

The Underliving + Ancient shadows (pack)
The Underliving + Ancient Shadows (pack)

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Pack con los dos álbums. The Underliving y Ancient Shadows.

Cuando compras un CD dedicado desde aquí, lo mandamos por correo certificado desde España.

Los costes de envío en España han cambiado de tal forma que vale lo mismo un paquete de 100 gramos que un paquete de 499 gramos. The Underliving pesa 175g. y Ancient Shadows pesa 135g. así que cuesta lo mismo enviar 2 discos que uno.


The Underliving - cover - Priscilla Hernandez
The Underliving

Selecciona una opción para el CD

The Underliving - cover - Priscilla Hernandez

No vivimos pero nos sentimos vivos
¿Y si nos alzamos desde debajo de la vida?

"The Underliving", es el nuevo álbum de Priscilla Hernandez, 17 canciones, 72 minutos de música, número de serie VIP para acceso exclusivo a contenidos online. Libreto ilustrado de 52 páginas por Priscilla. Empaquetado preciosamente en un digipack apaisado de 190x135mm tamaño DVD.

Comprando este CD también incluye la descarga digital de los ficheros de audio desde la zona VIP una vez que introduces el numero de serie único que encontrarás en el libreto interior.

Descarga gratis las canciones "Through the Long Way" y "Off the Lane" del álbum "The Underliving"


Priscilla Hernandez The Underliving - digipack edition Priscilla Hernandez The Underliving - digipack edition Priscilla Hernandez The Underliving - digipack edition
Priscilla Hernandez The Underliving - digipack edition Priscilla Hernandez The Underliving - digipack edition

Download The Underliving One-sheet.pdf

En este disco descubrirás el reino de los  The Underliving,  una sombra del nuestro, un mundo de "seres" que nunca vivieron pero que se sienten vivos y se comunican con nosotros a través del silencia, de nuestros pensamientos, de nuestros sueños, de la voz del viento, que llenan los sitios vacíos con su presencia, siempre a nuestro lado pero velados y nunca vistos; protegiéndonos a veces, o jugando con nosotros llevándonos por el camino erróneo.  Los Underliving no son ni "hadas" ni "fantasmas" los otros dos tipos de criaturas contemplados en la mitología YIDNETH, son una tercera clase de criaturas, a veces muy antiguas, y a veces recientes e indisciplinadas y desarraigadas del mundo de los vivos. El álbum sigue la historia de una niña que es capaz de percibir este "Otro Mundo"  que la protege y que anhela ser parte de él, quizá convertirse en uno de  Ellos.

Aquí está la lista de donantes de aquellos que ayudaron a hacer este proyecto una realidad. Muchísimas Gracias !!!!!!


The Underliving Artwork


In the Mist videoclip


Off the Lane videoclip


Lista de temas

1 - In the Mist
2 - The Underliving
3 - Feel the Thrill
4 - Through the Long Way
5 - Don’t be Sad
6 - In my Mind’s Eye
7 - Off the Lane
8 - Storm
9 - The Aftermath
10 - The Wind Song
11 - Ode to the Silence
12 - Northern Lights
13 - Morning Light
14 - At the Dream’s Door
15 - One Last Hope

Bonus “In memory”
16 - Totonika Nova
17 - Good Night Kira


Ancient Shadows - the Ghost and the Fairy

Selecciona una opción para el CD


Edición de Lujo limitada  Digipack con dos libretos ilustrados, 32 pag.

Interesado sólo en formato versión de descarga digital? Puedes encontrarlo en Ancient Shadows Descarga Digital


Priscilla Hernandez - Ancient Shadows - onesheet.pdf

Este proyecto que podría ubicarse en el género “gótico etéreo” es en realidad una recopilación de canciones que he escrito a lo largo de los años. Algunas han sido rescatadas de mi infancia, mucho antes de que mi voz tuviese el valor de cantarlas. Algunas en viejas carpetas llenas de polvo, otras siempre murmuradas con timidez hasta que adquieron una nueva forma. Canciones convertidas en historias para explicar la naturaleza dual de todas las cosas en la naturaleza y el lado más amargo y hechizante de los cuentos de hadas y fantasmas: casas encantadas, criaturas feéricas, sauces llorones, sueños y pesadillas hipnagógicas... una fantasía en los reinos del crepúsculo. Ha sido un viaje muy íntimo, una experiencia que me ha permitido sentir de nuevo “viejas pasiones”, “viejos miedos”, “sombras antiguas” (ancient shadows) que proyectaron sobre mí una influencia innegable y moldearon mi ser hasta convertirme en lo que soy. Un viaje hacia el interior que ahora deseo compartir con vosotros.


