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Some highlights and pictures from Hostalric Medieval Fair and other news

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Priscilla Hernandez
Imagen de Priscilla Hernandez
se unió: 2009-12-13

It was way fun, I would love to repeat with Drakonia as organizers, they were really kind and friendly. Plus my favorite part was the jam by the fire.

Priscilla Hernandez: singer/composer/instrumentalist/illustrator
Unfurl and live through the Long Way

Imagen de Hector
se unió: 2011-04-01

It was a small but lovely venue. I had to do both sound technical engineer and playing at the same time.. not easy haha.. It was going to be just Priscilla and me at first.. but then Jorge said ok, I would like to play guitar for you too... and then Sveta said.. ok I can go that day and play the cello... and then she said.. and I know a violinist that wants to go too!!... so the technicals got a bit more complex but we managed to do it :D 

in the shadows...

se unió: 2011-11-19



Priscilla Hernandez
Imagen de Priscilla Hernandez
se unió: 2009-12-13

Thank you. We are trying to close now a few other medieval fairs with the semi-acoustic format. Not that we are exactly medieval but I guess the fantasy celtic influenced music fits enough. Still we´ll have more news about that soon.