More on Underliving artworks, new cameo on sale... upcoming ustream concert

Hi all,

Thinking of making a ustream little online concert NEXT friday, will post details soon... ! :)

First a quick note to let you know I added a new original painting cameo on sale, a cute kitten lady... I made  the choker myself, and really looks cute on the neck. You can check it/buy it at the store. :). It's really cute and the drawing inside is NOT  a painting but the actual ink illustration.

Talking about cats... my friend and aussie fellow singer and composer Louisa John Krol sent me two lovely kittens hand crafted by a friend, they became cozy with a doll crafter Patricia Hedegaard  had already gifted me and they're friends now in my "fairy home studio"

Well,  It's been a month of painting an painting and more painting... but really reconciled with my facet as illustrator, after so many years of have it put aside in order to push my music career. Been painting the artworks of The Underliving, and I'm very much pleased to announce I'm almost finished :), so if we can fund it, The Underliving might be ready early Fall and will be able to come with us to 4 Nov Faeriecon (USA) and 12 Nov Hispacon (Spain) to premier it.