Priscilla Hernandez live lights


Priscilla Hernandez - Press reviews.pdf

The Underliving - one-sheet.pdf

Ancient Shadows - one-sheet.pdf

some live pictures.pdf

-WINNER of the INDEPENDENT MUSIC AWARDS 2008 as best new age album ("Ancient Shadows") See here

-WINNER Best new age song and album in JPFOLKS AWARDS 2008-2009 (Nashville)

-WINNER of "best rising talent in fantasy music" in IMAGINAMALAGA Comic con

-Nominated in LOS ANGELES MUSIC AWARDS as best new age song/ best female vocalist 2007("The realms of twilight")

The previous listed pdf and documents have some basic info about me and my music for press. But if you're a journalist, booking agent, radio broadcaster, or any other member of press and you're interested  in accessing a special private area  with sample mp3, technical riders and other specific private information for press only, do not hesitate in using the form at the side of this page. If you want to request further information you can always use the contact page for that purpose as well.

Some featured reviews and interviews you can find online
-Interview for MÚSICA PARA EL BUNKER (Spain, 2010)
-Interview for LITERATURA FANTÁSTICA (Spain, 2010)
-Interview at Cyber Angels (Netherlands, 2010)
-Featured artist at INFUSION RADIO (Spain, 2010)
-Review and Interview in EL ESCAPARARTE 2010
-Artist Spotlight at EMG-zine (USA, 2010)
-Video interview for the MAGICAL TIMES UK festival (April, 2010)
-Review of Ancient Shadows in HEATHEN HARVEST (Dec 2007)
-Review of Ancient Shadows in JUDAS KISS (webzine, UK)
-Interview in the magazinea ELEGY IBERICA (nº8) (Portugal, portuguese) PDF (autumn-winter 2007)
-Interview in the magazine CRAWLING TUNES (Nº3) (PDF) (Germany, german) Dec, 2007
-"El hada que dio calabazas a nueve sellos discográficos" (EL PERIODICO DE CATALUÑA) spanish, Nov, 2007 (pdf)
"The fairy who flew from La Palma forest" (CANARIAS 7) (Spain, Spanish) Dec 2007 (pdf)
"The fairy from La Palma forest" (EL PERINQUEN) (Spain, Spanish) Nov 2007
-Review of Ancient Shadows in Senhoras do Metal (Portuguese, May 2009)
-Review of Ancient Shadows in INDIGESTIO magazine (Jan, 2008)
-"En las alas del trance" (LA GACETA DE CANARIAS, Jan 2008)
-Presentación en prensa de MALLORCA FANTASTICA (LIBERTAD BALEAR) + info in MF blog here
-"The fairy of music" (DIARIO DE AVISOS) (Spain, Oct 2008)
-Interview in CRAWLING TUNES (issue 13) Pdf (Dec, 2007)
-Review of Ancient Shadows in SYNERGY MAGAZINE (pdf) (Australia, English, March 2008)
-Review of Ancient Shadows in SONIDO OBSCURO (9/10) (Spanish)
-ATLAS PLUGGED Iinterview "How I spend my summer tour" (Aug, 2008)
-Review of Ancient Shadows in MONDO SONORO (Spain, Spanish)
-Review of Ancient Shadows in LOSING IT (Italian)
-Review of Ancient Shadows in COLLECTED SOUNDS (US, English)
-Photographic report of live concert in razzmatazz by GTRSYNTH MAGAZINE (Spain, spanish)
-Review of Ancient Shadows in NEW AGE REPORTER (US, English)
-Review of Ancient Shadows in PARADOX ETHEREAL (Greece, English)
-"Priscilla Hernandez, son de axo" (EL CORREO GALLEGO) Spain, gallego Jul,2007
-Review of Ancient Shadows in FRIEDHOF magazine (Spanish)
-Review of Ancient Shadows in AMAZINGS (Spain, English)
-Review of Ancient Shadows in MENTENEBRE (Spain, Spanish)
-Review of Ancient Shadows in AURAL INNOVATIONS (English, USA)
-Review of Ancient shadows in EUFONIA (radio, Mexico) Spanish
-Review of Ancient Shadows by Mick Mercer (published in THE MICK magazine 2007 issue)
-Review of Ancient Shadows in ROCK TOTAL (9/10) (Spain, Spanish)
-Review of Ancient Shadows in AMAZINGS (Spain, English)
-Review of Ancient Shadows in LES AUTRE MONDES (France, french)
-Review of Ancient Shadows in LUNA KAFE (Sweden)
