My beloved monster:My cover of Panna a Netvor music and a revision of the Beauty and the Beast fairy tale
Article updated 2014
Above: illustration of Beauty and the Beast by Arthur Rackham
One of my favorite fairy tales is Beauty and the Beast. I think I have watched every version made for cinema. Of course when you think about the Beauty in the Beast on the screen most people will go wether to the highly poetic and brilliant French version by Cocteau (1947) or the most recent and correct Disney animated one from the nineties. These are the most known versions and both are all right but the maiden falling in love with the good-hearted monster (drinking from the French version of the fairytale by J.M. Beaumont though we may not forget there is a previous version written by Gabrielle-Suzanne Barbot de Villeneuve,) has echoed in many versions. I highlight for example a russian animated version "The Scarlet Flower" (1952) which realist animation and color makes us think of Dulac´s vibrant illustrations.
There are also versions that are so forgettable like the Canon and Faerie Tale Theatre versions in the eighties, the second being a copy of Cocteau´s almost frame by frame and only saved by lovely and young Susan Sarandon. Some modern tv series have also revisited the myth, being the best (I think) the one in the eighties with Ron Perlman as Vincent. Though departuring from the classic fairytale I like the fact Beauty falls in love with the "monster" which I find strangely handsome as beast itself as as it's tradition since Cocteau´s version is portrayed as a "lion-like" creature. But sometimes it is shown as a different creature, for example as a boar in the 1976 version.
Above: Cocteau´s Beauty and The Beast (1947) almost perfect version? Aesthetically it is so but fails inthe final transformation under my point of view.
Most of them have a major flaw, the anti-climatic transformation, in most of them you end up thinking, why didn't you stay as a beast? Even in Cocteau´s the beast transform into an effeminated version of the antagonist. George C, Scott (1976) was well acted and faithful to the take, but his and Klaus Kinsky (1984,tv) were even uglier as princess than as monsters... My romantic self claims.... no way! stay as a monster, please! Ron Perlman (tv) demonstrated with his Beast he could make a believable romantic hero without transformation involved. This series were remade recently for TV but beast lost all his beastly factor and I gave up after first episode I confess.
Above: Ron Perlman as Vincent in Beauty and the Beast TV series (skip the recent re-make, it is not really a remake at all)
Above: The scarlet flower (russian animated version 1952) This "russian folk" version of the tale was also remade in 1977 as a live action movie that cannot surpass the previous animated version and had an irregular production.
Above: Disney's 1991 animated version, collecting shards of so many versions provided a really lovely approach, and the final transformation was satisfying enough. Still as Disney's some points were a bit blind but well it is a children´s version after all.
I particularly some of the variations that are also inspired by the greek myth of Eros and Psyche. This is the case of the Norwegian re-tale "East of the Sun and West of the Moon" written by a Jørgen Engebretsen Moe where the Beast is portrayed as a Polar Bear, and just like in the Eros and Psyche myth the wife is banned from watching her husband and is punished when she does so. The tale was brought to life in the movie "The Polar Bear King" (1991), an ok fantasy movie that is worth a watch, but it has its many flaws too.
Below: Dulac´s illustration for East of the Sun and West of the Moon and The Polar Bear King movie adaptation.
Same happens with "Hans, my hedgehog", one of the chapters from the amazing TV series The Storyteller by Jim Henson. In this chapter rather than a version of the Grimm version we see many of the elements portrayed in East of the Sun and West of the Moon, the heroine betrays her husband confidence burning the hedgehog skin and then he vanishes and she goes on a search to find him. One lovely Beauty and the Beast little treasure in my opinion. Maybe my second favorite.
Numerous other versions have been released, some based in one of the zillion versions and retellings like Beastly (based in Beauty and the Beast spinoff novel written by Alex Flinn and set up in modern New York). In the movie version, not being faithful to the novel, they turned the Beast into an emo-bald tatooed not-so-ugly guy and I found it not convincint at all. Still for lovers of the tale, here you have a modern spin of. Just too teenager-sweet for me!
In 2014 there has been a new version of the classic tale released La Belle et la Bete, which is not a remake of the Cocteau classic version but a re-tale of the story directed by Christophe Gans and starring Vincent Casell and Léa Seydoux, though quite memorable it doesn't peak the romantic and decadent energy of Panna a Netvor though it is a beautiful and rather faithful rendition to the tale and I enjoyed very much the new approach to The Prince origins. A couple of moments of chemistry but not really such a romantic build up as we see in Panna a Netvor either. Overall beautiful but something was missing.
During the last years some "Beauty and the Beast" television specials have been released, one German and one Italian version. Belle was really sweet in the german version though the production obviously suffered of a slow budget and the make-up of the Beast and servants was really laughable. I may add though that It was curious to see a Beast trying to impose himself on Bella and the first hints of attraction still in his monster-form. My two cents for this.
Beauty and the Beast (germany, 2013)
Recently an Italian/Spanish co-production, made for tv two chapter version of Beauty and the Beast was released. Featuring prince "Leon" and "Belle", there is no monster (except for a subtle scar) but a transformation of the soul. Overall it was really romantic though an always mixture of Phantom of the Opera, Jane Eyre and Beauty and the Beast itself. Despite not having the best of productions, it stood even if only for the chemistry among the lead actors. If curious I was able to find a subtitled version in youtube.
A new version of the tale is being made by Disney that want to retell the story in a live-action movie as it did with Cincerella and Maleficent. Of course curious about the result, though it is difficult they surpass their own animated version.
So why I have picked PANNA a NETVOR to make a cover of the soundtrack and tribute Beauty and the Beast video?
Panna a Netvor (1978)
Panna a Netvor (literally "The maiden and the Monster" (1978) is a Czech movie directed by Juraj Herz is really a captivating approach, different from all the others made and definitely stands as different from the Cocteau´s referece. Instead of polished, this version is gloomy, eerie, almost spectral and very sensual. Definitely not a children version and full of uneasy camera angles that sometimes put you into the eyes of the Beast which is the undeniable lead.
It´s very rare to find though I have found it full in youtube and even other fans of the movie covering this lovely theme and other online platforms if you want to have a look. I say it's worth you get the original, It's really a rare yet haunting version of this tale.