Priscilla Hernandez: Ancient Shadows

Cada canción tiene una historia...  
Ir a Letras

1) Facing the Dream(Opening credits)
"Enfrentándose a un sueño (Créditos de apertura). Los sueños pueden ser plácidos, pueden ser vividos, otros son recurrentes o una advertencia. Si se escapan de nuestro control pueden convertirse en pesadillas y hundirte en las más profundas oscuridades. Pero todos tienen un significado. Pensé durante un largo tiempo que estaba persiguiendo mi sueño, pero luego me dí cuenta que era mi sueño el que me perseguía y el que finalmente me atravó, invitandome gentilmente hacia lo desconocido. A veces me siento muy asustada, temerosa de lo que podría venir, y no sé donde me llevará... pero ¡debo enfrentarme a mi sueño" ©2006

2) Away
"Lejos": Esta canción está inspirada en una versión más corta que escribí con doce años. A esa edad me percaté de que ya no era una niña, tuve que crecer y abandonar la seguridad de mi mundo interior y empezar a ser consciente de la mundana realidad. Me sentí como un pájaro cautivo, y alrededor mío sentía los barrotes invisibles de una jaula gigante, atrapada. Mis castillos cayeron, mi reino se desvaneció y comencé a temer que podría olvidar todas las cosas mágicas que había imaginado. Todo alrededor mío era nuevo y hostil, bullendo con gente que realmente no podía oirme, y todo lo que anhelaba era poder regresar a mi caparazón. El final de esta canción representa la pacificante alegría de abandonarte en tu propio mundo de fantasía, más allá de cualquier final o límte, muy lejos. ©2004

3) Ancient Shadow
"Sombra antigua" ¿Y si sintieses algo apasionado por algo que no existe? Una sombra antigua, quizá un fantasma dle pasado, quizá una criatura de otro mundo, o quizá sólo tu imaginación, un deseo tomando forma ¿Y si no te importa que no sea real porque aún sientes la necesidad de invocar su presencia cada noche, escuchar sus susurros en tus oídos, sentir que está a tu alrededor.... ©1998

4) But if you go
Una canción acerca de todas las inseguridades que sientes cuando te acabas de enamorar. Esa sensación agridulce y excitante. Dedicada a Héctor Corcín por la "pasión" que el me entregó. ©2004

5) I steal the leaves
A riddle to understand the duality of every thing in nature flowing and trapping you in its eternal paradox. Lights and shades alone are uneven; they need to intermingle to bring the balance. This was the first song I ever put on the internet back in 2002 and it is not only back by popular demand, but also because “the ghost and the fairy” concept of this cd portray the dual concept this song highlights.©2003

6) The call of the Nymph
Un día una libélula vino a mi mano y murió en ella. Era delicada y etérea y mi corazón desolado tomó vuelo sobre sus alas fantasmales para construir el cuento de la ninfa. Las larvas de las libélulas también se llaman ninfas y se nutren esperando por sus presas o cazando activamente con ferocidad. Eso me condujo a la metafora de mi critatura particular, el espíritu de una doncella ahogada atrapada en un estanque sombrío, y como las larvas de las libélulas devorando vorazmente almas para emerger como una grácil libélula y ser liberada del estanque. Siente tanto frío allí.... ©2003

7) The willow’s lullaby
"La nana del sauce": Si oyes la nana susurrante y tranquilizadora de un sauce, ten cuidado si te sientes adormecido y por tu propia alma trata de permanecer despierto. Este sauce llora por los bosques y ha crecido nutrido de amargura. Si caes dormido te perderás para siempre. Ligeramente inspirado en el personaje del "viejo hombre sauce" en el Señor de los Anillos. ©1994

8) Nothing
"Nada": El vacío del corazón de un fantasma que anhela sentir de nuevo. Mira mientras nosotros nos regocijamos con los placeres de la vida no siendo capaz de sentir ya esa calidez y emoción. Se siente como si no fuera "nada" y aún así no puede evitar dañarse a sí misma, observando y deseando lo que ya no puede tener. Se siente atraída por la pulsante fuerza de los vivos, porque sabes que "las polillas vuelan a la luz, cuando se ciegan en su deleite" ©2002

9) Haunted
"Encantada" Ya sabes que hay sitios en los que no debes merodear solo. Puedes sentir esa sensación extraña que te pone en alerta. ¿Y si el fantasma de un lugar encantado es el sitio en sí? Cruza la verja y entra en los desolados sentimientos de una casa abandonada. . ©2005

10) Nightmare
"Pesadilla": ¿alguna vez has experimentado el miedo más horripilante cuando estás a punto de despertar o dormir, totalmente incapaz de moverte? Pero la verdad de estos terrores nocturnos es que el monstruo habita en tu interior, es sólo un resto de tí misma y puedes luchar con él.t.Dedicada a toda la gente con horrores nocturnos yel desorden de "parálisis del sueño". No estáis solos. © 2006

11) Fairy tale
"Cuento de hadas" Cada vez que alguien dice "Érase una vez"... es así como nace un cuento de hadas. ©1999

12) The realms of twilight
Esta canción es acerca de la inocencia, ese fuego brillante que perdemos cuando nos hacemos mayores y dejamos atrás nuestra infancia. Pero no es tarde, este tema trae la esperanza para volver a encenderlo antes de que se desvanezca completamente. ©2006

13) The voice of the night
Otro tema escrito a edad muy temprana, y me sorprendió que no fuese tan ingenuo. Cuenta la historia de alguien que abraza la noche como refugio Tranquila, llena de paz, no hay nada que temer en la oscuridad. Si te libras del miedo entonces podrás ver toda la belleza que la noche te ofrece.. ¡Abandona la luz! ©2006 (originalmente escrita en los ochente.)