-Interview in FANTASY IS LOVE (March 2008, USA)
-Review of Ancient Shadows in DEVOLUTION MAGAZINE issue 13 (UK, English)
-Review of Ancient Shadows in MARGEN MAGAZINE (Spain, spanish)
-Phone interview with MYSTIC SOUNDSCAPES (online radio, USA, dec 2006) (mp3)
-Review in GUTS OF DARKNESS (French, Dec 2007)
-Review of Ancietn Shadows POPCHILD (Spain, 2008)
-Review of Ancietn Shadows in GOTHIC BEAUTY (nº25) (USA,2008)
-Review of Ancient Shadows in FAENATION (UK, english) Jan 07
-Interview of LA GANZUA (Spain, Spanish)
-Review of Ancient Shadows in GRAVE CONCERNS (US,English)
-Review of Ancient Shadows in NOIZZ webzine (Spain, Spanish)
-Review of Ancient Shadows in SIDELINE (Belgium, English)
-Review of Ancient Shadows in LE FANTASTIQUE (France, French)
-Review of Ancient Shadows in REFLECTIONS OF DARKNESS (US, English, May 2007)
-Review of Ancient Shadows in VERSACRUM (Italian, Italy Dec 2007)
-Review of Ancient Shadows in KALEIDOSCOPE magazine (UK, English)
-Review of Ancient Shadows in MORPHEUS MUSIC ( Uk, dec 2006) top 4 album
-Review of Ancient Shadows in GOTHIC UKRANIA (10/10) (Ukranian)
-Review of Ancient Shadows in GOTHTRONIC (Netherlands, English)
-Interview of Priscilla In Fantasy is love issue 1 (USA, English)
-Review of Ancient Shadows in VIRUS MAGAZINE (US, English)
-Interview and album review in MUSICAL DISCOVERIES (US, english)
-Review of Ancient shadows in DULCE MORGUE (Spanish, Spain)
-Review of Ancient Shadows in LA DEFUNCIÓN (Spanish, Spain)
-Entrevista a Priscilla Hernandez en la DEFUNCIÓN (Spain, Spanish)
-Official nomination for LOS ANGELES MUSIC AWRARDS (best song/best female vocalist) (pdf)
-Featured angel of the month in ANGELIC VOICES (English) Feb 2006
-Interview in LE FANTASTIQUE (France, French)
-Article about Priscilla in ANIMAMUSIC magazine (Spain, Spanish)
-Review of Ancient Shadows in EN EL AIRE (spanish webzine and online radio)
-Article about the making of Ancient Shadows in ARTICMIST (Spanish, Spain)
-Review in GOTHIC PARADISE (English)
-Article abour Priscilla in EL DIGITAL DE CANARIAS (Oct, 2007)
-Review of Ancient Shadows at RAMBLES.NET
-Review of Ancient Shadows in GUITARLAB (A+) Corea, korean
-Review of Ancient Shadows in INNANA NAKED (Spain, Spanish)
-Interview of Priscilla Hernandez in BELLA ONLINE (US, English)
-Review of Ancient Shadows in NEOZINE (US, English)
-Review of Ancient Shadows in LOST FRONTIER (Spain, Spanish)
-"Priscilla Hernandez, son de axo" (EL CORREO GALLEGO) España, gallician Jul,2007
-"El hada que dio calabazas a nueve sellos discográficos" (EL PERIODICO DE CATALUÑA) Spanish, Nov, 2007
-"Más allá de Enya y Vangelis las Nuevas Músicas carecen de apoyo en España" (EL DIA , Abril 2007)
-Priscilla Hernandez invita a viajar a un país de fantasía (LA OPINION de Tenerife) Spanish
-Interview of Priscilla Hernandez in Liquid stereo (July, 2003)
-Priscilla Hernandez en INTENDENCIAS (Navarra, Sept, 2005)
-Priscilla Hernandez seminifinalista en ENCUENTROS NAVARRA (Sept, 2005)
-Interview of Priscilla Hernandez in OCEAN VIEW PRESS (US, English) Feb 2006
-Interview of Priscilla Hernandez in LOST FRONTIER (2005)
-Radio feature in AIRES CELTAS (Oct, 2005) Spanish, Spain (mp3)
-"Musica para todos los gustos" (DIARIO DE NAVARRA, Sept, 2005)
-Crítica directo de Encuentros de Navarra (PDF) (Sept, 2005)
-Comments about a concert in Auditorio Barañain (DIARIO DE NAVARRA)
-Entrevista en RADIO COPE Navarra (2005) mp3
-Entrevista en RADIO ISLA (Junio, 2004; mp3)
-"The world of internet music" (TENERIFE NEWS) April 2003
-Interview in NEW AGE ESPAÑA (NAE) (Dec, 2003)
Interview in GODS OF MUSIC (Feb, 2003)
-Interview in THE WIREWEB (Jan, 2003)
-Interview in ECLECTICITY EZINE English (Sept, 2002)

