Priscilla Hernandez: ethereal gothic singer-songwriter and fantasy illustrator news /Priscilla Hernandez: compositora de gótico etérea e ilustradora de arte fantástico.
This newsletter is in ENGLISH. Esta newsletter también está en español.

ENGLISH:Next Saturday 20th AUGUST 21:30 CET I'll be performing from my home studio a little broadcast accoustic concert (piano, hammered dulcimer, harp) of some old songs and also some new songs from my forthcoming album The Underliving. If you do not have a ustream account you can also enter the chat and broadcast with your facebook or twitter account. All you have to do is to go and enter in the broadcast section of the site, the event is open and free for everyone to attend and have a friendly chat/ webcam miniconcert with me.!!
ESPAÑOL: El próximo SÁBADO 20 de Agosto 21:30 CET haré un pequeño concierto acústico desde mi estudio mediante webcam y tocando el piano, dulcimer y arpa, interpretaré temas antiguos y también temas de nuestro nuevo proyecto The Underliving.. Si no tienes cuenta USTREAM no pasa nada, podéis entrar con facebook o con twitter. Os esperamos el sábado en la sección de "conciertos en línea".

ENGLISH: Remember you can already listen and watch the videoclip "Off the lane" (first single from THE UNDERLIVING). Also for only 1 Euro you can buy in the store the digital download of "Off the lane" at our store (soon also in ITUNES) and you get the download of the song and also a free karaoke. If you are a press media you can request a digital download for free in order to promote the forthcoming release.
ESPAÑOL: Recordad que ahora podéis ver el videoclip de "Off the lane" (primer single de THE UNDERLIVING) Por 1 Eur puedes comprar en la tienda la descarga digital con un karaoke instrumental gratuito. Si eres un meido de prensa puedes contactarme para acceder a su descarga gratuita con el fin de promocionarlo.
ENGLISH :We are scheduled to release THE UNDERLIVING EARLY FALL. Remember We have setup also a crowdfunding for the release and more info at the official section of the album We have also added a downloadeble "excerpt" demoreel and a video trailer at the very section as well as a CROWDFUNDING, we have a deadline mid September in order to be able to premier it in Faeriecon next November. So please consider to help us. We´ll be listing very soon a donors page, deadline to appear in the booklet as donor is 10th September. YOU CAN HELP US, even if you can't donate you can buy our single, buy our first album, or simply spread the link in your networks. Love you! thanks!
ESPAÑOL: Necesitamos mandar a fabricación THE UNDERLIVING a principios de otoño para poder estrenarlo en Estados Unidos (Faeriecon) en Noviembre. Así que necesitamos vuestra ayuda. Hemos abierto una página de DONACIONES. Si no te es posible hacer una donación no pasa nada, puedes ayudarnos de muchas formas: comprar nuestra música publicada, poner nuestro link en vuestras redes sociales. Gracias a todos por hacerme de "managers" :**
Also stay tuned, Radio Garlands (Argentina) will include a full interview next Friday 19th. El día 19 Radio Garlands (Argentina) emite entrevista completa. More info at. Más info en: I'll be also featured this week in the spanish new radio program "nuevos talentos". I'll be also featured in the brand new radio program Nuevos Talentos.
And remember you can support too FOLLOWING us in twitter or LIKING US in Facebook
Y recordad podéis también apoyarnos siguiendonos en Twitter o en Facebook.
más noticias en breve :)