We have launched our new official website totally redesigned and with new contents (my instruments, sponsors, new pictures and even some lyrics and pics of the new album), getting ready for the pre-release campaign of our forthcoming album The Underliving. Also the shop and fanclub have moved and integrated with the official site. So if you had an account in the fanclub you don't need to re-register and you keep your vip number if you already had it. We´ll get back to the contests but meanwhile you can show your love by sending (if you have it) a picture of you with my previous CD Ancient Shadows. Now you can bookmark either http://yidneth.com or http://priscillahernandez.com
Information about my upcoming album The Underliving.

The Underliving cover and Logo (not final version of the cover)
The album is now in post-production. All instruments and voices have been recorded. You can already read some lyrics, and listen to a preview. A world veiled and unseen that co-exists with ours and communicate with us though the wind, the silence, the shadows, the feelings they imprint and we can perceive with the corner of our eyes and with our spirit.
We have also set up a fundraising with the hope that doing some crowd funding we´ll be able to release it. I´m a small independent artist so your help really counts. We have setup several levels of donations and you can read in detail and also listen to a preview with excerpts of some of the 16 tracks included if you go directly to http://theunderliving.com There are many ways you can help and even if you can´t contribute, you'll be helping if you can voice this out! :** Let´s make "The Underliving" a 2011 release! It needs to see the light!
Faeriecon 2011
We are honored to announce that we´ll be back at faeriecon next november with Qntal and hopefully with your support The Underliving will be there :)
Thank you
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