As in almost eavery BATB re-tale some elements are still there, Beauty is the daughter of a merchant, she asks for a rose... As in East of the Sun (and Eros and Psyche) Beauty is forbidden of watching his captor mixing then two of my favorite tales <3 and thus she genuinely falls in love with the monster ignoring he is so, and while doing this Netvor (the Monster, portrayed beautifully by coreographer Vlastimil Harapes) starts his transformation back into his human form, something that we think he might even have forgotten he once was. We see a "monster" not a gentle tamed lion, with the face of a crow and a tattered cloak with burst of animal predator instinct, and despite not having FX, make up, performance and movement makes it all strikingly poetic. And for once we have a rather good looking human alternative to the monster. Overall I think it's the most romantic version of this fairytale ever made with some genuine romantic tension and despite having a slow movie opening and some bizarre scenes that I dislike and don't justify in the movie (including some village life butchering a pig, ewwwww which you must understand in the context of villagers being also "animals" and in fact greedy little monsters themselves and another one with a little deer that wasn't damaged but pretty much scared in the film making) then it happens to become one of the most romantic movies ever made.It happened to be a version I accidentally watched when I was really young and impressed me deeply (despite some of this points that I find hard to approve) the rest of the movie dwells in such in depth beauty that it stayed with me for a long time in my memory, to the point that I still remembered the main music motif which now I have covered myself as a little tribute to this very unknown movie. The castle environment is oppressive and almost rotten. Being a fan of fantasy and romance (in an era where paranormal romance is in fashion but doesn't seem to grab it "right") here is my little version of "Motiv Panny" written by Petr Hapka. One of the most unknown and underrated but strikingly beautiful soundtracks ever, that kind of melodies that stays in your head for over a couple of decades till I could re-watch this movie again. Of course it has its odd moments but overall it shows really thrilling.
So here it is, my own version of MOTIV PANNY (PANNA A NETVOR) I hope you like it and that you made a little discovery.
Priscilla Hernandez (me :) ) piano, voice, winds. I also mingled myself with a chandelier in the video some of the images are me, Armen and Sveta playing as well as the scenes from the movie I like most)
Armen Vartanyan: violin
Svetlana Tovstukha: Cello
Leave your comments about my cover in the forum
Below some useful links if you want to research more:
East of the Sun and West of the Moon Old Tales from the North (book)
Beauty and the Beast (1947)
Beauty and the Beast
(Disney, 1995)
Beauty and the Beast (2014)
Jim Henson's The Storyteller ~ The Complete Collection
The Polar Bear King (1991)
The Origins of Christmas trees and Xmas Worship + a Sad Fairy Christmas Fairytale
As I told in my previous post some of the posts I will share in December are going to have a very Christmas or Yuletide (Winter) vibe. I am myself a December child as I was born mid December, so for me it's a very special time of the year, a time of new resolutions.
I write this article to draft a glimpse of the background story behind this tradition of using "Evergreen" during the closing of the year, Winter or Yule. But also I take the chance to say how sad is that millions of trees are chopped just for the sake of this tradition. If you must use a real tree, please consider to buy it in a pot instead of chopped off, even deprived of light it might make it if you plant it again after the festivities are over.
There are always ways to do things with balance.
I understand that for some people this is a very important tradition and I respect... I only call for moderation... There will be always be debate as Faux plastic trees are a poor alternative and also rise another kind of environmental concern... so as I say there are pros and cons... still sharing just my personal approach and then moving on to the origins. I'm also aware of the jobs that it provides in rural areas but there is something very sad in a "clone forest" perfectly programmed to be consumed, used and thrown away.
As for me, trees belong to the woods (not farms), growing and living
That is why I always take a fallen branch from the forest floor or use a tiny faux tree as ornament. Most of live Christmas trees that are sold as objects have grown for over a decade just to be used and neglected after a handful of days. I also cover one particular sad XIX century fairytale "The Fir Tree" by Danish author Hans Christian Andersen (who wrote also The Little Mermaid) which actually contemplated this very thought almost two centuries ago and that broke my heart at a very tender age. I include a synopsis and a link to a full read of the tale (now public domain) at the end of the article. I want to say that this is my personal opinion, and I'm not trying to preach anything to the ones following this tradition but always a call to moderation, because as usual things are getting environmentally out of hand (even Amazon will sell live trees this year) and vast surfaces in protected rainforests being replaced by Christmas tree farms, which is just sad. It could be argued that fake trees in fact (most of them ) are made of plastic which are even worse for the environment... but still we can be recycle it many years or be creative and use other materials like paper or fallen foraged materials from the woods. Growing 10 years just to be adorned and then cut down or burnt after a few days is sad. There are some that can be replanted and come in pots, but people usually want the bigger more sumptuous one. More than 30 million trees are cut down and sold in USA alone each year. Oh but they plant trees right... yes but that land takes away from wild forests land with higher diversity... so yes, there are pros and cons. and again this is just my opinion and is not intended to generate debate, keep on reading because this article is not only about my personal opinion but about the origins, stories and curiosities behind this tradition.
The Origins of Christmas Trees
The origins of of Christmas trees date to pre-Christian era, for thousands of years evergreen plants (mistletoe, holly) and trees (pine, spruce, fir) has been used during winter as "promise" of the life to come after the bleak winter, and thus keeping evergreen plants (including holly and mistletoe) is meant to brighten our spirits during the stark bare winter. They are symbols too of everlasting life.
Boughs of evergreen would adorn the doors of houses to keep away evil spirits.
It was considered in many cultures that the Sun God was weaker or ill during Winter. Egyptians would use evergreen palm rushes. Old Vikings also provided special powers to evergreen plants for the same reason so did the Druids of Ancient Celts.
Evergreen plants were used by Romans in Saturnalia Festivals (17th -23rd of December), and also by countries in the far North of Europe who used Evergreen as a token of "hope" during the bleak Yule and usually included December and January. Nowadays Yule starts 21st of December (Winter's Solstice) and last for 12 days... those are the 12 days of Christmas. There is no real evidence of Jesus being born the 25th of December though it felt sensible to adapt the already existing "Pagan Winter Feast" as after the Solstice days become longer and they could relate it with the light of God entering the World. But just to say date was picked as convenient and not as accurate
Christians later changed this meaning of "evergreen" to represent the everlasting love of god. And thus Yuletide became Christmastide.
Impressions of Yuletide season, the green and reds, and holy another evergreen used in Chirstmas that also date back to pre-Christian traditions.
First Christmas Trees as we know them were originated in Lavonia (now Latvia and Estonia) and placed in the Square for everyone to enjoy. First indoor trees are usually placed in Germany.
Later on Martin Luther , 16th-century Protestant reformer Luther was credited for starting to decorate the trees with "candles" to resemble the trees against the starry sky. This was the origin of the Christmas Tree lights (despite a very dangerous practise that was finally replaced by safer electric lights in the XX century). If you are a traditionalist and still use real candles on your tree, never leave them unattended... custom was responsible of a great deal of unintended casualties though no electric light can replace the warm vibe of those vintage Christmas Trees that our ancestors remember.
The origin of tinsel and the story of the Christmas Spider
As for the famous tinsel , the word means spark and before being made of plastic it was extruded from real silver hammered into a thin foil and then cut into strips.
