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Flight of Dragons (main theme) OST Cover by Priscilla Hernandez (original music composed by Maury Laws)

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Priscilla Hernandez
Imagen de Priscilla Hernandez
se unió: 2009-12-13
Flight of Dragons (main theme) OST Cover by Priscilla Hernandez (original music composed by Maury Laws)




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Credits: original composition by Maury Laws. My cover reproduced with permission by original  awarded composer/arranger/conductor  Maury Laws (thank you <3)


Arrangement of this cover and all that is sounding by me: Priscilla Hernandez (voice lead and choir, harp, flute, recorder, chalumeau, percussion)  

I first listened Maury Laws  music in The Hobbit, an animated version of  Tolkien`s book I'm still very fond of.  He was alson featured in Rankin/Bass animated movie "The Flight of Dragons" a truly magical experience and in an era previous to role-games and videogames an ode to lovers of fantasy overall. I remember the music to be epic and though my copy of the movie is aged and sound is not as clean as I would love, as a film-music lover I remember the  poignant and epic melodies and of course the well known opening titles that were sung by Don Mclean back then. 
Probably the best dragon movie ever made
I grew up in the eighties where Rankin/Bass cartoon movies were magical. Flight of Dragons was my favorite, close second was The Last Unicorn another Rankin/Bass classic animation.  I remember that when I was a wee one I got sick and I couldn't go on trek to the forest with the rest of my classmates, I had to stay at home and that day Spanish television aired Flight of dragons, I couldn't tape all of it, but just the last part, but when I told the rest of my class that I had seen a movie about dragons and a  princess and magic, noone believed me. It was many years later that I got a full copy of it, and I think this movie got also into board and rpg games like hero quest, and later fantasy role games. :)  Secretly I wanted to look like princess Melisande, and having  long blonde hair myself, I used the braided fashion quite a lot  :).
Above: Princess Melisande and Peter. I so wanted to look like princess Melisande, maybe because we had similar hair :). Below me several decades later, still with fairytale princess complex, but much much older LOL 
So yes the movie was big to me even slightly inspired my first attempt of a novel (I was like eight years old LOL). So said that, yes I am a fan of the movie, maybe one of the biggest I know.  And here is my little tribute to the movie that you can listen here in my site as courtesy of the original composer Maury Laws. :)
Here the lyrics 
Flight of dragons soar in the purple light
In the sky or in my mind
Flight of dragons sail past reality
Leave illusion behind

Is it the past I see
When I look up to the heavens
Believing in the magic
That I know could never be

I want to go where they are going
Into the world they've been
Can I open up my mind enough to see

Flight of dragons, heavenly argosies
Catch the wind, rise out of sight
Flight of dragons, pilots of fantasy
In the sky or in my mind

Flight of dragons
Flight of dragons 
Read about Maury laws biography in WIKIPEDIA
Maury Laws official composer site


I dedicate this cover to all he team of artists that were working in The Flight of Dragons reboot in live action movie. We are all fans and there was a neat team there working with illusion for the project. For now, it's been cancelled, but there remains the facts many crafters, artists and people have gathered somehow in the recognition and love for this movie. 


BY THE WAY I recommend to purchase the original animated movie, there's a DVD release distributed by Warner, and despite having not a very representative cover, the animation is really cool for the time, but most of it it is a 80´s entertaining movie of adventure, fantasy and magic that every rpg and games fans should give a watch.



Did you like this cover, listen also to "Hocus Pocus" OST, another haunting magical favorite from my childhoot at:

Priscilla Hernandez: singer/composer/instrumentalist/illustrator
Unfurl and live through the Long Way

Imagen de Ainat
se unió: 2011-12-05

No quiero dejar de escucharla,una y otra vez...inmediatamente me introduce a una gran historia,es el cover mas profundo a mi parecer hasta ahora,dignisimo de una pelicula o la introduccion a una serie magistral.

La personal voz de Don me trajo a la mente la de Neil Finn,queridisima Priscilla,seria de tu agrado interpretar precisamente la melodia final de "un viaje inesperado"? es una gran cancion,para una gran pelicula.

Es probable que se aleje un poco de tu estilo,pero siempre puedes adaptarlo,cubrir y abrazar la melodia con tus etereas alas.

Besos,y sigo,sigo escuchando...


En sueños nada me impide llegar a la isla de San Borondón,La Encantada,trocito perdido de la Atlá desapareces entre tu niebla despertaré.Mi espíritu galopa,sobre puentes de ramas,bajo un cielo de aguas nacientes,abrigada por el valor del viento

Angelica S. Art
Imagen de Angelica S. Art
se unió: 2013-08-29

magical and beautiful, you have the voice of an angel 

Imagen de MonicaNG
se unió: 2009-10-26

*____* Muero, Pris. Te quedó estupendísima. Gana muchísimo cantada por una voz femenina, parece como si la cantara la propia princesa Melisandre/Priscilla, jiji ^_^

Imagen de Javarnpro
se unió: 2013-08-28

Preciosa interpretación Priscilla, ha quedado mejor que la original.

Mythmusica The ...
Imagen de Mythmusica The Podcast
se unió: 2013-08-30

Hello Priscilla!

Wonderful cover, beautifully executed. Funny thing about the animated move -- it was supposed to be based on a coffee table book of the same name, but they incorporated the plot of the book, "The Dragon and the George".. I do highly recommend both books, as well as the movie...

Priscilla Hernandez
Imagen de Priscilla Hernandez
se unió: 2009-12-13

Thanks everyone indeed for your lovely comments, 

the original music is by Maury Laws and his is the dredit of the haunting melody but I tried to make a heartfelt rendition and I can say I am playing everything that is sounding :)  from harp to concert flute and vocals :)

Wanting to re-watch the movie again