'm very inspired to do a drawing of them. That way they will be part of my own magic world in a way.
Looking into your eyes
Moments like this are magic... to see ourselves reflected in these eyes full of bewildered wonder. To be witness so closely of their feelings and emotions is a gift. Can you see me and @hedac in them?
And this other photography with them looking into the woods
And thus sometimes we keep company until sun sets
All pictures in this post by me and Héctor Corcín
Note: fun fact... the little grove where they live is full of sculptures carved in wood... and there is now one that looks exactly like me hahha :) They keep on adding new ones but I wonder... as I usually go there sometimes even dressed in my fairy garments... LOL
Still... a bit of a resemblance right?
And here some pictures of me taken some months ago during a visit to my "deer" friends in deer garments myself in the pine woods they live in... I'm part of the family now too, you know :)
Priscilla Hernandez
singer-songwriter & illustrator
Haunted: New Official Videoclip and Locations / Photoshoot
MP3 of this new version free for patrons at
You know that there are places you’d better not roam alone in. You can feel that weird sensation that alerts you. What if the ghost in a haunted place is the place itself? Cross the fence and enter into the desolate feelings of an abandoned house. Places are not haunted by ghosts but by desolation.
I have not been much around these last few weeks because I was working on this music video. It took a lot of work and I battled with my old computer, but finally it is here, and right for Samhain/Halloween, though It stays as an official video for my original song Haunted remixed with new cello, vocals, and instruments and with a video filmed throughout this year.
Haunted is in fact one of my favourite songs of mine, but with its weird chord progressions and dark tone it was never one of my popular ones... still it's often on my performing set lists because It is one of the poems I'm more proud of and the whole theme works as a metaphor of desolation and abandonment. It's the house itself singing, not a ghost. Yidneth the female character of my story that usually appears in the different CDs sometimes dreams she is a ghost... and she wanders surrounded by moths... She is sometimes afraid to fall sleep and become a ghost.
The vocals have several layers, one is my pure voice untreated, the other two me singing with vocal fry as a creaking door and another layer whispering, so it feels I'm dubbing over the abode's voice.
The House would work itself as a big "Underliving" something living but not alive. This term and concept gave name to my second album and keeps on being recurrent throughout my entire works.
This is a new videoclip for my song Haunted, the original version was released in Ancient Shadows (2006) but this is a new video and version was recorded this year (2018) and features a longer cello line and many more backing vocals as well as a a new videoclip filmed on an abandoned Palace on top of a Hill, an abandoned village and other locations. I premier it as fitting for Samhain as the veil is thin but remains as an official music video for the song. This new version slightly different than the one that was officially published will be listed free for patrons at and also here on Dsound in forthcoming for my Steemit followers. Here so far the music video.
Haunted (Lyrics / Poem)
My crumbling walls groan and complain
the ivory gleam is now turned to grey
no steps on my dusty floors
No one sleeps in the musty bed
I feel alone and desolate
Deprived of the splendour of the elder days
my baleful halls... an ode to decay
the piano still plays itself
that off-key melody
that makes the shadows dance and boil
in that frantic ball
Shelter of the nameless gods and ghostly shades
the wild moan of wind warns I shall not be dwelt in…
…in the starless... dismal nights...
... I am... haunted
The garden grows wild
the ivy crawled and hid all the gates
and pallid blooms of rancid scent
took place when roses withered away
The abyss of nightmare lurks in each hole
and things unseen behind every door
but I cannot help but miss
the laughter of children
oh come again... cross the fence... to play with me
(Hide and seek)
All the yearning sins and secrets I may keep
still invoke and build that hideous fantasy
