I love you my little bug!

Totonika is my hamster. She is my first pet since Kira died. For a long time of trauma after Kira´s departure, a wound still not healing, so I refused to have pets for a while. I suffered horribly Kira´s loss and I still do. Then suddenly this little critter TOTONIKA NOVA came to my life. A hamster. I had a rat and a hamster before, in fact my last hamster Yumi and Kira were best friends for a long time. And Toto won our hearts. We created her blog too to showcase her cuteness. And the fact is that as a previous owner of rodents Totonika was special. First she learnt to live with the cage open and free, slowly moved to my wardrobe, or inside the sofa, destroyed all my clothes :) and made me smile thousands of times. She is an expert climber and pests us with her loving personality, loves to be massaged and caressed, likes to go outdoors with a leash and talks to us with dog-like barks coming to her name when called. She is AMAZING and still alive at this very moment she´s struggling in the vet clinic. Last night she had a stroke and then had difficulty to move and breath, recovered a bit and got worse today, after X-rays and tests a big mass was found in her belly and her lungs are full of fluid, just at the vet she had another stroke and stopped breathing to be reanimated by the vet again, she´s under oxygen in the hospital now and I'm here thinking of her and wanting to be by her side. She´s a fighter, I know she´ll try, she loves living. But just as happened with Kira, if another wound and missing is coming to my life, Totonika IT IS WORTH every second and every SMILE you've provided to me. Mummy and daddy love you tons! and YOU ARE without any doubt the CUTEST HAMSTER EVER.

See you tomorrow my love! mummy is her thinking of you.