It is believed that the idea of tinsel came from the sparkling frosted cobwebs. And thus in many European countries spiders are considered good luck and are related with Christmas this way. There is even an Ukrainian folk tale about the "Spider of Christmas Cobweb" that tells the story of a very poor family that found their bare Christmas tree all adorned by iridescent cobweb woven by the spiders during the night and how they never felt poor again grateful for the gifts life had provided them. That is why some ornaments are shaped as cobwebs, especially in Ukraine where the legend is originated. I will talk more about this in another post as I have a collection of frosted cobwebs I've made myself, but meanwhile it's not difficult to imagine how tinsel was inspired by it.

Frosted cobweb on fir tree around my neihbourhood some winters ago
Oh Christmas Tree: The Christmas Carol
"O Tannenbaum" (literally "The Fir Tree") is a german traditional folk son which origin can be tracked back to the XVI century though was provided the modern lyrics by Ernst Anschütz in 1824. The song that now we know as "Oh Christmas Tree" was not related with Christmas but to the evergreen quality of the fir tree to represent the faithfulness in love. And thus "true" was replaced by "green" in the English translation as it became a Christmas song. There are many English variants. But I'll include here an excerpt of the original.
O Tannenbaum, o Tannenbaum,
wie treu sind deine Blätter!
Du grünst nicht nur zur Sommerzeit,
Nein auch im Winter, wenn es schneit.
O Tannenbaum, o Tannenbaum,
wie treu sind deine Blätter!
O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree,
How steadfast are your branches!
Your boughs are green in summer’s clime
And through the snows of wintertime.
O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree,
How steadfast are your branches!
Hans Christian Andersen tale: The fir Tree (very sad fairytale, very real though)
Above an illustration of The Fir Tree in one of the Andersen compilations I own
For me one of the saddest and more pessimist fairy tales that Danish author Hand Christian Andersen ever wrote and one that as a child (as Andersen was the first book I ever owned) made me opt for a faux tree or just a fallen branch token. Childhood trauma about Christmas trees... ;-) But still a must-read.
The tale is about a fir tree anxiously looking to grow up, aspiring to grow tall, and it is told as if the tree has a will and awareness. And as sparrows chant of trees in warm rooms with decorations and being worshipped, the tree longs to be cut... until one day it happens and feels the delight of being admired with all the decorations then to be abandoned in a dark room.
That night many people gathered in the room around the little fir tree. They sang and told stories. They placed gifts at his feet. And the fir tree, trembling with joy, listened to the stories they told.
"I wonder what will happen tomorrow?" he thought. He longed for the next day to come.
The people returned the next day. This time they removed the popcorn and the candles and the dolls and the angels from the little fir tree's limbs. Then they lifted him up in the air and carried him up a flight of steps, into a dark, airless room.
And there in the attic is left forsaken, withered in the darkness until one day it's taken outside, and the fresh air reminds it of the forest, but then it's chopped and burnt...
Did I mention this was a traumatic fairy tale for me as a child? This was likely the origin of my conviction. LOL You are warned... if you are curious it's just a short read and as it's Public Domain it's available at Project Gutenberg Online Library at this link:
My Christmas Decorations
So here a snippet of my usual Christmas Decorations that will go up of course with Fufunchis. It's just a small faux tree, something symbolic and humble.
Fufunchis have already decorated their Christmas tree
The Power of Christmas / Yule Spirit transcends our beliefs
I confess I'm not religious but spiritual, and also I'm not pagan but I celebrate Yule, The Closing of the Year. For me it represents the Wheel of the Year coming to an end, also Winter's solstice is the shortest day, but also the day light starts to return, days will become longer as Winter reigns... such contradiction and quandary... that the "dark season" is precisely the bringer of light.
And wether you are religious or not, whatever your beliefs are, this is a season to reconsider what we've done during the year, to build new resolutions and determinations... The year closes and it's always a time to think thoroughly of what it has yielded... To start afresh with new dreams and resolutions, to fix whatever we did wrong... It's a time of new hopes and new chances... As weather turns cold outside and we spend more time indoors it is a time to organize, to enjoy our family and friends along with a hot mug of chocolate. It provides a reason to gather, to go home, to hug our beloved, to be giving...
So if you ask me if I believe in Christmas Spirit, as an excuse to bring us together and remember the power of kindness, yes I believe in its power.
I wrote in my own song Grow
As seasons flow,
once more it all
turns bare and cold
but save green in your heart
And that's all the green I need in Winter
So let me think of Christmas trees like this
All pictures taken by me or in collaboration with Héctor Corcín.
PD. My collar is faux fur. I don't wear real fur.
Priscilla Hernandez
singer-songwriter & illustrator
Suspended: A moody Autumn story illustrated with photographies....
A little freewrite moody poem and a leaf that caught my eye last weekend. So I go on with my slightly darker tone this October. I have been collecting some leaves and saving them in books. I do this every Autumn, but somehow the words rushed into my mind and I had to share them. Poem and photos by myself. It is not really a song but I'm kind of thinking of recording a spoken word version along with a melancholic music instrumental piece... what do you think?
I am suspended
I refuse to fall
I refuse to glide down to be scattered among many
I refuse to be left to frostbite and dampness
I refuse to decay under a bare naked tree
I am suspended against logic
Held by invisible forces
By simple yet powerful magic...
A gust of wind
A thread of cobweb
Safety lines
That also tie me to their capricious will
Because you should know
There is a price I pay...
NOT to fall
I am suspended
Almost motionless for a second
and then I begin my journey
Swirling up and down
Avoiding fate until being found
Or maybe someone will treasure me
And press me inside an old book
before I dry and wrinkle
Just a perfect fallen leaf,
Preserved but fragile
And suspended in time too
Like a memory of light
An echo of bright green days
Gone long ago
Stuck in these pages
Waiting for you to read my story

And trees will grow new leaves
But they wont be me
So I hope you like it... sometimes there is an overwhelming beauty in simple things... some kind of comforting sadness.
I am preparing a special "haunting" post and it's taking me a long time to make... I've not been that much around but I am working in something special. Stay tuned.

All photos / words © Priscilla Hernandez
Suspended leaf GIF by Hector Corcin Thank you !
Priscilla Hernandez
singer-songwriter & illustrator
5th June: WORLD ENVIRONMENT DAY #beatplasticpollution
Every 5th of June since 1974 as established by the United Nations we celebrate World Environment Day. For me it's a date I mark in my calendar.
This year's theme and challenge is Beat Plastic Pollution (If you can´t reuse it, refuse it) and create awareness using globally the hashtag #beatplasticpollution There are events all over the world, being the major event host in India, which will try to address how we can combat Plastic pollution exposing their own struggles with it. Each year this date focuses on a focuses attention on a particularly pressing environmental concern but that doesn't mean we must ignore the others.
