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From time to time we do Internet live streaming concerts from the studio and chat


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Fan Pictures

You can send me your Fan Art Picture or your picture with the CD? I'll be glad to include it in the Fan Art section :)  Upload your picture.

VIP downloads

If you purchased the Ancient Shadows CD, or The Underliving you will have a code inside. Use this number when registering or adding it by editing your account if you already have one. Once the number is activated your account will be able to access to the VIP area with free downloads.

Latest Fan Pictures added

Longing To Bloom by Mattie Victoria
Longing To Bloom by Mattie Victoria

Longing To Bloom
3 years 2 weeks ago
Priscilla Hernandez Fan Picture
Priscilla Hernandez Fan Picture

"Herbal Tea"

A witch with golden locks dressed in blue sitting in the corner of her little autumn garden enjoying her afternoon tea in the company of her rat familiar thinking of all things growing, changing and beautiful...
This was mostly inspired by the single "Grow". No idea why but this is a picture I got in mind while listening to Priscilla's music.
Thank you very much for creating it! ????

3 years 21 weeks ago
Priscilla Hernandez Fan Picture
Priscilla Hernandez Fan Picture

Spirit of Summer Soltice

Was happy to complete this drawing of an amazing artist. Done in pencil. You can see more on my instagram: art_of_lac and on my blog:

Leigh Anne Cassell
3 years 38 weeks ago
Priscilla Hernandez Fan Picture
Priscilla Hernandez Fan Picture

Priscilla Hernandez Ice Princess: Cold Winter

Drawing of me inspired by videoclip COLD WINTER that you can watch here:
Thank you so much Álvaro
Please visit the artist pages at:


Álvaro Galiana Álvarez-Mon
4 years 3 weeks ago
Priscilla Hernandez Fan Picture
Priscilla Hernandez Fan Picture

Ligh and darkness

Inspirado en #theunderliving

4 years 20 weeks ago
Priscilla Hernandez Fan Picture by A Thousand Fairies
Priscilla Hernandez Fan Picture by A Thousand Fairies

Priscilla, the Forest Fairy by A Thousand Fairies

Priscilla, the Forest Fairy is an art doll inspired by Priscilla Hernandez, her music, her magical voice, her beautiful photos and her love for the forest.
I really loved making this doll, I hope you like her too!

A Thousand Fairies by Sandra Correia
4 years 20 weeks ago
Priscilla Hernandez Fan Picture
Priscilla Hernandez Fan Picture


Tyger Tyger
4 years 36 weeks ago
Priscilla Hernandez Fan Picture
Priscilla Hernandez Fan Picture

Priscilla Hernandez. GROW. By Sam Olivert

Artist Instagram
Princess of the forest
color finished ! inspiration model @yidneth .. It was very nice to work with your songs and your photos inspire me too much, my favorite is " grow", I hope you enjoy this piece a lot, now I love forests more.

Sam Olivert
4 years 36 weeks ago

Latest Guestbook entries


Thanks for your 2 amazing cd's prescilla they were haunting and enchanting
..felt like a journey into a fairy realm .. i also love how u create the chorals
in your music be lovely to hear just a choral album from you :D , looking fwd to the new album :D

Karen Sweetland

You have enchanting music and I'm happy to hear and enjoy them.


Hello Priscilla, today I am sad because my beautiful Lilly hamster died yesterday August 23. She kept me company with her sympathy for two years and seven months. I will miss! I wrote you because you can understand my sadness. An affectionate greeting from your fans Massimo.


Hello Priscilla, when we have the chance to see your next album published together with a nice picture book? Thank you for your always beautiful music. A fan of yours from Italy Massimo


Pris , un abrazo que vuele y vuele de Asturias a Barcelona y llegue lleno de magia! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