ah everyone knows... I am... haunted
And centuries run...
this rotten core will never fall down
laid my foundations deep in the ground
Defiant and silent I shall await....
while everyone says...
I am... haunted
Locations: Aizkolegi Palace, Tiermas and Ordesa
Aizkolegi Palace stands on top of a hill, 842 meters high surrounded by lush and dark woods with gnarled trees. It was built over a century ago by Pedro Ciga, last owner of "El Señorío de Bertiz", the natural Park where it stands now abandoned.
It was built as a second house uphill with amazing views of the surrounding valleys covered in beechwoods. On a clear day you are able to see the sea afar. Pedro installed a telescope on it to "observe and admire the wonders of Nature" but now it's closed and in ruins.
In his testament it was told it had to be preserved "its way" yet now inhabited, the windows and doors have been closed with planks and only some open windows upstairs offer an uneasy ominous black glimpse of its core. I wonder what's inside but I can only imagine it. There are several signals that warns of the dangers as the abode has been left to the elements and slowly breaking apart for a long time. Yet still stands, decaying and haunted by its own solitude. Thus it was perfect to portray my little story. The song had already been released on my first album Ancient Shadows, but being one of my favourites I couldn't help but film a new video and re-record voices, choirs and more instruments in this brand new updated version. The music video was filmed earlier this year before Spring opened its new leaves.
The house must be indeed HAUNTED because we got lost on our way downhill for several miles, had to go uphill again back to it to find our way through the dark woods... very ominous
Additional sequences were filmed a month ago in Tiermas Village, an abandoned town in Tiermas. The scenes at the waterfalls belong to the the Natural Park of Ordesa, the waterfall "Las Gradas" resembles somehow a construction, and the flow of water somehow represents the flow of time.
Of course yet again my obsession for moths... I never miss the chance to film one when the visit me...
And its obsession for a flame... like a ghost to the living... like an empty house for inhabitants
And thus there are moths in this video as there are usually in my drawings and the imagery since Ancient Shadows (my first album) where this song was first included in an older version. Moths and the ghost will reappear again in my third and forthcoming album Fear no More and I took the chance to re-made Haunted to rescue many of the elements that will be recurrent.
Music and lyrics by Priscilla Hernandez @yidneth
All arrangements, piano, synth, lead and backing vocals by Priscilla Hernandez @yidneth
Cello by Francina Turon and Biel Fiol
Video edit by Priscilla Hernandez
Camera work by @hedac
Special thanks to my friend Naliam who filmed an additional footage of me in Tiermas.
The piano plays itself that off key melody that makes the shadows dance and boil in a franctic ball
Suspended: A moody Autumn story illustrated with photographies....
A little freewrite moody poem and a leaf that caught my eye last weekend. So I go on with my slightly darker tone this October. I have been collecting some leaves and saving them in books. I do this every Autumn, but somehow the words rushed into my mind and I had to share them. Poem and photos by myself. It is not really a song but I'm kind of thinking of recording a spoken word version along with a melancholic music instrumental piece... what do you think?
I am suspended
I refuse to fall
I refuse to glide down to be scattered among many
I refuse to be left to frostbite and dampness
I refuse to decay under a bare naked tree
I am suspended against logic
Held by invisible forces
By simple yet powerful magic...
A gust of wind
A thread of cobweb
Safety lines
That also tie me to their capricious will
Because you should know
There is a price I pay...
NOT to fall
I am suspended
Almost motionless for a second
and then I begin my journey
Swirling up and down
Avoiding fate until being found
Or maybe someone will treasure me
And press me inside an old book
before I dry and wrinkle
Just a perfect fallen leaf,
Preserved but fragile
And suspended in time too
Like a memory of light
An echo of bright green days
Gone long ago
Stuck in these pages
Waiting for you to read my story

