Priscilla Hernandez Lucid Dreaming

Autograph in photopaper matte 11x15 cm Signed by Priscilla Hernandez. If you want a special dedicatory specify it in the checkout page just before the payment in the comments text field.
Eternal rest

Photopaper matte, size: 11.5cm x 15cm (b/w) Signed by Priscilla Hernandez. If you want a special dedicatory specify it in the checkout page just before the payment in the comments text field.
Autógrafo: Hada Púrpura (Purple fairy)

Foto promocional de Priscilla Hernández y con el diseño original de The ghost Fairy wings que utliza en sus conciertos.
Papel fotográfico satinado brillante, tamaño 8.5cm x 13cm, papel de textura especial (no deja huella)
Firmada por Priscilla Hernandez. Si además quieres una dedicatoria especial especifícala en el campo de texto de "comentarios" cuando procedas en la compra.
Priscilla Hernández Ethereal autograph

Glossy satin photopaper small printed photograph
Signed by Priscilla Hernández if you wish a custom dedicatory please specify it in the "comments" box when you make the purchase.
disclaimer: watermark is not included in the final product
The waking of the Spring: Priscilla Hernandez

Signed by Priscilla Hernandez. If you want a special dedicatory specify it in the checkout page just before the payment in the comments text field.