14) Lament 2:24
¿Al guna vez has sufrido tanto? ¿ha sido el dolor tan innsoportable que te hubiera gustado deshacer toda la creación tan sólo si existiese la más mínima probabilidad de tener de vuelta lo que creías perdido para siempre, aún con lo convicción de que no había forma de recobrarlo? Cuando esa pena crece y se vuelve salvaje dentro de tu espíritu hasta que casi se convierte en una maldición en tus labios... y duele... mucho... Escribí esta canción cuando tenía mi corazón y mi alma totalmente destrozaod s y deshechos. Cantarla aún trae lágrimas a mis ojos. ©2003

15) Ahora que te has ido (Now that you’re gone)
Mi lamento continúa con esta pieza instrumental, un llanto sin palabras , una canción dedicada en tributo a mi mas amada amiga KIRA (1995-2003) que dejó mi lado con mitad de mi corazón consigo. Sí, Kira fue mi perrita, y mi compañera más fiel, y mi dulce hermanita. Ella fue la razón de que siempre quisiera regresar a casa cuando estaba fuera. De hecho ella era mi hogar y f nunca la olvidaré. Llevo el tesoro de tu memoria a salvo. Algunas heridas nunca sanarán pero prefiero sufrir por ellas que olvidar ni uno sólo de los maravillosos detalles. Gracias por ser la más leal de las amigas y por ser mi guardián cuando necesité que alguien cuidara de mí. Siempre te estaré agradecida. El cd entero está dedicado a tí. Es por tí que se ha hecho y no me importa qué haya gente que no pueda entender lo que es realmente preocuparse por alguien de verdad, mi dulce niña! ©2003

16) The Prince and the Fairy
"El príncipe y el hada" Un joven principe se perdió en el bosque y vio una doncella tan dorada como el verano. No era un truco de la luz filtrándose desde la cubierta del bosque. Ella era real y su sonrisa como campanas era una maravillosa melodía que lo llenaba todo con su eco. Demasiado tarde él se dio cuenta de que estaba bajo un hechizo y su corazón atada al suyo para siempre. ¡Búscame mi principe! ¡Bailemos! ¡Cantemos! ¡Olvídate de todo excepto de mí!. ©2006

17) I’m right here
"Estoy justo aquí": Escrita unos años después en el 2003, esta canción es un poco el opuesto de la canción de la historia de amor expuesta en "Ancient Shadow", esta vez desde el punto de vista de un visitor intangible y espectral acurrucándose silenciosamente a su lado ©2003

18) Sueño muerto
Esta es una de mis canciones más antiguas. La escribí cuando era una niña pequeña. Aún hoy su mensaje ha sido renovado en varias ocasiones, siendo muy imoprtante en determinados momentos de cambio en los que he tenido que deshacerme de unos sueños que no iban a realizarse, para no llenarme de desesperanza y tener la determinación de buscar otros nuevos. ©2002

19) Facing the dream (closing credits)
"Enfrentándose al sueño (créditos de cierre)": todo llega a un final. Ahora este sueño mío ha terminado, pero es tiempo de despertar porque hay cosas que viven para siempre, cosas viejas, cosas eternas... y sombras antiguas que podrían adentrarse en tu mente si juegas demasiado en el límite que existe entre los sueños y la realidad. ©2006


Albums (digital downloads)

The Underliving (DESCARGA DIGITAL)

Esta es la versión de descarga del álbum The Underliving edición digipack

Podrás descargar los ficheros inmediatamente después de que el pago se complete a través de Paypal.

Cuenta VIP no incluída. Esto es exclusivo de la edición digipack.

Detalles técnicos de los ficheros incluídos:

Incluye 18 ficheros .M4A (formato de audio AAC) y descarga alternativa con los ficheros en formato .MP3
Todos los ficheros debidamente etiquetados y con imagen de portada. Modo tasa de bits: Variable Tasa de bits: 256 Kbps Canales: 2 canales, estéreo Frecuencia de muestreo: 44.1 KHz

Ancient Shadows (DESCARGA DIGITAL)

Esta es la versión de descarga del álbum Ancient Shadows edición digipack

Podrás descargar los ficheros inmediatamente después de que el pago se complete a través de Paypal.

Cuenta VIP no incluída. Esto es exclusivo de la edición digipack.

Detalles técnicos de los ficheros incluídos:

Incluye 19 ficheros .MP3 (formato de audio MP3)
Todos los ficheros debidamente etiquetados y con imagen de portada.
Modo tasa de bits: Variable
Tasa de bits: 256 Kbps
Channel(s): 2 canales, estéreo
Frecuencia de muestreo: 44.1 KHz

The Underliving Official Ringtones
The Underliving RINGTONES
Mínimo: 0,50€


Finalmente aquí están los Tonos The Underliving. Han sido cuidadosamente producidos para ser tonos de llamadas y notificaciones, sonidos del album y mezclas especiales de audio únicas.Hemos puesto nuestro esfuerzo en que sean los mejores tonos de Underliving para tí. ¡Esperamos que os gusten!