And trees will grow new leaves
But they wont be me
So I hope you like it... sometimes there is an overwhelming beauty in simple things... some kind of comforting sadness.
I am preparing a special "haunting" post and it's taking me a long time to make... I've not been that much around but I am working in something special. Stay tuned.

All photos / words © Priscilla Hernandez
Suspended leaf GIF by Hector Corcin Thank you !
Priscilla Hernandez
singer-songwriter & illustrator
Come Little Children (Hocus Pocus OST) Making of + hiking / locations and more...!
The Witch in the Woods
Halloween is drawing near and the veil is getting thin...
Every year I do a Halloween special and this was last year's Hocus Pocus but I am resharing it now along with the photoshoot, making of and locations
so get ready for some eerie entries this October... :). Video was done last Fall, but many of the pictures have been recently edited and are shared now for the first time. Sharing here a special creepy little music video I made for Halloween last year as I am preparing a new seasonal special for this one. In the mood for something slightly eerie? This post also includes photo shoot, filming locations, and lots of pictures!
Are you in Halloween mood quite yet? Do you usually celebrate it?
Are you plotting your costume already?
There will be some "Special Spectral entries" as Autumn is here now in its full glory with its mysterious mists and fallen leaves.
Press play to listen / watch the video featuring several locations in Spain and France.
Who remembers this movie?
Hocus Pocus is a fantasy seasonal Halloween movie that was released in 1993 by Disney. Featuring a trio of Witches (The Sanderson Sisters) the movie is lighthearted and fun entertainment, but there was an eerie haunting moment, darker than the rest of the film by its tone and meaning, that stayed with me longer, and that was the moment Sarah, the blonde haired witch (how appropiate) uses her power, her sweet voice with which she is able to lure unfortunate children into her lair... just like a Siren.
So as a collector of movie scores, my main and major influence in my own music, I have been picking some "classics" from my childhood and giving them a spin within my own style. And thus here I'm sharing my own version of the soundtrack.
So do you remember this movie?
It was indeed a commercial and critical flop back in the day but slowly it became a cult classic. Apparently there is a sequel about to be released too after so many years. I remember it with fondness though and some scenes like Sarah singing this song are quite vivid in my mind... It is now a seasonal classic of my generation, so well drop also your impressions if you remember or have watched it. If not, this is the perfect month to have a look at it!
I put a spell on you and now you're mine
But this post is more than about the song but also the hikes and behind the scenes of this little creepy video I made as Halloween special. (Preparing another surprise for this one) as we get into the mood for the forthcoming All Hallows Eve. Despite being blonde myself and having a "similar garment" than the character that sings it I did not pretend to cosplay the character but tell a different kind of story (darker in mood) than the original take... I am curious about your own interpretations.
The veil is getting thinner...
"Sarah's Theme" is one of the sung and most iconic tracks in Hocus Pocus Movie score with music by James Horner; lyrics by Brock Walsh inspired by Edgard Allan Poe; performed by Sarah Jessica Parker in the movie. Additional variations were made by who was in charge of most of the instrumental soundtrack of the movie. The theme also known as "Garden of magic" and has become a rather well known seasonal Halloween classic. There are longer versions but the original lyrics (very short) are these:
Come little children, I'll take thee away,
Into a land of enchantment.
Come little children, the time's come to play,
Here in my garden of magic.
Original version
Credits: Sarah´s theme was composed by James Horner and variations and rest of the movie soundtrack by John Debney Lyrics by Brock Walsh.
John Debney was kind enough to listen to my version and send back a compliment which I found so encouraging. This is just a tribute cover and it' was not an official release, I always recommend to purchase the ORIGINAL soundtrack but I enjoyed recording this as it was a challenge was a good practise to improve my hammered dulcimer playing :) and thus it deviates quite a lot from the original arrangement.
I loved your rendition, it sounded great John Debney (Hocus Pocus OST composer and conductor)
My version

Cover and arrangements by me, Priscilla Hernandez (
Priscilla Hernandez voice, lead and choir, arrangements, hammered dulcimer, piano, video edition
Armen Vartanyan: violin
Svetlana Tovstukha: cello
Héctor Corcín : mixing, mastering, camera work, video edition
Filming locations
The abandoned decaying ruins of a former village of miners of Arruitzgain on Basakaitz Mount (Spain) served as main background to film the video... There used to be also a train (Plazaola) to transport the minerals from this area that has been of mining interest since the Romans settlements in the area... And at the beginning of the hike you can choose to go over the now deserted rails and tunnels. Then there is a hike uphill while while enjoying a forest of long and slender beech trees. I filmed this exactly mid October last year but the leaves hadn't fully shifted into autumn colours quite yet (thus we used color correction in the video to make it moodier)

