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Imagen de Ainat
se unió: 2011-12-05

Your muses do not stop, comes a new melody of your wings! And how beautiful it will,I know it,remember that I have some of witch.Happy summer solstice, which is full of inspiration for you!

En sueños nada me impide llegar a la isla de San Borondón,La Encantada,trocito perdido de la Atlá desapareces entre tu niebla despertaré.Mi espíritu galopa,sobre puentes de ramas,bajo un cielo de aguas nacientes,abrigada por el valor del viento

Priscilla Hernandez
Imagen de Priscilla Hernandez
se unió: 2009-12-13

Ethereal is advancing really quick, specially cos it's a minimalistic track :)

it features mostly piano and Oscar tribal thunder drum that was gently endorsed by Tribal Thunder percussion :)

We plan to make a simple video to launch it :) and though Rivendel is scheduled to release first we may even release Ethereal before due to being simpler in production :)


Imagen de juanpablohan1
se unió: 2012-06-02

que ganas de oirlo

What if we rise, from the Underliving?

Priscilla Hernandez
Imagen de Priscilla Hernandez
se unió: 2009-12-13

Ya está casi, pero igual lo retrasamos un poco para hacer algún video sencillo para su estreno :)

Priscilla Hernandez
Imagen de Priscilla Hernandez
se unió: 2009-12-13

The video is already up

Priscilla Hernandez
Imagen de Priscilla Hernandez
se unió: 2009-12-13

Please comment/rate in youtube or here and share it if you can