Farewell to Autum photoshoot

"I steal the leaves but I´ll bring them back in Spring"

Sharing some pictures from a recent photoshoot in Gorbeia (Spain), a supermagical location and hauntingly beautiful beechwood in North of Spain. Pictures were taken by Juamma Garceso Models myself and my friend Rocío Tudela aka. azamespirit.  We both made our own crowns and overall costumes. It was a lovely day and we even saw some beautiful deer when the forest turned dark. I know I have not posted much in my blog lately but I'm very active over my instagram account

I am though more determined to share more making of and photoshoots and some records of our hiking and outdoor adventures over here... One of my resolutions for next year is not only to have the new CD done but also to re-organize the entire official site and give it a spin :)