We live in the most amazing planet... home of so much diversity and life... cradle of so much beauty. But most still ignore how alarmingly quick it is all degrading, species vanishing into the oblivion of extinction, animals cornered in small habitats and doomed to fade away, our climate severely altered by our own pollution. And we see it all happening in front of our eyes... until we reach those critics points where things cannot be undone. One species gone, wild fires gone crazy due to severe draughts, tropical storms flooding countries out of the blue...
But we always choose "convenience", the short-term fix...
Nature and Life in our planet are certainly at stake, and so also our existence because we belong to Earth and so far this is our ONLY HOME.
Don't think it is not worth to make a difference... you can!
It is the perfect day, if weather allows to go outdoors and hike... and maybe even organize a clean up. Even in the remotest most beautiful places I've been there is that annoying piece of plastic. It's everywhere... almost unavoidable in every packaging, in components of every single item we buy...
So before buying... remember this year's slogan.... "if you cannot reuse, refuse it"

Héctor and I were hiking together and we were sad to stumble upon this sad view... It seems we cannot escape plastic, can we? That bottle will flow downriver, will end up decomposing into microscopic toxic particles.
And some other time we were walking peacefully and enjoying a lovely forest trail when we found this... Why would someone leave it there... It escapes logic... But it is indeed concerning.

The power of small acts
So many small actions and change of habits can do SO MUCH. And each one of those small efforts are worth because they add up, each one of us, until it become a trend. I hope within my lifetime to see plastic in disuse. There are alternatives but obviously they are not sponsored.
But we can´t reduce to great extent by small measures...
- Using a fabric bag (every year more than 500 billion plastic are used)
- Favouring those foods that doesn't come in plastic wrap or polystyrene trays
- Meticulously sorting our waste for proper recycling.
- Use a reusable water flask and lunch box.
- Volunteer on clean ups. Collect plastics if you find them when hiking for proper disposal
- Spread the word and create awareness among yours
So next time at the department store, maybe consider to buy a reusable canteen or water flask to start with... because that plastic water may end up like the picture shared before. Besides not only plastic degrades into small pieces that end up in the sea threatening marine wildlife. Animals choked after eating plastic, or strangled by it... Small marine creatures that incorporate microscopic particles that are amplified into the food chain until we eat them again. Even the calves of dolphins are whales are dying because the milk becomes poisoned with chemicals derived from plastic consumption as all fish are contaminated by them.
Above: me in Urederra River. The river's name means "Beautiful Water". Hyaline, crystal, unpolluted... this how all water sources should be. Urederra strikes almost as an utopian place, but even now and then while you walk the forest trails around you stumble upon some plastic wrap from the hikers.
But I leave this message even to the ones with less heart and not caring about any of that... be aware microplastics and chemicals also detach from the containers after a while and we swallow them... and the extent of the heath damage they can cause is being researched. It is proved that once absorbed by the body they are hazardous altering hormones and probably causing many related human health problems including cancer
I do not like preaching but this date is always an important reminder
I will act...
What you will do, for this planet, for the life it holds, for US, or even for yourself is up to you.
You are responsible too.
You can choose
And you can gift yourself and others the chance to live in a better and cleaner planet... If you have Nature at hand, this is a lovely day to be outdoors. I unfortunately can't today while I write this, but already dreaming of the weekend.
You all know that I love Nature which is a great source of inspiration for my music and my art... and yes... one of my favourite things is to dress as a fantasy character and look for fairytale locations... But we must take "care" of them... EACH ONE OF US IS A GUARDIAN
Tuesday, June 5th: World Environment Day 2018
Priscilla Hernandez
singer-songwriter & illustrator
May is the time of the roses
May is here opening all the buds that unfurl into roses. Red Roses represent love and passion. Whatever you do, do it with both, never halfway through.
They need care and nurturing... they need work and perseverance, but if you give, you will receive... they will gift the beauty of blooming in return.
Whatever you do, do it with all admiration and devotion
Red is a bold empowering blazing colour. It conveys deep emotions. It is an emotionally intense. And it is not linked with love only but to your own determination and endurance.
A little sprite inside a rose
And to finish this small post (which is the one of quite a few "blooming" posts happening this month of May. A close up of a rose, in which I found a fairy. :)
A pareidolia is a psychological phenomena in which our mind found a pattern, usually faces...
I found a little fairy inside this rose... do you see her?
Post your comment if you do
It's time to bloom
Orbaitzeta: Old Munition factory turned into Tolkien elven Halls
Nature can transform everything... even an industrial munition factory into a fantasy scenery... A little imagination can wipe out the ugliness and transform it into an enchanted location.
As I mentioned in my recent article, I have a fondness for ruins and abandoned places. I find them very eerie but melancholic and romantic... I think places are haunted by desolation and disuse but in some cases they are transformed into something magical when overgrown Nature claims them back and this is the case of Orbaizeta.
Above: Orbaizeta archs. My photo entry to the contest. Archs over Irati River (Navarre, Spain)
Orbaizeta is a village located in Aezkoa Valley (Navarre, North of Spain) about 5 Km away from the French Border where you can find the remains of the XVIII century Royal Factory of Arms and Munitions of Orbaizeta
It was in fact built over a XV century old forge located over Irati river.
The whole place is now abandoned and taken over by Nature. It is located over Irati River and by Irati forest, one of the largest beech woods in Europe. The factory was precisely built here to use its wood and water after the older Royal Munition factory (Eugi, also located in Navarre) run out of resources due to over exploitation.
For almost a hundred years it provided munition and supplies to the army, iron and lead and even canyon balls, but it felt into disuse after the death of the Spanish king Carlos III . As it was very close to the border the site was frequently pillaged and caught fire many times to finally be shut down and abandoned in 1873. The ruins have since been covered by moss, lichens and vines. The main structure still stands and has been declared Site of Cultural Interest.
The place was overrun with trees and has become shelter for small animals. The archs that remain mostly intact over the river look now the remnants of an ancient Elven Fortress out of the pages of a Tolkien's book.
Below: Me in these damp mossy ruins... I love when Nature claims abandoned places back. Despite its not very romantic origins and industrial function the actual ruins have been strikingly transformed by Nature into fantasy Elven Halls... A magic portal to a fantasy realm... This is what they are NOW for me.
Enigmatic and now almost mystical looking, it stirs with new life... as birds perch on the scattered trees, lizards lay on its stone seeking the warmth of sun and little voles hide in the bushes. A recovery process is now under way but somehow I think there is a romantic vibe of the place engulfed by overgrown vegetation. Some years ago when Héctor and me visited this location you could access and walk it entirely but after a few accidents due to the decay of the structures the place has very limited public access now until being restored.
