You´ll be here in my heart... always

Ritva is still alive but very frail. I want to share this story with you.

Yesterday I randomly picked one dvd from my shelf, It was Disney´s Tarzan, It had been long since I last watched though I had been remembering the soundtrack and decided to watch it. I had found some videos of Tuula (one of my rats that died recently) and holding Ritva (her sister who is superfrail yet superstrong and struggling with old age). The song "You´ll be in my heart" started and I found myself in tears, every single line was matching my love for her (and her sisters) and even at the end "just look over your shoulder" she crawled up and placed herself on Hector´s shoulder, it was real-time freaking awesome tear-jerking experience and so moving. And when the lyrics even said "no matter what they say" which is actually the name of the song I wrote for them... word by word, our story, and our love and now I appreciate this song tons more cos it's reached me to the core. Take a moment to relate the lyrics. It is worth. And Ritva, you're only two days away from your third birthday, hope I can celebrate it with you my sweet strong girl.

Whenever you have to go, I will understand. You will be in my heart.... always.

update 4th October: SHE MADE IT! She is 3 years old now :) So I decided to spontaneously record this as a gift for her. :) sorry the clumsy playing but I'm playing one-handed and holding Ritva with the other LOL and it was not easy LOL.
For you my sweetheart!