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Some impressions and highlights from EuroSteamCon (Barcelona)

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Priscilla Hernandez
Priscilla Hernandez's picture
Joined: 2009-12-13
Some impressions and highlights from EuroSteamCon (Barcelona)

Flyer  of the event by Dramian Corvus

Last 29th  an european Steampunk gathering took place. I already covered  info about the event in explaining that in several places of Europe Steampunk lovers gathered in their best outfits to celebrate. What is Steampunk you may wonder? :)  Don't hesitate to check I was familiar with it due to writing in my blog about fantasy costumes  but I had never participated in one. It was way fun :) I spent the week before preparing the complements, glue, leather, gears LOL hahaha getting ready :)


We had plotted a picnic in "El parque de la Ciudatella" but finally rain forced us to move into "Estación de Francia" a train station from XIX century. Either way the B plan went smoothly and we were over one hundred people all dressed up in Steampunk and victorian garments :). Special thanks to  Vany Miranda and Serval de Jade for being amazing hosts and quick to change the plans successfully :). Also to the veterans of Steampunk  events Felix, Duncan, Dramian and so many more that made this event possible.

Plenty of pictures of the event in the

Thanks also to the girls for making me have a lovely time, to Nimue, Tania, Alassie and Gala specially :)

I wore my fairy wings gifted by Renae Taylor and a corset and skirt by El Costurero Real (thank you both)!

Picture taken by  274 Km Photography : choker and accessories designed by me, wings by Renae Taylor, corset and skirt by Alassie (El Costurero Real)

Above pictures taken by Pedro Justicia Lightangel . The second picture with Felix Goggles, good friend and maker of steampunk accessories :) I need to commission a pair of goggles for next Steampunk event. :)

Below pictures taken by "Menta Oregano"  when performing at  the music bar "Estación de Francia"


Above: me playing and Tania Olivé from Arts Orientals Dancing School 

Priscilla Hernandez steampunk event



Note to all photographers, the following days I'll come and edit to credit each of you and add the proper links to your sites   if any missing :)

More pics to be added to this thread soon as they keep on arriving :)

It is true that due to the rain the picnic coudn't take place at the pretty park, but who said we didn't manage to enjoy the picnic? we did! yummmm!

Note: my companions of adventure found a moving plastic bag in the litter, inside of it there was a bunny! now happily adopted by the convention and named "Steamy" he's found a new home with our friends Wui and Duncan :) and tomorrow he's coming to visit me and fufunchis yayy :) I'll take a picture and post it here. :) and more pictures :)


I'll come and edit to add pictures and links info but just wanted to say  :) it was COZY, It was friendly, it was extremely fun :)

Priscilla Hernandez: singer/composer/instrumentalist/illustrator
Unfurl and live through the Long Way

Ainat's picture
Joined: 2011-12-05

Exquisito,interesante,una Priscilla que nunca deja de sorprenderme...en verdad da la impresion de que cruzasteis a otro plano,regresando a la epoca antigua,pero de conocimientos y sabiduria futurista,que arte,tan inspiradores que vienen a la cabeza historias,novelas,de ese ambiente...

Ese picnic es como cuando comes en la naturaleza,sabe distinto,se disfruta mejor :P Has utilizado el arma de tu cinto conmigo Pris,de un disparo enviada a una autentica fantasia.Se te da bien todo estilo que te propongas,admiro la expresion de tus gustos y la energia que tienes,sin duda mereces ser mas reconocida aqui.Como serian las cosas si abundase mas el misticismo y el buen arte de la excentricidad en lugar de tanta musica comercial.Lo hermoso es un misterio,y nunca se termina de ver a cara descubierta,sigue ahi,en las sombras...pero parece que cada vez mas hay ojos abiertos,incluso aqui.Hay personas fascinadas con tus ilustraciones,mostradas por mi parte del librito de "The Underliving",y lleve tu gargantilla a una boda,asi que tus alas se expanden por aqui,si hubiesen mas actividades asi,o eventos como este magnifico y cargado de arte y simbologia,creo que aqui serias bastante conocida,porque muchos gustan de esto.Pero no hay ni un triste mercado medieval siquiera.Aun nos queda el teatro de Santa Cruz,y cositas como aquella noche de las estrellas.En el corazon de la isla hay bastante magia.

Besos,y felicidades por estos conciertos tan especiales,no paras! siento escribir en español pero no se suficiente ingles para traducir semejante pergamino xD ;) pero voy en camino

En sueños nada me impide llegar a la isla de San Borondón,La Encantada,trocito perdido de la Atlá desapareces entre tu niebla despertaré.Mi espíritu galopa,sobre puentes de ramas,bajo un cielo de aguas nacientes,abrigada por el valor del viento