Black Legends about Orbaizeta
Its otherworldly eerie aspect reminds me to a distant past or maybe even a dystopian greenpunk future. It's not strange many claim it is haunted. A common target in several wars (as a factory of guns close to France) it was sacked and burnt out several times... And that violent imprint stayed in the minds of many tainted its memory. The place has a mysterious aura and it has inspired several local novels, mostly modern thrillers and mystery like "The Factory of the Shadows" by Ibon Martín which begins with a girl hanging from the archs on a misty night and the research of the case. Curiously after being chosen as background of these murder the skull of a missing hiker was found in its surroundings causing great stir on the national press. All of these has impregnated the place with darker tones but the truth is that it's rather peaceful and the way the light is filtered through the plants and is cast over the river is really entrancing.
Eugi, an even older munition factory in the same province
There is another old munitions factory, very similar but older and smaller in size even closer to me called Eugi, it features the same structure, with archs over a river. But I will cover it in another article, there I have made too countless photo shoots and even filmed part of my music video Off the Lane. The Eugi factory when active exhausted the forest around it and that is why the Orbaizeta was built.
Above: One picture from last Summer taken in Eugi Factory, a smaller (and older) "replica" of Orbaizeta but located in Quinto Real Forest and over Arga River. I only post this picture so you can see the similar structure though humbler in size. I will cover Eugi in another article in the near future.
Conclusion: One with Nature
As a Nature Lover I am glad to see the woods around both factories now recovered, both rivers now hyaline and crystalline and its ugly original purpose of Royal Munition factories long time gone... Their structures are engulfed and becoming one in the forest... It reminds me to the movie "The Princess Mononoke" by Hayao Miyazaki, that tells precisely the story of a munitions factory destroying the forest and finally claimed back by its guardian. The outcome is almost the same. Though there are now some programs for the preservation of the ruins they lay now in perfect harmony with the environment. They are places full of peace now surrounded by slender beech trees and gurgling creeks.
All pictures (c) to Priscilla Hernandez
Priscilla Hernandez
singer-songwriter & illustrator
Oh no! I can´t sing! My home remedy for sore throat and hoarse voice
First some tips for singers, performers or anyone feeling soreness of throat and strained voice...
So it happened, I woke up yesterday with sore throat and I cannot barely swallow... of course the first advice I would give myself as a singer is DO NOT overuse now that you are aware you are experiencing loss of voice (whichever the cause, allergies, cold, vocal misuse...). The symptoms of dysphonia vary from a fatigued, raspy voice, struggling to reach the high notes, or having its phonation altered so you squeak like a teenager or lose control of the pitch, or worse even... you're absolutely voiceless. Time to STOP... Let it repair and rest, and check with a doctor if the problem persists too long as it could be masking further and more serious problems like nodes or thyroid gland malfunction.
But let's say you got a respiratory infection, a nasty cold, you sang your lungs out, or you simply partied too much in a noisy environment and you woke up feeling your throat is on fire and having lost control of your voice... What can we do?
Hydration is the key
Number 1 advice is vocal rest but if you do have to perform and it's absolutely unavoidable, drink a lot of warm (not cold) water, keeping your cords hydrated will help you to get rid of the phlegm that sticks to the back of your throat. Sipping warm water throughout the day works wonders against most ailments including this one. Avoid copious food as acid reflux is a vocal cords killer and may cause permanent laryngitis. Bad digestions equals to unhealthy voice. If you feel the need to cough try to repress it. Do not whisper, if you can´t talk, then don´t. Also remember warm up before any speech or performance to relieve further stress. If it gets worse, you were warned! REST! I will do an in depth article (or maybe video about more vocal tips if you are interested, but as I have had to deal with this discomfort myself these last few days I wanted to share here my "miracle home remedy" that helps me to clear my voice when this happens
So I'm voiceless I need a quick fix... Time for a GINGER TEA VOCAL RESCUE
What ingredients do you need?
- Ginger root (fresh, sliced or grated)
- Honey
- Water
- Lemon Juice
- Herbs (optional): Thyme, Peppermint, Sage
- Spices (cardamom, clove, cinnamon, a pinch of cayenne pepper)
Just add the ingredients and heat until it simmers, let it rest until it's warm.
Water of course is the basic ingredient, as I mentioned at the beginning of this article "hydration is the key". So keep in mind to prepare enough to refill your cup when you need.
Herbs and spices are optional but these extra ingredients allow you to make different combinations and vary the taste of your tea and each one has their particular benefits. The honey helps to coat your throat to achieve a smoother voice. You can also use propolis instead which has enhanced antibacterial properties but some people dislike the taste and smell of it. Lemon is acid and promotes the production of saliva, helping to get rid of phlegm and mucus. These herbs can boost your "witchy potion". Peppermint is good to clear the phlegm, thyme is a natural antibiotic and will help to keep mild respiratory infections at bay. Some people add also Licorice Root. The spices also helps in keeping oral health and assist in your digestion... but let's talk of course about the main ingredient ginger root.
The rhizoma of Zingiber Officinale looks like a plump fairy or a mandrake root from a witch's apotechary :). Ginger has a lot of medicinal properties, many of which have been proved scientifically... The benefits of ginger tea are proved and lots of singers and voice professionals will tell you this: It simply works!!! It is caffeine free but works as a booster, increasing your body temperature and metabolism, it aids your immune system and also has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties- It also helps with nausea... too good to be true? It is also delicious in an exotic way but beware, it's rather spicy too, so if you like it mild use slices instead of grated root.
If you don't like the taste of the tea at all you can also gargle it... though, oh my, what a waste! ;-)
Also if you are in a hurry you can grate ginger and keep it in a glass flask preserved in honey, so when you need the "rescue" you only have to put a spoonful in hot water with lemon and ready to go!
By the way this tea is delicious and you don't have to be sick to drink, it´s also good for self-care and prevention to keep your singing voice in good shape.
I want to state that I'm not a vocal coach, and if you do experience a permanent loss of voice, both a doctor to check and a vocal coach to teach you a proper vocal technique (to sing and/or speak) are highly recommended to avoid further damage. But if you are experiencing just a temporary loss of your voice I hope you find this article useful. I just wanted to share this "quick fix" as it works amazingly well for me.
You can touch the Moon... a little motivational story for artists
I wanted to share these series of photos of me along with a little motivational story for all artists out there. As a singer-songwriter and illustrator I have faced discouragement so many times, but I have always stood up and kept on fighting. It doesn't matter if you are emerging or if you have already decades of experience. Sometimes we move forward, sometimes we stall. In my case there have been sweet moments, there have been struggling ones, but I've never stopped perceiving myself as an artist. This has been my journey half of my life already.
So you have a dream... and it´s like touching the Moon...!
So very often you will stumble upon people who will tell you straightforward "it is useless", "it is impossible", "You cannot touch the Moon, it is out of your reach and that is an actual scientific fact!". And sometimes you are overwhelmed by the logic of it all, and suddenly what you aim for feels like "just another silly dream", a source of frustration and wasted time... But it is not. Keep the Moon at sight!