The Underliving Ringtones

Si eres miembro VIP Underliving puedes descargarlos gratis desde el area area VIP.
Incluye los siguientes tonos, para llamadas y alarmas:

TU-At the Dream's door (A).m4a  Special mix Loop Solo Piano
TU-At the Dream's Door (B).m4a Special mix Loop Solo choirs Loop
TU-Northern Lights (A).m4a Full mix, part
TU-Ode to the Silence (A).m4a Special mix Loop choir
TU-Ode to the Silence (B).m4a Special mix melodía solo
TU-Off the Lane (A).m4a Full mix, Call me call me from the dark
TU-One Last Hope (A).mp4 Special mix, choirs
TU-Storm (A).m4a Special mix Loop, voices rising
TU-The Underliving (A).m4a Full mix Loop, start of the song
TU-Through the Long Way (A).m4a Full mix Loop, chorus
TU-Through the Long Way (B).m4a Full mix Loop chorus 2
TU-Through the Long Way (C).m4a Special mix acoustic and voices end part.
TU-In my Mind's eye (A).m4a Full mix
TU-In the Mist (A).m4a Full mix, Kantele inicio
TU-In the Mist (B).m4a Full mix, comienza con violín
TU-Rise (A).m4a Special mix,  Ruidos y guitarra
TU-The Wind Song (A).m4a Full mix, principio canción
TU-The Wind Song (B).m4a Full mix, final cancion
+ 31 sonidos de notificaciones:
TU-Aftermath 1.m4a
TU-Dream's Door 1.m4a
TU-Dream's Door 2.m4a
TU-In my mind's eye 2.m4a
TU-In my mind's eye 3.m4a
TU-In my mind's eye 4.m4a
TU-In my mind's eye.m4a
TU-In the Mist 1.m4a
TU-In the Mist 2.m4a
TU-In the Mist 3.m4a
TU-In the Mist 4.m4a
TU-In the Mist 5.m4a
TU-In the Mist 6.m4a
TU-In the Mist 7.m4a
TU-Long Way 1.m4a
TU-Long Way 2.m4a
TU-Long Way 3.m4a
TU-Morning Light.m4a
TU-Ode to the Silence 1.m4a
TU-Ode to the Silence 2.m4a
TU-Off the Lane 1.m4a
TU-Off the Lane 2.m4a
TU-Off the Lane 3.m4a
TU-Off the Lane 4.m4a
TU-Off the Lane 5.m4a
TU-One Last Hope 2.m4a
TU-One Last Hope.m4a
TU-Rise 1.m4a
TU-Rise 2.m4a
TU-Storm 1.m4a
TU-Storm 2.m4a

Singles (downloads)

Priscilla Hernandez Cold Winter
Cold Winter (2025 remaster)
Mínimo: 1,00€


2025 remaster version.

Inspired by the ethreal beauty of beauty. Though harsh and cold it is also needed to bring life to the seeds waiting to regrow, also by the fairytales of snow maidens (the snow queen, the white witch, Snegurochka or Yuki Onna), white sprites made of frost and snow that appear in many cultures.

Zip contains lyrics, cover, flac and mp3


Cold are the long nights in winter
Cold to the bone
now all is bare long time withered
'neath the dim gleam of a sun
that can't barely make a faint heartbeat
still in the ghost of the day
so down deep
life falls sleep
hidden and safe in its lair
And out in the roaring blizzard
a specter in white roams alone
Her frosty lips humming a song
words catching snow on her tongue
Her haunting wail feels like a shiver
her voice like a whispery moan
cold as the long nights in winter
cold, cold to the bone
Cold are the long nights in winter
cold, cold to the bone
Nothing but dead boughs and splinters
naked and covered in snow
And all is unstirring stillness
Nature is Wise and knows
So down deep
life falls sleep
waiting for warmth to regrow

Priscilla Hernandez Longing to Bloom
Longing to Bloom (Radio Edit version and Ethereal Mix)
Mínimo: 1,00€

Spring (Ostara) is almost here, but this is not only a song about Spring but about "Blooming" in all senses. Like a seed that has been waiting in the cold too long and it's ready to unfurl and unfold. It's meant to be a motivational song "leave all dim thoughts behind", "do what needs to be done" and stretch our beings into the light. There is a standard mix and an Ethereal mix


I felt so alone
left in the cold
in utter silence
Waited for so long
my time to grow
out from this darkness

Longing to bloom
Unfolding into the sun
Gilded by light
I'm fire
Longing to bloom
And do what needs to be done
to unleash my heart's desire

Felt my chance was close
Found what I lost
My worth, my power
And once I learned to unlock
that inner voice
It became louder

Longing to bloom
Unfolding into the sun
Gilded by light
I'm fire
Longing to bloom
and leave all dim thoughts behind
I'm meant to reach much

Longing to bloom
Longing to bloom
Longing to bloom
I'm fire!
Priscilla Hernandez - The Earth Awakens
The Earth Awakens
Mínimo: 1,00€

Welcome Spring!
Watch it in video version on my youtube
This is a music incantation to say farewell to Winter and welcome Spring.
Daffodils (Narcissus) are the heralds of Spring. In Victorian times these yellow flowers were symbols of friendship. In Wales it's thought that if you see the first one blooming you will have luck and wealth the rest of the year
This belongs to a series "called" Incantations and you can see the video for this one and all the other incantations through the seasons on my youtube channel

File includes mp3, flac, cover and info

Móðir mín í kví, kví (Traditional Icelandic Lullaby)

This is a traditional lullaby from Iceland. Icelandic lullabies are famed for being somehow mysterious of frightening and this one has a well known ghost story as background.
The legend says a woman became pregnant out of wedlock and as that was punishable with a severe penalty she set up to abandon the child in the forest to die of exposure in the dark woods.
She wrapped the creature in rags and left it to the elements. This practise was not that uncommon in the past as we can see recurrently in many fairy tales. Some years later while the mother was milking the ewes she sourly complained aloud of not having fine clothes to attend a popular ring dance (the "Vivivaki" festival") and then she heard the spectral voice of a child humming a song, precisely this one featured in the video. The ghostly voice sung:

Móðir mín í kví, kví
kvíddu ekki því, því;
ég skal ljá þér duluna mína
duluna mína að dansa í,
ég skal ljá þér duluna mína
duluna mína að dansa í

Mother of mine in the sheep pen
You don't need to worry, worry
You can wear this these rags of mine
so you can dance
and dance

Upon hearing this the woman quickly went insane as she remembered her crime and thought the child's ghost had returned to curse her.