The mining village was abandoned in the fifties and barely a few buildings tumbling down and emerging chimneys and walls over the engulfing and lush vegetation and they look much older while a thick pad of moss, vines and blackberry bushes have covered the walls.
It felt convenient that there was a fireplace in one of them... oddly enough with signs of recent use, maybe one hiker took the remaining building structure as shelter.
Don't worry, I don't eat children, I'm vegetarian ;-)
We also collected some wood in order to create that uneasy feeling of "Witch in the Woods" as I was intending to do a video for the song "Come Little Children" anyway. I always try to release a Halloween special, whether a cover of Halloween classic like this, or an original... so already working in this year special Halloween release. The early autumn filtered light was perfect and I found a perfect witchy staff out of a wooden stick.
After filming we stayed in the woods until dark... you had to be careful as light got dim you could easily for into hollows like this

El Señorío de Bertiz also in Navarra (Spain) served as additional location including the spooky shot at the end wearing a mask I made out of a piece of bark I collected from the floor. It's a place we often visit and hike that I will cover in detail in one of my "hiking adventures" posts. But here a clear still of that "eerie ominous ending". I decided to add a spooky reverse effect to finish. And well , I think I succeeded in my "spectral" makeover.

Additional scenes were added filmed on or hike to the mountaing Midi dOssau (French Pyrenees), some general scenes of autumnal elements and small waterfalls and conveniently filming scenes dressed in black like casting spells in different spots on our ascent. Yes, I hiked with a corset up to the Pyrenees and here is proof!
I even got into thef freezing mountain lake but I did not use that footage in the final edit of the video.

In conclusion
Little boys and girls don't get lost in the woods after dark
Priscilla Hernandez
singer-songwriter & illustrator
Farewell to Summer at Xorroxin waterfall: Last Summer Days with fellow friends
Last week my friends Estela and Nalian came to visit and our first hike was to visit this well known waterfall and pond in Navarre, Spain. We parked in a little village called Gorostapolo. The village is very small and there are some days you will have to park in the previous village, Erratzu and walk a mile or two from there. From Gorostapolo is a very short hike of just about a mile through the woods.
Me and fellow adventurers of the day Estela, Naliam and me (instagram usernames in pic)
There are wetlands with mud so proper hiking boots are recommended as the trail can get very slippery.
I think there were goblins concealed from our human eyes... though their disguise sometimes failed a little bit... Can you spot the goblin in this picture? I think he was not very pleased I got him on camera, haha!
Can you spot the goblin in this picture. A pareidolia is when you can find shapes and faces where they are not meant to be
So me and my friends followed the hiking trail to reach two waterfalls, the first one is smaller and then the well known Xorroxin Cascade which is a smaller exact replica of the bigger one. The year before I came to this very place as I almost missed the fact the big waterfall was just some meters away but you can hear the unmistakeable roar of the water falling and if you continue you reach the well known Xorroxin cascade splashing over a glorious and very deep pond.
I had packed my Spanish Luna Moth wings Graellsia Isabellae in my rucksack. Graellsias Moths are present in this region. And I usually and conveniently dress in green (shifting to golden and brows for Autumn now). So I just had to take them out for these pictures.The wings were made by a clothing brand run by some fellow designer friends El Costurero Real. They have been running for over a decade creating fantasy clothing and we have collaborated many times. Next October I'll perform a concert for their new store opening in Barcelona.
Graellsia Isabellae or Spanish Luna moth is a very rare moth that lives in this area of Spain I live in. Difficult to spot but amazingly beautiful.
My beautiful friend Estela Naïad also tried the Graellsia wings. Isn't she a gorgeous prerraphaelite fae?
Autumn is here now... and as if weather knew we have shifted seasons everything is cooler and moodier... Still I don't lose hope of some warm days to come to swim on fresh waters... Though it seems likely this was my last time during this season. Somehow though, I'm looking forward the colder weather, it always activate my creative juices, more indoor times along with a hot mug of tea... days of painting and creating music ahead... But we warned, rain can't keep me away from the woods during weekends :) So there will be many autumnal and wintry adventures to come!
Me taking a bath... Water was FREEZING brr but invigorating... I will miss swimming in freshwater creeks and ponds
This time my partner Hector Corcín stayed at home, or maybe he was that Charming Prince in disguise...
Later that week me, Héctor Corcín, Naliam and Estela performed together along with Enrique Galdeano in a local Oak forest to celebrate the Autumn Equinnox with an outdoors concert and performance, but that I will cover in a forthcoming post :)
And to finish the article a mosaic with impressions of the day
Pictures taken by except the ones of me taken by my friend Estela with my phone and her camera and edited by myself.
Wings by my friends from El Costurero Real (Spanish fantasy clothing brand)
Priscilla Hernandez (me) (composer, singer, illustrator)
Estela Naïad: (photographer, dancer, multidisciplinary artist)
Naliam Caronte: (videographer, musician)
Priscilla Hernandez
singer-songwriter & illustrator
TBT: Making of the videoclip Ethereal a song about lucid dreaming. Easter eggs, anecdotes and more
Ethereal is inspired in all things clear. Sometimes when you you are in lucid dream I feel that my feet can float, that I'm like air, foam, sparkling dewdrops, ethereal.