Some other comments

"It still remains to be seen if she truly carves out an original image for herself and is more than the sum total of her music influences, however Priscilla is definitely a rising talent worth watching as she is truly a gifted vocalist and lyrically is definitely a true poet. I think overall Priscilla has long term appeal as her vocal style is strong will work well across multiple genres of music. David (Deep Blue Wonders ASCAP at GODS OF MUSIC) read the complete review (9/10)

"Priscilla Hernandez from the Canary Islands of Spain , exudes an otherworldly persona of infinite levels of artistic manifestion & character. Her gothic & classically inspired works weave a tapestry of textures with a splash of pop overtones & Adult Album Alternative undercurrents,a musical somnambulist that leads one by the hand to a distant shore of a unique & personal soundscape that is difficult to put a finger on or describe. She is an audio-sonic enigma.Priscilla transfixes a listener as she travels a timeless path towards the infinite musical horizon of light , love & song " (United global artists) read the complete review

"This artist may be on the brink of defining a new style of music " (Bill Bright at "gods of music")

"Weaving an audio visual world of fantasy and mystery, singer/songwriter/graphic artist Priscilla Hernandez presents her art forms in a very beautiful and cosmic way. She has style, grace, and exceptional artistic talent. Her songs take the listener on aural journeys to pleasant and exotic places that open up one's imagination and sensuality to higher levels of awareness and meaning". (radio free world)

"Her angelic sounds lifts me up and makes me want to fly. She brings tears into these dark eyes. There is so much love and passion behind her voice that you can't help to think that you are part of her world and that she is singing directly to you. Her fairy persona fits her well. “I Steal the Leaves”, is Priscilla at her fairy best. It is a must listen to. Her vocal style reminds me of a great singer right here in St. Louis amongst us. I’m sure after a listen you can figure out who I talk of. Priscilla has to be a dream come true. An answer to music’s big question…is it about the music or the money?… When it comes to Priscilla you can tell it’s about the love for the music." (

"This talented young lady has a powerhouse voice that one could compare to Toni Childs and early Celine Dion (when Ms. Dion actually sang with passion.) Her delivery is potent and controlled, yet it seems to bubble with a fire that could unleash into a torrent to defy the octave registers of any musical scale" Mike Ventarola: Hidden Sanctuary

"Priscilla Hernandez voice is at times hypnotic and at times persuasive, she succeeds in creating an atmosphere that is strangely pacifying. A place where you can shed your own cultivated defences, and shroud yourself in the weather's icy embrace instead." (Siddarth Dasgupta at GODS OF MUSIC)

-Read customer reviews at CDBABY

Above: Priscilla Hernandez signing for fans. Photo by Oristila Dieguez