Digital and mixed media

Nicasia, a fairy-steampunk illustratrion
Commission for the book "La Corte de los Espejos" written by Concepción Perea, made for a gallery of characters that will be shown along with th e presentation of the book in Barcelona, in an event I'll also be featured as music performer and also illustrator.
Facebook event
Info about La Corte de los Espejos
The Green Fairy

This one may have a slight "steampunk" flair to it, though it is still fairy, I guess. :) No Absynthe liquor LOL but certainly inspired by the Green Fairy. Digital painting over pencil sketch. Previous states can be seen in my facebook and instagram :). I may make a few changes still.
Dedicated to my friends in Barcelona that love Steampunk :) thanks for the challenge!
The Underliving CD cover

CD cover of THE UNDERLIVING (released in 2011) illustrated music digibook Digital painting over ink sketch. I tried to mimic this illustration in my videoclip IN THE MIST

Another drawing of my own personal "night horror" I had previously portrayed in several drawings like this one and my own song "Nightmare" This was included in the illustrated booklet of my second illustrated music album THE UNDERLIVING.
Watercolor painting scanned and then enhanced digitally
Dormant in the corner of your eyes

Digital painting upon pencil illustration I made for my conceptual music/illustrated digibook THE UNDERLIVING
This illustration is precisely the one that was made for the main theme "The Underliving"
As I also suffer from sleep paralysis and quite a wild in between awareness and sleep odd alter-life :) I wonder if any of you have stumbled upon with the "shadow people" :) in your sp experiences. Somehow I've conveyed my experiences and ventured my own fantasy theory creating The Underliving world but I'd be curious and happy to listen to your own experiences.
Dormant in the corner of your eyes
always there always hidden to your sight
Hush and then you'll hear the songs that silence bring

One of the illustrations I made for "The Underliving" illustrated music digibook. This one in particular illustrates the song "Ode to the silence" that you can see in this video where you can appreciate the making of the artworks as well as the music of "ode to the silence"
Feel the thrill

Feel the thrill is one of the illustrations shown in my new music album (ILLUSTRATED MUSIC DIGIBOOK) The Underliving. Time to go back to the woods... and feel the thrill of the wild side.
You can also read the poem/lyrics and stream the song in this link
Kill this lifeless stillness: the Aftermath

Drawing made for one of the pages of my music album THE UNDERLIVING, the song is called "The Aftermath"
"Kill this lifeless stillness that set ablaze my sorrows"
In my mind´s eye

Illustration and conceptual art made for the song "In my mind's eye" featured in my forthcoming music album The Underliving that will have also a booklet with my illustrations. Looking forward to share, hopefully releasing within the year.
You can read also a blog entry of how I made steps to create this illustration from conceptual design to the final result. I scanned the pencil sketch with basic watercolor colouring and then enhanced digitally.
Lost soul

BUT YOU KNOW moths fly to light when they're blind in delight (these are words from my song NOTHING) published in Ancient Shadows, where I used this picture, it was though one of the first final designs of THE UNDERLIVING creatures that later became a digibook/ music/art project released recently (+info at
The ghost Fairy

Illustration for the back cover of the ghost Booklet in my album Ancient Shadows.
Dying Fireflies

One of the first conceptual sketches made for The Underliving artworks. Dying Fireflies.
Victorian Self-portrait

Ancient Shadow