But they don't understand that you are already "touching the moon in your own way" because that is precisely the magic of "ART" that it is a for to express our spirits and share a piece of our souls. True Art is not ruled by the "actual facts" but by "feelings". And when I say "True Art" I make no mention if it´s good or bad (that depends on everyone´s taste and is another matter entirely) I mean if it´s something born from the heart.
Even an illusion or a metaphor it is able to carry and convey the MEANING and purpose of an artist creation. All is real in your mind eye and that thrill is enough to keep a dream alive. The spark of imagination creates your own and unique way to do it. Howl, dance, sing believe! Create! Do not become obsessed to measure your worth in numbers,. Just worship and appreciate how you evolve and improve... that´s the biggest success of all. And this is also a reminder to myself, in those moments I forget.
You have a dream, and you can touch the Moon!
Thoughts are boundless.
PD: All photos were taken by my partner Héctor Corcín during a Super Moon in Navarre, 2015
The first day of 2017: "How mist become soft rime" Winter photoshoot
So as you know Héctor and I enjoy going outdoors to Nature. For me, overall, last year it was a year to reconnect with Nature, and heal with it in so many ways, so what a better way for us to spend the FIRST day of 2007 in an absolutely enchanted place. It was freezing cold but we stumbled upon a forest covered with soft rime, and then I remembered I had a lovely white mask and dress in the boot of the car... so I had to go for it... We had hot tea and a good predisposition, :) so we went for it, and here is the result of our photoshoot :) Yay, I survived!
“How mist become Soft Rime”
Model, concept, stylism and edit Priscilla Hernández (http://YIDNETH.COM;
Photography: Héctor Corcín (
Mask by: Vincent Cantillon (
Location:1st of January 2007 (Happy New Year), Navarra, Spain
Some behind the scenes pictures :)
More pictures in my instagram feed
More pictures of the landscape alone (it was an absolutely enchanting place covered with rime and ice) at Héctor´s account at
Visit to Barcelona and Halloween Steampunk-Vodoo-Witches Photo shoot
Sigh, back from a week visit to Barcelona... Oh my god, How I miss the city and my friends there...! It was not long enough and I'm already yearning to return. It's been a couple of years I moved to Navarra, Spain, and though the Nature and forests here and gorgeous, still I miss my former home-town too much.... Said that I want to thank to all the friends that had time to spend with me in this brief visit :). As one of the highlights my friend Vany Miranda kidnapped me into this Steampunk-Vodoo-Witchy photo shoot, very fitting for the forthcoming Halloween... SO MUCH FUN! as you can see in the pictures :)
It was really darker and different set for me, to play a witch among book of spells, poisons and even a crystal ball to foresee the future... :). But don't worry, I won't curse you if you're good with me :) ;-) Happy Halloween/Samhain/All Hallows´eve
Credits for all the pictures below:
Photographer: Alassie from El Costurero Real
Props by Felix Goggles and Marc Zorrilla from Crisálida Creaciones
Models: me, Priscilla Hernandez (blonde) and Vany Miranda
Garments: Vany's by herself, all I'm wearing is from El Costurero Real
Taken at 274Km Studio (Barcelona, Spain)
As it is about witches I also share my cover of Come little Children from Hocus Pocus
Last picture: our assistant Felix Goggles from Factoria Goggles.
Hello October... Chant with the wind!
Hello October 15...
The leaves are turning gold, the days are becoming shorter, the twilight is now more golden and longer than ever... I welcome you and the changes you bring... I am undergoing myself a time of change and I turn the page only to dive into a new exciting chapter...
A couple of days ago I fixed my wind band (originally from tribal thunder) and went on a walk to welcome October. A wind band is an instrument that works like a bull-roarer a prehistoric instrument found in many cultures. It had broken and remained silent over a year so I took the first chance to climb a hill and spin it as soon as it came back to life and sound. In Britain and Ireland they were used in ceremonial thunder spell rites and it is also found in other cultures.
Héctor and I went uphill, to Guendulain, Navarra, through paths full of wild bushes and withered wildberries, into old discarded melancholic ruins. We found some honeycombs with buzzing busy cute bees making honey that buzzed along with our musical instrument.
Above: Guendulain´s ruins (Navarre, Spain) bathed in golden light on our way. Picture by Héctor Corcín.
Above: me with my wind band already repaired, repainted and with a new rubber band. It was spun and buzzed and chanted and resonated with the wind on top of a hill against the most glorious twilight. :) It was a very spiritual experience, also some kind of soul cleansing, all bathed in golden light. :) Time for new beginnings :).
All photos and video by Héctor Corcín
And HOW DOES A WIND BAND SOUND? So here there is a little video with a short improvisation, spinning it and chanting along, It was somehow very pre-Samhain :). hope you like it! :)
Delicious blackberries! a gift from Mother Nature!
Oh what a lovely afternoon! And what a delicious treat we got from nature! We had plans to go somewhere else but sadly the place was closed and we were forced to change our plans, so accidentally stopped by a lovely forest full of shrubs fully loaded of ripening wild berries!
And I return with half a box of wild blackberries, and I ate hands full of them. Vivid colourful and lovely little packages of health, antioxidants, minerals and vitamins... such a gift!. Thank you Mother Nature! Now I have some tough decisions to make... pie? jam? hmmm LOL a wealth of yummy possibilities!
Our purple stained hands revealed us guilty of gluttony! :) Nom! Nom! Nom!
Above: me collecting blackberries... sometimes painful but rewarding! :)
pd. All pictures above by Héctor Corcín.
Taika in the garden...
She might be old already but she certainly knows how to enjoy fresh air and the garden. These are some delightful pictures Héctor took yesterday of my "fufunchi" in the garden. Isn't she precious?
Lurking in the wild....! Photo by Héctor Corcín (May 2015)
Oh the fresh breeze! hmmm it smells nice!
I'm so cute... and I know how to pose!
I'm enjoying this moment so much!
All pictures by Héctor Corcín (May 2015) Model: Taika :)
And this is Taika, all happy, after nom nom nom a delicious treat!
Good bye Ritva, my lovely sweet birch branch
Above: Ritva (October 2011-December 2014)
Ritva is gone... she left us last Christmas Eve and we buried her with her sister Tuula in Christmas day. She fought stubbornly and was a loving creature until her last breath. She covered me with kisses and groomed her sister Taika in farewell, and there she was gone... :( 3 years and 3 months my strong birch branch is flying now free in the wind (that´s what Ritva means because she was mostly white and light grey). We have dealt with a lot of sadness during this holiday season, we miss them both (our fufunchis Tuula and Ritva) so much! :( Ritva was so strong and she proved she loved to live and made her own decision to fight until the end. She showed us she wanted so and it's also a worthy lesson to make us appreciate the gift of life a little bit more. Taika is still here, mourning and really sad, she´s not coping very well to be alone and I really do not wish to grow old on her own, wondering if we must allow new "life" in, but missing my girls so dearly. I want to think of a place where I can be with them again, with Kira, with Toto and with my fufunchis. That´s all I long and wish for if it could exist, but meanwhile it can exist in my heart, my imagination and in my dreams, and they are indeed still around me.
