Welcome home Taika :)


Some listeners and fans when I had Totonika my hamster (love u still Toto, mummy misses you) sent me plush toys of little rats. At the end I had all these three, a white, a brown and a gray one. They´ve seen since then in our room. Then Fufunchis my rats found our home, a lovely white husky RITVA and a brown agouti :) TUULA. Their names are finnish and means Birch branch and Little Wind.  But then last 16th December!! (yes my birthday) a baby russian blue gray cute in my friend´s rattery (Piece of Heaven rattery) and I asked cautiously if there were gray females in the litter, they replied there were in fact three but all reserved and I thought well it was not the time... but that´s the magic about it all :) she finally was un-reserved and I got a call to ask if I wanted her... and suddently there's a third gray rat in our family :) just like the plush toys over I had...
The prophecy became true... Welcome home TAIKA (means magic, spell in finnish too)

And thus FUFUNCHIS are now THREE and have their "muppet plush toys clones" LOL hahaha. Though we don't discard to increase our family ;-) there´s a little gray ball now there, so tiny and so cuttttttttttte! Only two days and learning so fast, still there´s some time until we can make full presentations of the babies and adult ones as they require to get used to each other bit by bit, but so far, so good they gaze each other with curiosity :)

Here's TAIKA as a  three weeks baby (now she's five) We visited her in the rattery too :) as soon as we knew she was going to be part of the family :)

above: photo of Taika courtesy of Piece of Heaven Rattery

And now the little earthquake now in our home, her first pictures exploring :) Hope you'll have a long and happy life with us. We love you already. Welcome home TAIKA!

you can click for high resolution photo


Me and Taika (from finnish "magic", "spell"). She is grows since he came home but still sooo tiny :) Hello Taika, this is mummy!

Taika besides  The Underliving digibook so you can see how small she is still :) (yeah subliminal self-promotion, thank you sweet baby!)

I'm curious about EVERYTHING :), yep this is cool! :)

And I'm so perfectly CUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUTE :)

Taika, just like Tuula and Ritva now their new two elder sisters, come from Piece of Heaven Rattery. And for any stumbling upon this blog because they found a cute rat pic ;-) Taika is not alone, she'll have two friends, always pick more than one rat and do it always from a breeder, you'll thank the advice and the likely long term health of your rat.


Welcome home Taika :)

and remember, if you want to send a welcome card to Taika or any correspondence to fufunchis! (or me, though I admit they get more correspondence than myself LOL)

Priscilla Hernandez attn. "Fufunchis"

Pobox 18046

08080. Barcelona. Spain