Corset by The Dark Angel. Cloak by Dancing Wings. Horn by Freckles Faerie Chest. Photo by Héctor Corcín. Location: Urbasa Forest (Navarra) December 2017
Photo by Héctor Corcín

Winter´s solstice is the shortest day of the year but also the day light starts to return. Winter is not a light thief but a light bringer.
Pendant by Ronafly Creations
Photo by Héctor Corcín

Will you miss the rustle of my leaves? -the tree spirit whispered as they kept of falling and gliding around me.
"I steal the leaves, but I'll bring them back in Spring" -I replied. (Lyrics of one song of mine)
More of these series in my blog "Impressions of Autumn"
Photo by Héctor Corcín

Fantasy photography of me taken by my friend photographer Wui de Lue
Location: Zugarramurdi (2017)
Wui de Lue (wuidelue.com)

Beautiful portrait of me taken by my friend and fellow photographer Wui de Lue (La Llave del tiempo) https://www.instagram.com/wui_de_lue/
Wui de Lue


Photo by Juamma Garceso Photography
Model, Edit, Crown and stylism by myself
Location: Gorbeia Natural Park (Spain) Fall, 2016
Priscilla Hernandez, Juamma Garceso

Glorious Autumn, November 2016. Navarra, Spain
Top by Holy Clothing. Skirt by Linda Blankenship. Photo by Héctor Corcín.
Photo by Héctor Corcín

Photo by Héctor Corcín

"Pure Snow" (Winter 2016)
Models: me.; Robin: "Peti"
Dress: White Fantasía Dress by The Dark Angel
Photography by Juanma Garceso, Edit by Priscilla Hernández

Me while shooting some scenes for a video... I loved this location by this gnarled tree in Andía (Navarra). Red cloak and skirt by Linda Blankenship.
Photo by Héctor Corcín

Trying to find renewed inspiration and enjoying the energy and overwhelming beauty of the world around me. I've spent this summer and early fall getting back in contact with nature. As I heal and flow with it, as it nourishes and fill my spirit with new ideas, that are now taking shape to be shared with you :).
August 2015. Irati Forest. Navarra
Photo by Héctor Corcín

Another promotional picture from my single ETHEREAL, you can watch the videoclip here
Photo by Héctor Corcín, edit by Priscilla Hernández

Photo by Héctor Corcín

One of the promotional pictures of my single "ETHEREAL"
We get ready now for life under the light… don’t you feel Ethereal?
"Like transparent waters and clear lucid dreams
Iridescent and pale insect wings
I feel hyaline..."
Photo by Héctor Corcín and art edit by Priscilla Hernández

by the fig tree in the garden... I've been told it's also my tree in Celtic Astrology and though I confess i am not into Astrology I found it sweet that it's meant for people who love animals, so somehow fits.
Photo by Héctor Corcín

I am wearing a crown that was a gift from Debby Harper from Mimsy Crowns. I thought it was perfect to welcome the season, and though more pictures with it will follow here is one "spring-mood" one with it to thank her for her lovely gift. We are working too on a rather simple video we had filmed for "the waking of the spring" and a very minimal/celtic chant called "Sentinel" will be coming shortly And if you are in seasonal mood allow me to share my song "the waking of the spring"http://priscillahernandez.com/song/the-waking-of-the-spring
Photo by Héctor Corcín. Crown by Mimsy crowns

Picture inspired in my song The Call of the Nymph with custom headpiece by Trisha Leigh from Inner Fae Creations

Model: me :) as a fairy :)
Photography and art edition by Rebeca Saray (http://rebecasaray.com)
makeup/hair: Alassie from El Costurero Real
Chemise: Kelly MIller-Lopez, wings by Allyson Barlow and little wing faerie art
Photo by Rebeca Saray

One of the promotional shoots for my single Ethereal. It was really cool to shoot in a hyaline fresh water pond in the forest, it was the most lovely location and we also filmed some video there, stay tuned for the videoclip.
Photo: Héctor Corcín. Edit, gown/model/stylism: myself (Priscilla Hernandez)
Assistant: DuncanTrisquel,Wui de Lue, Dudo and Enya