Light as a feather
And when I feel I'm drowning in darkness I try to remember the light in myself. And I remember I know a way to rise
we grow wings out of our abyssal fins to take flight and feel ethereal.
Watch and listen the music video while you keep on reading
Do you ever dream you fly? What is Lucid dreaming?
I have quite a lot of sleep disorders, some like sleep paralysis are frightening. False awakenings are confusing... But then there is lucid dreaming those dreams where you are aware you are the *dreamer" and you have control of how the dream unfolds before you. As I had a history with night horrors, nightmares, and sleep paralysis I learned almost naturally how to do this. I even use it to practise music... but of course mostly to travel, fly, and shape a world of my own. So I learned to "dream" without fear. Of course sometimes I still lose control of them and I go back to terrifying nightmares, but for me being able to "shape my dreams" to create stories and living them, being the c
Like transparent waters and clear lucid reams
Sweet wonders unfolding, I'm conscious
I take flight... my soul feels unclouded
A whole world in my hands... a world I shape, my own enclosed Universe.... my DreamsMaking of the videoclip: Feathers, glitter, fabric
Again it was the result of Héctor and I teamwork... And lots and lots of glitter. A combination of indoors and ourdoors locations and lots of diy and practical effects. It started out selecting the right feathers...
And lots of time floating on freezing ponds, walking barefoot in the forest, and fighting with the wind machines! :)
Making of the dress and overall look

I made my own dress. I used white coloured fabrics. The skirt was made with a handkerchief patterns, several squares or organza fabric layered. The bodice was a work of patience though, cutting shapes and using a hot glue gun.. at the end it felt more like an "armour" very rigid... and sparkly All is very glittery in this video.
I completed my look using a light gray wig and doing a very sparkly make up with rhinestones and transparent droplets glued to my skin like dew.
I also made a heavy white cloak with the help of my friend Cristina.
For some additional dancing sequece I was gifted a pair of Silk chiffon Isis Wings that seemed to fly around me courtesy of "Dancing Wings" which one one of the elements that was not self-made