I'm not native Icelandic speaker so I hope I have not mispronounced much.

The ghosts of these children would be called útburður, the name suggests they were often carried outside and were then left to die in the wild. They are a gangári type ghost meaning they can follow their victims but unlike the other ghosts they can actually cast a curse on a whole
family for generations to come. The song in the video above comes from one of the most well-known Icelandic ghost stories.

Surrender - Priscilla Hernandez (Single)
Mínimo: 1,00€

Surrender - Priscilla Hernandez (Single)

Music and Lyrics by Priscilla Hernandez

Released 7/9/2020

A mermaid song...  a longing to return to the Ocean's embrace, safe from winds and storms, down below.  It's not about giving up it's about "letting go" burdens and be cradled by the gentle waves but it has very  "siren call" undertones. The song is slow and ethereal almost like a lullaby, inviting and relaxing. It has soft electronic elements but mostly relies on voice as the mythological depiction of mermaids always refer to Mermaid songs as "haunting"

Release date: 7-9-2020 though it was peformed live on Faerieworlds 2020 (I'll share that soon) There will be a music video very soon on youtube, stay tuned


Come to me

I'll hold you so close

I won't let you go


Come to me

What comes noone knows

Our fates always flow



Let go

Remember these words

So tender


Come to me 

The winds and the storms

can't reach to below



Let go

Come to me

I'll hold you so close

I won't let you go



If you use Spotify I'm grateful if you add it to your playlists

This song is also free for my patrons at


In the Bleak MidWinter
Mínimo: 1,00€

Nuku Nuku Nurmilintu
Mínimo: 1,00€

Nuku Nuku Nurmilintu is a very old ancient Finn song. It's traditionally sung as a lullaby and there are many variations and additional verses. The song sing about about a little bird, a wag tail (Motacilla Alba). As the lyrics talk about it drifting to a "white land" some people think this song could have a sadder hidden meaning of a mother mourning a child. Still it's sung still today to children as one well known lullaby.

There are written transcriptions of the melody from 1800 (Luvulta) and in 1885 its most known variation,thus this song is already is already Public Domain.

I am playing kantele which is Finland's national instrument.



Priscilla Hernandez: Leaves Never Settle in the Wind
Leaves Never Settle in the Wind (Autumn Incantation)
Mínimo: 1,00€

This belongs to the series "Incantations". (check tag "incantations" to see the previous ones).  Incantations are a series of simpler songs, most of them with their melodies inspired in and by Nature. This is the most complex so far as it's the first one having lyrics in English.

Priscilla Hernandez: Leaves Never Settle in the Wind

There's a world in between

but to find the way in

First, you must learn to see

how light gather in beams

shadows stir and then shift

revealing what's unseen

And in my slumber dreams

come rushing in

the veil is tearing at the seams

and rising from the floor in endless spin

Leaves that never settle in the wind


And all those leaves keep on swirling around

suspended by a cobweb string

You know you'll never fall back to the ground

leaves will never settle in the wind


Then you see that sheer gleam

cast by all living things

that to your soul are bound

And your worries flow downstream

and the air is full of wings

that beat without a sound


And all those leaves keep on swirling around

their journey is about to begin

You know you'll never fall back to the ground

Leaves will never settle in the Wind

Mínimo: 1,00€


Ethereal está inspirada en todas las cosas claras. A veces cuando estás en un sueño lúcido siento que mis pies pueden flotar, que soy como el aire, espuma, gotas de rocío brillantes, etérea. Y cuando siento que me ahogo en la oscuridad intento recordar mi propia luz.

Escucha la canción

Compra la canción

Selecciona la cantidad deseada a pagar y pulsa el botón Comprar ahora para apoyar el trabajo de Priscilla Hernández y sus futuros proyectos. ¡Gracias!

En el paquete de descarga se incluye:

  • Ethereal canción en 3 formatos:
    • FLAC formato sin pérdida de calidad
    • MP3 formato comprimido para dispositivos portátiles
    • AAC formato comprimido para dispositivos portátiles nuevos (mejor calidad que mp3)
  • Ethereal (versión instrumental) en formatos mp3 y aac.
  • Ethereal Fondo de Escritorio 1920x1080.


Ethereal letra © 2013 Priscilla Hernandez

Ethereal © 2014 Priscilla Hernandez

Priscilla Hernández: composición, voz principal y coros, teclados, piano, kantele, flauta, carrillones koshi, and other
Héctor Corcín: Sequencia. percusión, Oscar Tribal Thunder Drum, efectos adicionales, mastering
Armen Vartanyan: Violín


Mínimo: 1,00€

Mora-ia is a song when I was a child, the first thing I learnt to play with my school recorder. It is a song about saying good bye to things that were a burden to our heart or soul and breath into open air. But now back to life in this recording. 
Please if you like this song consider to download it from my official site here as we´re trying to fund our forthcoming and third album.