One of the conceptual shots for my single Ethereal
Another shot for my single “Ethereal". Stay tuned for that (very soon)
unicorn horn by Freckles Fairy Chest
Wool floral headpiece by Deidre Dreams
Wig by Lockshop Wigs
Makeup/stylism/picture: myself
And yes it was not plotted but I also thought of Lady Almathea :) (I wish I could compete with her ethereality though)
Original photo and edition by Priscilla Hernandez

Me wearing the Dryad Crown I handmade. For fairy crafts made by me visit my store
Photo by Héctor Corcín, edition by Priscilla Hernandez

I feel hyaline... I feel ethereal!
Photo: Rebeca Saray
Costume: Myself, wings also designed by myself but manufactured by Enchanted Costumes
Make up/Hair by Alassie (El Costurero Real) She did a super amazing job!
Visit Rebeca Saray website for more amazing Fantasy/steampunk/fashion professional photograpy
You can see here some impressions of the making of this picture
Rebeca Saray

This is a picture taken during the filming of "In the mist" concept inspired by The Underliving cover, make up by Alassie (El Costurero real) and the wonderful hair extensions of wool endorsed by lovely Briony from Woodland Wild (wool) and Puppy Cat Meow (white and silver braids)
Héctor Corcín

me and Ritva (birch branch) sharing secrets at twilight. Picture taken as card to greet all my friends Merry Xmas and happy 2012! As you all know I have two rats TUULA and RITVA, my partner Héctor Corcín created a youtube channel for them and is also composing original piano music for the rats... yes for them! LOL so I guess now he's so much in love with them than I am, we call them "Fufunchis" and we want to share her little lives and joys at http://youtube.com/fufunchis.
I'm having a bad time trying to convince my friends (even my brother!) that rats are so AMAZING, they are... so I thought that maybe some pictures in my official site with them will help some of my "scared" listeners to have a further look to appreciate the unique uniqueness of these so misunderstood pets. So if you think EWW or arg... why don't you try to see one "close" ... you may discover they're in fact, super cute
Photo by Héctor Corcín. Edition by Priscilla Hernández

Photography and art by my friend and talented artist Susan Schroder. You can buy the print at her website.
Photography by Susan Schroder

Photo by Héctor Corcín

Priscilla Hernandez in Eugui Forest
Héctor Corcín

All the fairies are gone
Héctor Corcín/Priscilla Hernandez

Still taken during the video filming of my videoclip Away
Photo by Héctor Corcín

This is a portrait my fellow and artist Susan Schroder made of me and my soul sister Kelly Miller (singer and harpist from Woodland). You can buy limited prints of this image (which by the way moves my soul so much) at Susan Schroder Official website.
Photography by Susan Schroder

me and my fairy sister Kelly Miller Lopez from the band Woodland portrayed as the sisters from the fairy tale Snowhite and Rose Red
Photography by Héctor Corcín, photomanipulation by Priscilla Hernandez

Promotional shoot for the song Away, shooted in Barcelona 2006
Photography by Héctor Corcín, photomanipulation by Priscilla Hernandez

Picture inspired in the illustration by Arthur Rackham
Photography by Héctor Corcín

Wearing a dress by The Dark Angel and with wings painted by me that then came to life thanks to Enchanted Costumes for my performances.
Photography by Héctor Corcín, photomanipulation by Priscilla Hernandez

Picture featured as cover of the first issue of FAE MAGAZINE
Photomanipulation by Priscilla Hernandez

Dress by El Costurero Real
Photography by Héctor Corcín, photomanipulation by Priscilla Hernandez

Photo made by Sebastiá Pagarolas wearing a custom moth garments from El Costurero Real, published in exclusive in FAE magazine 2010 summer issue.
Photography by Sebastiá PagarolasSebastiá Pagarolas wearing garments of El Costurero Real, published in exclusive in FAE magazine 2010 summer issue. I'm featured in the picture with fellow singer songwriter Lady Morte from gothic band Trobar de Morte. Photography by Sebastiá Pagarolas

Dreams are Dreams but the dreams are dreaming
I am the Dream, I am not the Dreamer
(Flying, Storm)
Location: Aralar, Navarra, Spain
Héctor Corcín

Priscilla Hernandez

Photo by Héctor Corcín

Photo by Héctor Corcín
