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The Underliving Review by Lissa-Käthe

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Imagen de Lissa-Käthe
se unió: 2011-12-30
The Underliving Review by Lissa-Käthe

Dear Priscilla

I would like to express my elation on hearing 'The Underliving' This is my 'review' of this most amazing album

This is simply an exceptional and most mellifluous journey to find myself immersed in. From the first sounds of 'The Mist' I was transfixed, held as though in the arms of a prayer and with intrigue and evocative play it beckoned me.

Then into the boldness and excitement of The Underliving, riding high on those drums and rhythmic strings, moving with purpose to where we would normally fear to go.

A whole new landscape opens up before me as 'The Thrill', lures me to more daring places. I am loved and soothed by the whistle and piano. There is no turning back, I don't want to leave, these secrets moving through me like ghosts.

I feel I am now given my purpose, to live 'Through The Long Way' the piano now part of my heart and tumbling me in slow motion high above the way I am meant to be going, I see all my world before me. That rhythmic, building percussion and swelling piano and strings give me bravery now to let go.

'Don't Be Sad' that molasses like Cello tells me, those vocals like velvet, the orchestration filling every space, cushioning me against the pain and in surrounding arms I feel safe again. That familiar piano forever climbing, harmonic vocals simply intoxicating.

'In My Minds Eye' arrives, fresh and full of wisdom, those harmonies again luring me into this dream, those strings are definitive and show the way to go, almost in an urgency, but stays right by my side. That lovely percussion reassures me I am not alone. Beautiful fiddle and bells surround me like in a dance.

Now should we venture 'Off The Lane'? whispers send chills through me. That slow drum tentatively but bravely treads the unknown way. The piano follows suit and I am feeling in sync with every instrument as we reluctantly move forward to fade.

The Elements speak, eerie whispers warn as vocals surround like rain. A march with dignity, drums step for me and Cello clears the way, So we are braver now, but only if you take me with you? harmonies again hold me like loving arms and whisper through me reassuring my heart as the storm subsides.

Here we are at 'The Aftermath' the raw bells and whirring, almost metalic sounds as flutes spread their wings. A constant rhythm keeps me grounded and those ethereal vocals once again surround me.

Then the dreamscape changes 'The Windsong' howls in and intimate bells and voices encircle me as the Cello woos the elements again. Orchestral strings pulsate and the wind builds and builds, electric guitar sings through the swirl until the wind drops with a crazy slam.

The bells again soothe my soul in 'An Ode To Silence' and I am transported to a delicate space where piano begins to weave me a bed and flute my pillow. Angelic vocals as the thread of whispers penetrate subtly.

'Northern Lights' lay me down as the Cello takes my hand through smooth swells, The vocals are nurturing and so beautiful and Goddess like. Gorgeous string section anthems as you begin to see those lights appear. Percussion strong and purposeful, slow and comforting.

Piano and Cello open a wondrous door as the sweet emotive vocals and harmonies wake you gently for 'Morning Light' You are never for a minute alone with so much around you, the clever way all the orchestration is arranged as though creating a sacred space for the Cello, piano and vocals to speak directly to you. This is a place in this dream that is a favorite place to be.

We are now 'At The Dreams Door' such satin vocals, so close to you, how can I not be in this dream. The organic-ness of the piano especially draws me into this space, it inspires my own heart. Such a grand and majestic sound surrounding me. Those harmonies being the thread all along.

'One Last Hope' and we are led by the hand by our very own desires. The blend of these magnificent female vocalists are simply magical, this is rare and sacred for such a vocal harmony to be found. So much hope is created.

Totonika Nova bounces my spirit as the piano again dances with my heart. such bold harmonies and the sound of a harp inspires much light. I feel by now I am part of the journey and not just an observer.

Oh Kira is so alive in those dancing dulcimer sounds, That Cello is like her warm strength, Such precious vocals so sincere. 'Goodnight Kira' you are always here

We 'Rise' now, with the wind, with the deep earth, with those mystical strings piercing through to reach the lull of guitar and as the voices subside, we are left standing alone. We have emerged from the dream, from 'The Underliving' and now...I want to journey it all again.

Thank you Priscilla Hernandez