Another part of the costume (especially at the end where the videoclip moves to water to air and stars) is the fairy wings. Though I made the design of these fairy wings and drew the pattern it was done custom-made for me by a company called "Enchanted Costumes" who gently endorsed them for my concerts and shows. So those white wings are the ones I usually use on stage and also appeared at the end of the video. This is a promotional shoot wearing the wings and fabrics, it represents the last third of the music video when we have already "taken flight"
We filmed both indoors and outdoors.
We needed to float on water so we scouted for locations in Nature and found some lovely ponds in Catalonia. I remember my friend Wui (who also helped me with make up that day) and I ended up swimming back through ponds under the light of the full Moon because we wouldn't venture to hike back the edges in darkness. So the atmosphere in the video of floating under the Moon was very real
We also filmed in the forest of Orgi (Navarre) additional scenes wearing the hood
For the indoors we used a green screen and black background. Lots of glitter, crystals, cobweb and a wind machine... And believe me wind machies love to tangle floating fabrics... :) The number of bloopers and funny takes was insane. Luckily enough many takes were ethereal Enough. We used blue lights to provide ambience to the scenes. It also enhanced enhanced the iridescent make ups.

Easter Egg I had not previously shared (In memory)
By the time I released this video two of my rats (aka. "fufunchis") Tuula and Ritva had said their good byes. The final third of the video is very "AIR". In fact there is a transition of elements from water to air. We included nebulae among the stars... and here is the Easter Egg, at some points those nebulae were generated by using pictures of Tuula and Ritva blurred, of course they are part of the "Heavens" now and still and forever part of the Universe I've lived in. You may require to watch several times to spot them... but if you do, let me know in comments.

Lyrics / Poem
Pure and serene...
Like dew on a cobweb of delicate silk
and sheer threads of silver
are the weft of the fabric of dreams
gauzy and fragile (gauzy and fragile)
like thin ice (thin ice)
oh floating dust (oh floating dust)
in open skies (in open skies)
I feel... hyaline
Like transparent waters
(They tenderly held me...)
and mother of pearl
(with gentle sway...)
those moon like pale opals
(all covered...)
I feel...
(...with moonbeams while drifting)
while drifting
Our trails of afterglow
pulse like shimmering stardust
and the patterns that they draw
lead the way out of darkness
We grow wings from abyssal fins
to take flight and feel
Like transparent waters
(Sweet wonders unfolding)
and clear lucid dreams
(I'm conscious)
Iridescent and pale
insect wings
(to take flight)
My soul feels
We get ready now
for life under the light
(Sweet wonder...)
I feel
We get ready now
for life under the light
(I'm conscious...)
I feel...
we get ready now
for life under the light
(to take flight
light as a feather)
I feel
Don't you feel ethereal?
Don't you feel ethereal?
Pure and serene
My essence...
This song will be included in my third album Fear no more so feel free to support us by purchasing the song from Bandcamp:
Song Credits:
Gauzy and Fragile like thin Ice
Music and lyrics and arrangements: Priscilla Hernandez
Priscilla Hernandez: composition, vocals, synth, keyboard, piano, flute, kantele
Héctor Corcín: Percussion, Oscar Tribalthunder, additional electronic arrangements
Armen Vartanyan: violín
Priscilla Hernandez
singer-songwriter & illustrator
I went looking for the Moon and found a thousand fallen Suns: Sunflowers. Apollo and Clytie. Ligo Sneak peak.
I went to see the Moon but I found a thousand fallen suns
Posting today as part of colorchallenge WEDNESDAY YELLOW challenge
All this pictures were taken last Saturday (late July 2018). Me and my partner Héctor Corcín went on a stroll trying to see the Moon Eclipse that took place last 27th of July. Sadly clouds didn't allow to appreciate the eclipse in its full red moon glory and we only caught it as the Moon grew back to full brightness again, but we found this location and we went the day after to take these pictures featured in this article.