Buy now this song to download the files. You can set your price for the song, minimum 0.75 euros to support Priscilla Hernandez music and future releases. Thank you!

By downloading the song from here you get a 3 files in different formats

  • FLAC: original better quality version
  • MP3 and AAC: versions for portable players like smartphones or small speakers and laptops.


  • Música por Priscilla Hernández
  • Voces principales, coros, piano, arpa: Priscilla Hernández
  • Voces adicionales: Mireia Blasco 
  • Violín: Armen Vartanyan
  • Flauta: Iulian Gogu
  • Mezcla y master: Héctor Corcín


Priscilla Hernandez  The Waking of the Spring
The Waking of the Spring
Mínimo: 1,00€

Priscilla Hernandez  The Waking of the Spring

"The Waking of the Spring", "El Despertar de la primavera" es una canción con un aire alegre y estacional para que podáis sentir como florecéis durante todo el año y no sólo durante la Primavera. Habla de renovarse, como lo hace la vida y el amor en esta estación. Podéis escuchar la canción en el siguiente video de Youtube. 

Podéis comprar el single para descargar el archivo.  Podéis elegir el precio a pagar por la canción, un mínimo de 0.75 Euros y así estaréis apoyando nuestros futuros  discos.  Este single por ahora sólo se ha editado en digital.

Comprando la canción obtendréis el tema en tres formatos.

  • FLAC:  versión original de mejor calidad (con mayor rango dinámico) 
  • MP3 and AAC:  versión optimizada para reproductores pequeños como teléfonos, pequeños amplificadores u ordenadores portátiles.

De forma alternativa también podéis comprar este single desde   bandcamp

Esta fue una de las primeras canciones que compuse para aprender a tocar el arpa  que gentilmente fuí esponsorizada por Rees Harps. Tiene un aire más celta/folk y la interpretamos en directo desde el 2011 aunque no había escrito la letra definitiva hasta ahora que podéis leer un poco más abajo traducida al castellano.

Música y Letra por Priscilla Hernandez

  • Priscilla Hernandez:  voz, arpa, flautas, low whistle, dulcimer
  • Hector Corcin: Percusiones, varios, mezcla y mastering
  • Armen Vartanyan: Violin
  • Svetlana Tovstukha: Violonchelo
No Matter What They Say
Mínimo: 1,00€


Buy now this song to download the files. You can set your price for the song, minimum 0.75 euros to support Priscilla Hernandez music and future releases. Thank you!

By downloading the song from here you get a 3 files in different formats:

  • FLAC: original better quality version
  • MP3 and AAC: versions for portable players like smartphones or small speakers and laptops.

You can also download the song in bandcamp



Be proud of being the odd one out, the misunderstood, the strange. Rarity is often an unexpected source of beauty.
No matter what they say...
An experiment mixing female vocals, ambient, electronica and dubstep accents. Don't expect this to be a New Age song from me (this time ;-)
And yes, the video has RATS. If you are afraid, look  closer you might find them cute. I have myself two Tuula and Ritva (aka fufunchis)  and they and their friends from Piece of Heaven Rattery are the stars in the videoclip that you can watch in my youtube channel.
Tuula and Ritva (fufunchis)
Dastan, Evil dead, Valkiria, Demona y Takumi (Piece of heaven rattery)
Song featuring
Priscilla Hernandez: piano, pads, harp, flute, voice, lyrics and composition
Héctor Corcin: keyboards, second piano, drums, electronic arrangements, mixing and mastering
Armen Vartanyan: violin
Jorge Lamata: guitar
Do you like the song? You can send us your feedback at the forum
Grow (cover-art)
Mínimo: 1,00€

Līgo Latvian Priscilla Hernandez
Mínimo: 1,00€



Priscilla Hernandez harpsicle - by priscilla Hernandez (

This is my new music video Līgo, a Latvian traditional folk song.It's a celebration of Summer, love and life!

Līgo (later Jāņi) is a solar Goddess, fertility and Health. Even if in the song translation it says "Goddes of Darkness and Mist" which was the first thing that drew me to this song as I myself had made a song called "In the Mist". She is derived from the Roman Rosmenta (The Great Provider) and Baltic Goddess Saule.
Līgo is one of the main festivities in Latvia and women pick flowers and birch branches and make flower garlands to wear in their heads and also bathe like nymphs in ponds and rivers. Men also wear wreaths made of Oak leaves. People celebrate around born fires and it's tradition to stay up all night until dawn. I hope to visit Latvia one day to see, enjoy and experience this tradition. It was my Latvian friend Linda Hasani who told me about it and encouraged me to do this song. Celebrations with marked pagan roots, and the little pleasures of the rural life by the countryside.
So Linda, thanks very much for introducing me to the music of your country

Ligo latvian song - by priscilla Hernandez (

Also in the song another deity Māra is mentioned who is the highest-ranking goddess in Latvian mythology, Mother Earth and "provider of bread". . She is also a protector of women and children related with many ancient folk traditions relating to renewal and fertility.

priscilla Hernandez sunflowers - by priscilla Hernandez (

Filming the video. A celebration of Nature and Summer

As usual I had the help of my partner @hedac to film, though this time the entire edit is mine and I'm quite proud of the learning process and encouraged to do more of these. Most of the video has been filmed late Spring and this Summer as my surrounding fields have gone from green to golden to celebrate both Summer Solstice and Lammas (Harvest). Locations included the abandoned village of Guendulain that is surrounded by fields and a lovely pond, but also other locations in Navarre and Aragon.
My garland was a birthday gift from my friend and fellow illustrator Lisselotte Eriksson.