Here me singing to Ritva "you'll be in my heart" I sang it to her in her last moments too, she was turning 3 in the video but though she was already frail she leaves almost three months more.
I love you Tuula. I love you Ritva... the wind and the birch branch. Mummy, Daddy and Taika miss you.
Your love lives in me and so you live too!
Here you can see many videos of my fufunchis 1.0 Tuula and Ritva since they were babies. I'm happy to think they had a happy life, they indeed were very loved.
Wandering elf in Irati´s forest and we even found a REAL KODAMA
Below some pictures of me last sunday 9th March in Irati´s forest (Navarra, Spain). It was Héctor´s birthday and we went in the forest to take some pictures. I had won a green fur vest and gauntlets from Elfic Wear (lovely fairy clothes store) and I arranged the rest of my green and brown rags in pixie-fashion :) First three pics by Héctor Corcín. Last one, sugar-coated candid self-shoot with Héctor himself :) and at the end some pics of the place (Irati´s forest). We even found a KODAMA
Above: me with my cuffs and vest from Elfic Wear. I won their give away :) so be sure to check their facebook page, they run give aways often, and it works cos I won these goodies and it was amazing to receive them.
Above: candid shot of me and Héctor Corcín. Happy birhtday Héctor!
Irati´s forest in winter... hauntingly beautiful
And there in a moss cradle we found a real-life KODAMA, SO CUTEEEEE
Cosplay party!!
As some of you know I enjoy fantasy costumes, I have the pleasure to wear pretty things I've been endorsed or even made myself :) and I also keep a blog of fantasy costumes for fun. Said that, as it's pretty obvious I love to Cosplay a lot being my preferred style fairy of course. I really had a hard week, my rat Ritva got sick and underwent surgery, and sleep deprivation and stress did wrong on my energy that needed very much to be boosted. My baby is doing better :) and now wants attention all the time. She's so cutteeee. And I'm so relieved.
Above: Ritva... "Mum, I'm feeling better, but I enjoy the extra care. More cuddles....!
But I reached my top of stress so I took one day to record with my ensemble and create music, what makes me feel better almost inmediately and then me and my friend (also make up artist Arashi Hyou) organized a mini-cosplay wig party just to mess around and have fun and have chocolate hehe :) And I'm sharing some snippets and candids right now, though there are a couple of pictures from the photoshoot I'll work on and will share later on, these are the way they were taken.
It made me wonder how different we can look by simply changing our hair, or the colour of our eyes. It´s almost scary LOL
Above: me with red short red hair wig. I can´t barely recognize myself LOL... :) Still I'm devoted to long hair, always, but like the dark lush read on me.
My contact lenses are courtesy of Kiwiberry 1 Collection :) (thank you). These are brown-orange. Feel tempted of a lush green or purple, or light gray right now... hmmm. must check their site again, they really have affordable cute lenses. It wasn't intended but with this look It reminded me of my own "little red Riding hood" drawing I painted some time back. Definitely wolf-eyes! There is no color correction in this photography except for the light we used when it was taken, so that's how the contact lenses look like with no alteration. I have a lolita wavy wig in a tone darker than my natural, :) I love fringe, not intending to dye but starting to think "fringe" can be an option :) As I said, though not intended I thought of the Red Riding Hood I painted myself some time back
Here's the drawing I'm referring to
me and Arashi waving "hi" on an instant shot we networked when we were having fun. The white wig is from Lockshop wigs and you'll see it soon on me (next videoclip hint hint LOL hahhaa)
Lots of fun LOL
Above: getting silly, but don't worry, among hundreds there's like "two serious" pictures hahah you might see soon XD
Above: me and Arashi on a cell instant shot :) we shared in our networks when we were having fun! Another me! Many faces, one heart :) <3
Still more make overs LOL hahha :)
Welcome home Taika :)
Some listeners and fans when I had Totonika my hamster (love u still Toto, mummy misses you) sent me plush toys of little rats. At the end I had all these three, a white, a brown and a gray one. They´ve seen since then in our room. Then Fufunchis my rats found our home, a lovely white husky RITVA and a brown agouti :) TUULA. Their names are finnish and means Birch branch and Little Wind. But then last 16th December!! (yes my birthday) a baby russian blue gray cute in my friend´s rattery (Piece of Heaven rattery) and I asked cautiously if there were gray females in the litter, they replied there were in fact three but all reserved and I thought well it was not the time... but that´s the magic about it all :) she finally was un-reserved and I got a call to ask if I wanted her... and suddently there's a third gray rat in our family :) just like the plush toys over I had...
The prophecy became true... Welcome home TAIKA (means magic, spell in finnish too)
And thus FUFUNCHIS are now THREE and have their "muppet plush toys clones" LOL hahaha. Though we don't discard to increase our family ;-) there´s a little gray ball now there, so tiny and so cuttttttttttte! Only two days and learning so fast, still there´s some time until we can make full presentations of the babies and adult ones as they require to get used to each other bit by bit, but so far, so good they gaze each other with curiosity :)
Here's TAIKA as a three weeks baby (now she's five) We visited her in the rattery too :) as soon as we knew she was going to be part of the family :)
above: photo of Taika courtesy of Piece of Heaven Rattery
And now the little earthquake now in our home, her first pictures exploring :) Hope you'll have a long and happy life with us. We love you already. Welcome home TAIKA!
you can click for high resolution photo
Me and Taika (from finnish "magic", "spell"). She is grows since he came home but still sooo tiny :) Hello Taika, this is mummy!
Taika besides The Underliving digibook so you can see how small she is still :) (yeah subliminal self-promotion, thank you sweet baby!)
I'm curious about EVERYTHING :), yep this is cool! :)
And I'm so perfectly CUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUTE :)
Taika, just like Tuula and Ritva now their new two elder sisters, come from Piece of Heaven Rattery. And for any stumbling upon this blog because they found a cute rat pic ;-) Taika is not alone, she'll have two friends, always pick more than one rat and do it always from a breeder, you'll thank the advice and the likely long term health of your rat.
Welcome home Taika :)
and remember, if you want to send a welcome card to Taika or any correspondence to fufunchis! (or me, though I admit they get more correspondence than myself LOL)
Priscilla Hernandez attn. "Fufunchis"
Pobox 18046
08080. Barcelona. Spain
Photoshoot with Rebeca Saray (making of)
Last thursday me and some friends had fun in a photoshoot with reknown spanish photographer Rebeca Saray. We all gathered in El Costurero Real workshop where Alassie arranged our hairs and spent all day working hard in 14 different stylisms, hairdos and make ups, then me and friends were photographed in 274 Km studio (Barcelona).