So even if weather boycotted a little bit our sighting of the Blood Moon, at least it worked to find this lovely location. Above, not the best eclipse picture but what we glimpsed :)
Location and filming for forthcoming video
Location is close to an abandoned village called Guendulain (Navarre, Spain). To see the sunflowers spreading and just the ruins emerging from them was rather magical. As we had just found it the day before and I am finishing editing a videoclip of Latvian folk song Līgo (encouraged by fellow steemian friend Linda from Latvia, who encouraged me to learn a song of her country). It is a overall a worship of Summer hymn and I had still a few gaps in the video so location was perfect to shoot some final scenes). I will share that here shortly but meanwhile here. Almost done, I will share it soon.
Enchanted sunflower, thou
Who gazest ever true and tender On the sun’s revolving splendour
Pedro Calderon de la Barca (Poet)
A symbol of strength, endurance and loyalty
They look like thousands of fallen suns blooming in Summer... so yellow and vibrant, a representation of our life giving star. The petals of a sun flower are also known as "rays" for that reason. Unmistakable with their brilliant and vibrant appearance and amazingly large size. There are different varieties of different sizes but some are as large and tall as I am, glorious giant flowers.
As to give a sunflower to your beloved it represents warmth, long life and endurance. Sun flowers remain in full bloom for a long time enduring the hottest days of Summer and tolerating lack of rain and droughts. The upright and strong stem also represent the strength of bonds and loyalty. It is usually given as a gift on the 3rd anniversary of a wedding.
I love a sunflower and I believe in love power
(Tears for Fears, quote from the lyrics of "Sowing the Seeds of Love")
Vitality, hope, renewal... LIGHT
It was worshiped by Incan Empire priestesses who used to wear replicas made of gold in their garments.
In China, Royalty used to eat sunflower seeds in order to have a long life and are related with vitality and luck. In China in fact they are a symbol of *lasting happiness" The symbolism of "yellow" colour that I covered in previous article also apply for this "light bringer". It is easy to think why these flowers are usually associated with "happy" feelings.
They are not only strikingly beautiful but also useful providing and numerous edible sunflower seeds (at least the most common Helianthus annus which we grow for that purpose) and oil for cooking and beauty treatments. Crops and fields of these beauties, also a symbol of "abundance".
Sunflowers also known for their symmetry based on Fibonacci numbers
Above: the disk of a sunflower are made of made up of many little flowers that will become seeds.
Moving into the Light and the Legend of Clytie and Apollo
Sunflowers belong to the family Asteraceae and genus Helianthus (helios=Sun, Anthos=flower) and they move and stretch moving towards the light by phototropism. or heliotropism. Sunflowers are one of several plant species that make optimum use of light by turning to face the sun. It is like a "solar tracking" triggered in fact by phyto-hormones (Auxins) presents in the stems. This happens until the flower is "mature" and the seeds begin to ripen. Then they usually stop growing and droop downwards and stop their movement.
But let's explain it in a more romantic way
Clytie in Green mythology was a water nymph (daughter of Oceanus, the Water god and Tethys) that turned into a flower grieving over here unrequited love for the God of the Sun, Apollo (son of Zeus), and thus she is always facing the sun looking for her love return for her in his Chariot. She fell in love with him but was ignored by Apollo who fell for another Water Nymph (Daphne). Clytie sat on a rock and spent nine days without food or water until she transformed into a flower, and even to this day, she keeps looking at her beloved sun from dawn to sunset. Thus sometimes Sunflowers are used as symbols of "platonic love". At the beginning the Greek legend transformed her into a turnsole (Heliotropium) as in fact all sunflowers (Helianthus) are native from America, but modern retelling and famous Victorian and Prerraphaelite painting used "Sunflowers" to represent the grieving nymph.
Although Clytie's love was not corresponded as Apollo fell in love with Daphne due to an Eros (God of love) arrow, the irony of it is that he was despised by Daphne who wished herself to be transformed into a laurel tree not to be bothered by Apollo unsolicited love. Apollo had an argument with Eros and he was struck by an arrow who made him fall in love with the water nymph but Daphne was hit by a lead arrow who made her despise Apollo as strongly as he loved her. Finally she prayed for help to her father and was transformed into a laurel tree. Apollo was heartbroken and remained faithful and it made laurel leaves "evergreen" because of his love.
Poor Clytie, if it had not been for the interference of love arrows...
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