We had several animal guests :)

Guest starlet Pikku aka "Cookie Monster" the Duck

zizur - by Héctor Corcín.jpg

There is a little pond in Guendulain (a deserted village in Navarre, Spain) right in Saint James Way we often visit. And there we usually find a fellow duck very fond of cookies. As we have met several times and it grew confident to approach to us (and/or our cookies) we named (him/her) Pikku (Duck in Finn) and filmed several scenes featuring it. This talented bird actor was well paid in treats ;-). The video include also some companions and even baby ducklings (aww factor).


Other guest animals

There was a corn burnting bird on a blackberry bush for over a month... every day on our morning stroll it would greet us. It appears (and also its chick) at several spots of the video. I grew used to see it perched on the same branch always and I'm happy I've captured that memory in the video as well. I will miss you "Pichuichui" until next year where another corn burning bird goes to that branch... or is it you? like the year before? I fancy to think it's you, the one and only. Thanks for making an appearance in this project too.

Another special moment that appears in the video was a little deer that approached to me :). Oh it was totally a Disney Princess moment (sorry for my hyper of awwws here)

Priscilla Hernandez and fawn - by Priscilla Hernandez (

Another location included a field of wild Allium in the woods. This is one picture taking "Behind the Scenes"

ligo latvian - by Héctor Corcín.jpg

Special thanks and dedicatory

Dedicated to my friend  Linda Hasani  who encouraged me to learn a song in her Latvian native language. Thanks very much for introducing me to the lovely traditional music of your country and for recording a spoken version for me to try my best. I a aware my pronunciation is not perfectbut it was done with utter respect. And I have the feeling it won't be the last Latvian traditional I will sing because you know I'm already in love with another.

Lammas: Celebration of the Harvest

wheat - by Hector Corcin.jpg

It is a period that starts the first of August until the 1st of September in many European countries.
This holiday can be celebrated either as a way to [honor the god Lugh, or as a celebration of the first wheat harvest. t is

Līgo ( A Latvian traditional song)

 - by priscilla Hernandez (


Latvian (Original)

Līgo, līgo, lī
līgo, līgo, līgo
līgo, līgo, lī
līgo, līgo, līgo
Tumsas māte, miglas māte līgo, līgo,
Aiz ezera velējāsi līgo.
Dun bauzīte, čukst vālīte līgo, līgo,
Ievelk mani niedrājāi līgo.
līgo, līgo, lī
līgo, līgo, līgo
Viegli gāju pār ūdeni līgo, līgo,
Kā spārnota gaigaliņa līgo.
Zelta niedri zinādama līgo, līgo,
Viņā krasta galiņāi līgo.
līgo, līgo, lī
līgo, līgo, līgo
līgo, līgo, lī
līgo, līgo, līgo
Nu atbridu, nu atradu līgo, līgo,
Zeltniedrīti nolūzušu līgo.
Jaunu meitu vainadziņi līgo, līgo,
Dučiem vīta krastmalāi līgo.
līgo, līgo, lī
līgo, līgo, līgo
līgo, līgo, lī
līgo, līgo, līgo
Tumsas māte, miglas māte līgo, līgo,
Pacel savu villainīti, līgo.
Lai redzēja mīļā Māra līgo, līgo,
Kā niedrīti dziedināti, līgo.
līgo, līgo, lī
līgo, līgo, līgo

English (Translation)

līgo, līgo, lī
līgo, līgo, līgo
līgo, līgo, lī
līgo, līgo, līgo
Goddess of darkness, goddess of fog līgo, līgo,
Was being purified on the other side of the lake līgo.
Reeds are thundering, flowers with long stalks whispering līgo, līgo,
Their voices tempt me into the shrubs and reeds by the lake līgo.
līgo, līgo, lī
līgo, līgo, līgo
Lightly I walked over the water of the lake līgo, līgo,
Like a light-winged bird līgo.
I knew a golden reed līgo, līgo,
To be on their side of the lake līgo.
līgo, līgo, lī
līgo, līgo, līgo
līgo, līgo, lī
līgo, līgo, līgo
I shakily reached my destination and found līgo, līgo,
Finding my broken golden reed līgo.
With dozens of young girls wreaths līgo, līgo,
The lakeside was scattered (with them) līgo.
līgo, līgo, lī
līgo, līgo, līgo
līgo, līgo, lī
līgo, līgo, līgo
Goddess of darkness, goddess of fog līgo, līgo,
Raise your woolen cape, līgo.
So that dear Māra līgo, līgo,
Knows how to heal my reed līgo.
līgo, līgo, lī
līgo, līgo, līgo

Videoclip making of  - by priscilla Hernandez (

If you like my videos please consider to subscribe to my youtube channel

Priscilla Hernandez FLAME Single Download
Mínimo: 1,00€

Flame is a song about the contradictions of love... Love is an endless quest



Acoustic Neofolk version of my song Flame. Originally was written in the early 00s and have had many versions since but this is its first "official release" and a brand new recording in this genre.

