Working in The Underliving artworks non stop... Friday USTREAM CONCERT

Well, reaching the end of it :), if things going well and working this month at this pace, early September all artworks and final mix of The Underliving should be ready to go to the factory. If we can fund the release (and thanks to all my supporters I'm setting a page for you that will launch soon) the Cd should be ready early August and so far we intend to premier it in Faeriecon (USA) and Hispacon (Spain) both in November. Please consider to spread the link of in your networks, or share "off the lane" videoclip, or buy the single, or make a contribution, everything helps.!

So remember this drawing?

I decided to make the neck a bit shorter and while painting the eyes a bit less cartoonish, half of the drawings in the cd are more cartoon and the other half more "realistic" style, but I decide while painting to mingle a bit.

So here's  a snippet about how the thing is looking at the moment, just a crop of a much bigger picture I should be sharing in a few days.



20:30 CET

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I'll be gifting the original pencil sketch shown above among the listeners by the way.