Is this music copyrighted?
Yes, all music is copyrighted to Priscilla Hernandez. This is not COPYLEFT music and all Rights reserved and cannot be shared without her permission. If you're interested in using my music in a movie/short movie/advertisement or other publish broadcasting of the style you need to contact me for licensing information the same if you want custom music to be composed for your media project. Do not hesitate writing I'm open to proposals. No, of course I'm not pursuing a fan-video, I'm meaning serious media releases "borrowing" the music. You can preview almost my entire works for free legally and there are also free downloads, but I am a small independent artist and I do thank when someone makes the effort of actually purchase a legal copy of the album for themselves and doesn't share it in their torrents. Every cd sold is money for my forthcoming project and though this is something unavoidable I want you to understand that each cd has been a great investment of time, dedication and money and though I perform live regularly it doesn't cover the expenses of making music. And well if you did already LOL copied it from a not legal source... well at least I hope you like it enough to consider buying it! ;-)