I'll share "Northern Lights" sketch as I paint and I progress as well as a diary of the artworks...

So previous blog post I shared the pencil sketch of  "Northern Lights" (read the Lyrics) a song dedicated to the dying Arctic, and it portrays the journey of a wolf (I painted also a wolf girl but wolf and girl are the same thing) journeying to North to behold the Northern Lights, So full pencil sketch... Today I made an overall matte painting background and started to add details to the face of the wolf girl. I'll try to finish her and start details on the wolf tomorrow. Here´s a detail:

I shall be posting how this particular drawing progresses to show it as example, though of course there are 16 songs (hint hint lots of work)

How the idea started (overall idea, clothing design, blah blah), then clean pencil sketch before starting to paint. I'll be posting the  updates editing this very entry as I proceed

Then cleaning the overall idea (took the profile side option).

Then starting to paint the background, overall turquoise and dark wash with some blurred pine trees, drew somelines and duplicated the layer several times with different levels of blur and glow, will post the overall background once I put a few more details, Then starting to color some detail on the face. I always start by the faces... it's like something I should not but always do.http://theunderliving.com

I also finished some pencil  sketches for "a thought at the dreams door" among others. Thanks to all the ones reading and supporting this project, and please keep on spreading theunderliving.com

I'll keep posting updates, so bookmark the blog.

Update:  today I sort of finished matte painting the background and overall Northern lights,  and started to add details to the figure. Not entirely convinced may make it overall darker... but so far, this is how it looks. More in the following days. Feel lazy now to start painting the wolf and the fur, so may rest with another drawing in between.