Expect the unexpected! Yayy I won an ORACLE FOLK Luna guitar!

My song "The call of the nymph" spoke of dragonflies... and I confess I have a little obsession with them! :). So a couple of months back I tweeted... oh I'd love an oracle folk dragonfly...! and some months later Luna Guitars held a contest all around the world giving away one guitar a week. All you had to do is to get a picture of yourself and where you would play your Luna. Of course I picked my favorite model (close after their lovely trinity bouzuki) These were my contest pictures :). I didn't make it several weeks but they decided to give one last chance.

Above: first pic, me as a fairy asking for the guitar to play it in the forests (Navarre)

Below: second pic, this time with my pet rat Taika (my lucky one).

Well now the good news... unexpectedly they decided to give away more than one winner I JUST WON a give-away contest held by Luna Guitars (USA)  due to international participation and I'm waiting for it, perfect timing because my birthday happens to be two weeks ahead! Just when I had already gave up this chance, as I say, expect the unexpected!

such a sweet dream!

The guitar  :) I hope I will take a "real" picture with it as soon as it arrives! :)  Thank you Luna Guitars, you people for voting me and Taika for the luck!

and the banner from Luna that makes it official! :)

To be updated with the birthday/Xmas gift arrives!