Newest released song


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Vídeo In the Bleak Midwinter (YIDNETH STUDIO Xmas Special) Priscilla Hernandez 2019-01-05 21:09
Vídeo In the Bleak Midwinter Admin 2018-12-24 18:11
Noticias In the Bleak Midwinter (YIDNETH STUDIO Xmas Special) Priscilla Hernandez 2018-12-21 00:00
Vídeo Haunted (2018 version and official videoclip) Priscilla Hernandez 2018-11-19 13:04
Noticias New Official Video and new version of my song HAUNTED Priscilla Hernandez 2018-11-01 16:18
Noticias New PATREON website to support my work Priscilla Hernandez 2018-11-01 15:33
Lyrics Haunted Priscilla Hernandez 2018-11-01 13:26
Lyrics Līgo Priscilla Hernandez 2018-08-24 18:43
Vídeo The Closing of the Year ( from Toys OST Cover) Merry Xmas from YIDNETH STUDIO Priscilla Hernandez 2018-08-24 15:00


Two new illustrations (Original art) and re-organizing music contents in the song pannel

Two new illustrations in the ART gallery, "The Ivy Fairy" and "The fallen angel".

Featured song and interview at GODS OF MUSIC

Sueño muerto got a rating of 9/10 at GOM ((read review)and besides the song has been featured at the front page of GOM 15th-16th of january which has been a great exposure. Priscilla has been also interviewed at the site.