Hello and welcome to the forum !
This will be a general place to post anything about Priscilla Hernandez art, music or anything related to her.
- To be able to interact more allowing to comment, discuss... which is what a forum is for..
- As a generic place to write other contents on the website.
- While we like and continue to use social networks like facebook or twitter to instantly notify followers, we want to try to have a place to have all the information in place. Sometimes the information is lost in the social networks and we also never know when facebook could simply disappear for example.
- It is intended to be a place where any registered member can start a topic to write anything related to Priscilla's art, or comment already existing topics.
- To ask anything to Priscilla or Hector.
- Propose public ideas!
- Whatever!
- Not spam ;)
- Anyone can read the contents of the forum
- Registered users can read and write posts and comments to other posts.
- Any offensive content, or spam could magically disappear by the forces of nature and the faeries.