Sketching, painting the artworks for the Underliving. Sharing a few drawings.

These days I'm diving in my pencils, watercolors and the desktop is complete chaos, but well rendering the drawings for the soon to be The Underliving new album (thanks to the friends that have donated, and for the ones thinking about it, our deadline is mid summer, though we trust we´ll make it somehow). Music is done and being mixed/mastered, only a few  details will be added including some guest musicians.

So this is the official UNDERLIVING logo :)  If you see the T has lots of branches (reminiscent of "off the lane" video an single) and the U is made out of two Underliving beings.

But these days on ... painting and painting ... so fun. Below you can see one of the "transformation" sketches. "Unfurl and become" where our little girl dreams of being one of the creatures of the Underliving world under the guidance of them. Of course now needs coloring, it's barely inked. There will be quite a few of this "sketchy" style which I´m enjoying a lot.

Of course there will be photBeen working this days also in drawings of some of the songs not included in the main  theme, like in Northern Lights that I dedicate to the dying Arctic. I have already made the pencil sketch, the wolf is greatly inspired by Kira.  I'll take this one to post examples of how it progresses with the coloring, right now matte-painting the landscape. :)

And more soon...

Please support us, spreading website, telling your friends, watching and rating and commenting the underliving videos in youtube, purchasing "off the lane" single, contributing with a little donation... or simply providing an encouraging word. Love you! More soon... back to the desktop!