Stay tuned for videoclip on my youtube channel


Above:  Filming location for flame Videoclip

You can read the lyrics here

Nothing is done until It's Done by Priscilla Hernandez
Nothing is Done Until it's Done
Mínimo: 1,00€

A theme not to live in denial, a waking call to take action for causes that are fair to be won. The song has some fierce and ominous points but also airy ethereal hopeful soaring parts. As I love Nature for me it's also a call to protect our planet before it is too late, but the lyrics are open for reinterpretation to gather courage and stand for what is fair and right.


Feel like your spirit grows stronger
Though its challenge has only begun
There's anything it can't conquer
When the weights of the doubts are all gone
And defiant it won't weep in silence
When it feels cause is fair to be won
It's standing firm in sheer defiance
Because nothing is done until it's done

We might be running out of time
Because nothing is done until it's done

Shadows may gather in darkness
Neath the weight of impending gloom
We can't get rid of this madness
Because we got tangled in its loom
Are the circles becoming spirals?
We're the thread and the web's been spun
Let's unravel not to live in denial
Because nothing is done until it's done

We might be running out of time
Because nothing is done until it's done
We might be running out of time
And the time has come around
And nothing is done until it's done

Let these words be your waking call
(The stronger we push, the faster we fall)
We might be running out of time
Because nothing is done until it's done
Because nothing is done until it's done
Let these words be your waking call

We might be running out of time
Nothing is done until it's done
Priscilla Hernandez: Life and Decay
Life and Decay (An Eerie Lullaby)
Mínimo: 1,00€

 Spooky Special composed for Halloween 2019 and my new song (more a musical poem: Life and Decay)
As I have been doing for the past few years I share an eerie special release. October is that moody month.. mist and fog, chilly air, leaves swirling down leaving naked branches... all the green colours of summer fading into the stark cold. As the song itself wants to portray... it's all a circle. And even when we are gone, we'll have a purpose.


All we held dear
is long time gone
All that we were
dust and pale bone
the place we lay
lost and forlorn
There's nothing left
no names to mourn
It never ends
Life and Decay

But once a year
when days are dim
and candles light
sinister grins
The veil is thin
The veil is torn
We rise and pray
to be reborn
We're bound to play
this endless game
Life and Decay


Time and Space reflections song theme by Priscilla Hernandez
Time and Space Reflections OST

Time and Space reflections song theme by Priscilla Hernandez

Download FREE, by using the buy now button above, the lullaby Where are you sister? Soundtrack and song I composed for the short movie TIME AND SPACE REFLECTIONS,



This little lullaby is called "Where are you sister?" and is part of the soundtrack  I composed for Time and Space Reflections stop-motion short movie produced by FANTASIATION and directed by Alba García. You can download this little song for FREE in this page, where you can also watch the trailer but I recommend you to  like "Time and Space Reflections" in the official facebook page and visit the official movie site for more information about this project. And you can also subscribe to the director´s official youtube channel to see lots of videos involving the "making of" and "work in progress" while it's on the making.

Release date: Fall 2014.
Status: Released in DVD available at

Awards/mentions  received:

time and space reflections awards


alba garcia

Above: Director Alba García working on the set

Disclaimer: This animated film is inspired in the tragic loss of one of Alba´s  twin students Emely Gomez. Making this film has helped Katherine, (Emely's twin sister) her Mom and Alba herself to heal. Grieving is one of the most vulnerable stages one can feel. But together we can make this healing less lonely. The goal of the film is to  reunite the twins at least in a fantasy world.


Director/Script:  Alba Garcia
Animators:  Alba Garcia/Julio Garay
Animator Assistant: Peter Pier
Best Boy:  Peter Pier
Moldmaker:  Julio Garay/Alba Garcia
Visual FX Supervisor:  Todd Sheridan Perry
Armature Designer:  Jeff Carlisle (Malvern Armatures)
Miniaturist Expert Props Master: Steve Wheeler
Dog Sound Effects (For early test visualization):  William Chrapcynski
Puppet Fabricator:  Alba Garcia/Julio Garay
Prop Fabricators:  Alba Garcia/Julio Garay/Juliann Rose St-Onge/Oscar Rodriguez.
Futuristic Set Designer:  Oscar Rodriguez
Renaissance Set Designers: Julio Garay/ Alba Garcia
Conceptual Design and Character Design:  Alba Garcia
Animatronics FX:  Julio Garay
Live Action Visualization:  Katherine Emely Gomez
Editor:  Nadirah Bell/Quenell Jones
Light Design: Peter Pier/Alba Garcia/Julio Garay
Fantasy Composer:  Priscilla Hernandez / Robert Foster
Prop Designer Illustrator: Ryan Alonzo
Sound FX Supervisor:  Rob Foster
Credits Graphics Sequence: Tristian Goik
Time/Space  Reflections Movie Website Designer:  Lacey Mason
Promo and Documentary plus Editing the film by: Nadirah Bell/Quenell Jones

Doce Studio Agency: Edna Cancel/Omar del Castillo


Priscilla Hernandez Time and Space reflections

Above: me with the DVD of the short movie and the making of book. Thank you Alba!