It was exhausting, friendly and cozy :) and indeed we all had a great time
All these snippets I share in this entry are silly pictures I took with my hand camera, for the final and proper pictures we have to wait still quite a bit :) but you can make an idea of what might come out :) and the great time we shared :)
This is before taking any pictures, when we were rehearsing poses, I made the dress. The wings were also designed by me and manufactured by Enchanted costumes.
Had a great fun with all my friends Duncan Trisquel, Felix Goggles, Vany Miranda, Wui de Lue, Nimue Arianhrod, Dramian Corvus and Jafet that were photographed too. Thanks everyone for the super-funny (though exhausting) day :)
Above: Vany Miranda and me. She was teaching me to strike a pose... :) by the way I handmade the butterfly feather eyelashes :) and dress :). Make up and hair by Alassie :), pendant by Inner Fae Creations :)
Above: Wui de Lue, me and Duncan fooling around the camera, of course I say again these are not the proper shots, for the serious and good ones we must wait till Rebeca finish the edition :) but I'm sure it will worth the wait. You can guess we had loooooooooooots of fun :)
And when I returned, I had a hard time washing my face and disarranging the hairdo, snif... it felt like Cinderella at midnight. :)
this is me and Tuula in my bathroom mirror... mirror mirror on the well who´s the fairiest of them all? Of course my beautiful rat Tuula :) she needs no make up :)
Rescued a folder with my old writings... reading them again after decades is like finding my old self
When I was a child I wanted to be a writer :) I really never played with dolls, I loved to write an paint my own stories :) That is how I ended up making drawings, illustrating my own writings. When I was eight I was gifted a typewriter, in just a few months I passed my typewriting exam. Now speed was in my hands and I used to save money to buy blank paper LOL to write my own tales and novels. When I was nine I wrote my first full book, it was called Lestar :). The premise couldn't be more childish and naive, a winged magical horse LOL. I even made a bud of a song with my toy piano (when I was six!). I remember it had a mix of Oz/neverending story vibe into it, but I cannot recall all details about it (still I play and remember the song though). I used to type like I was making a book bending the paper and sewing it afterwards and making even an engraved hardcover. Then from 10 to 14 I embarked in a bigger fantasy/epic sword and sorcery novel (as naive and childishly written as I was a teenager infatuated with Tolkien books). When entering high-school I made a book of short-horror tales called "Los cuentos del sendero".
Recently I travelled to the Canary Islands, and looking for photographies of my recently deceased father I found a big black folder hidden in the wardrobe, when I opened it... surprise! and shock! It was a thick full folder full of my writings, maybe 600 or 700 pages, some poetry, tales, even great parts of those initial novels.
I picked some of the tales and writings and pages that were in front of me, they range from 8 years to 15 or years old of my age. So reading them is like going back to my head back so many years. I confess I've only re-read a bit and I was blushing all the way. But it reminds me that I should sit down and finish the novelization of "Yidneth" and maybe get back to my dream as novelist. Maybe a logical step would be releasing "Yidneth" as a comic and then the book version. Some months back I had already saved in a folder some recent short tales, hmm wonder if I should give it a try. I wonder if I should re-write some of the old writings as they are really coming from a child imagination, or if I should leave them as they were. I'll find out as I feel while re-discovering this pieces of my own work.
Curiously enough of of the few "Cuentos del sendero" (The tales of the Path) rescued was "The Willow" that inspired in some way my own song The Willow´s lullaby.
Curious, afraid, ashamed, proud of reading this... finding myself again.
About love and remembrance...! And living through the long way
Sorry that it has been a little while I've not updated the blog :) as you all may know already we have also a microblog and a message board in the site and thus somehow I've been a bit lazy with this section, so probably there and in the front pannel news you can get to know a bit of what's happened lately. But one important event has committed me to write an entry, my father Emilio Hernandez Pais has left me, suddenly, last week, unexpectedly and at the best of his life due to a heart stroke. He finally left us 22nd of August. He helped so much people, he was joyful, friendly and in his own particular way, very wise. When young he travelled the whole world working in a ship, then he invested and bought his own fishing boat. During my childhood I was the daughter of the captain of a little fishing boat with a dozen working sailors. I remember those time fondly. He worked all his life, in a cab, and at the end as massage therapist like my grandfather was (and my family was quite acknowledged for our healing power somehow). Like me, He loved painting and in fact he was quite well known for his landscapes, specially those showcasing the wild beauty of my native island La Palma and sea landscapes. He was a person that always lived his way and always lived intensely, and in fact he did till the very last moment leaving at his best. My father didn't know much about music but loved playing an old guitar he had and that I hope I'll bring soon home, thus I'm encouraged to learn guitar now and I've started taking lessons in order to be ready to play my father´s guitar when the time comes. Sounds like a challenge. I am not sure if my style of music was his favourite, but he always supported me without question, and I was moved by all the people lovely comments at the funeral of things my father had told them about my work, and I felt proud and moved, and encouraged. And I miss you, Dad, really, a lot. My grandfather (daddy's father) was such a good man, and I hope they find a way to be together if only in my dreams and hope for it. Safe journey, papa! :( We will miss you.
Above: My father Emilio Hernandez Pais (1944-2012)
Above: painting of "La caldera de Taburiente" made by my father
But if something I've learnt about love and remembrance, is to treasure every memory, I won't let any detail to fade to hurt less, but will find the courage to make it into joy, I'll learn to remember you to summon a smile. I'll try to learn to do it even through the pain of not having you close,
Almost a decade ago, my companion, my dog and little sister Kira left me, still I cry for her, but also fills my heart with joy to think that I shared such lovely time with such wonderful spirit. I love Kira so dearly. Love is not a thing that understands death, but I can tell you, love is so very real. It's not an utopic term, and it never fades.
Above: me and Kira
Summer has always been for me a time where my beloved ones have left my side, thus I confess it's not my favourite season of the year despite being a lover of bathing in the sea. June took me Kira, August my father and a September Toto. So looking forward the leaves to fall because summer´s sun is jealous of things too bright and has taken them away from me.
Also yesterday 5th September it was one year that my golden ball Totonika Nova died, she healed me in so many ways. :( We just uploaded a video and I've put the song I composed for her "Totonika Nova" as free download in her site "a thing so small and yet a life so big"
I now enjoy my time with my two fufunchis (my rats) Tuula and Ritva and try to think about life and that there is no short or long life, just LIVE, life is intense, vibrant, take the most of it and live. My father taught me that, and taught me to be brave to try to pursue my dreams. Thank you papa
I love you Daddy,
I love you Kira
I love you Totonika
Everything stays, you're here, safe with me.
And now I'm going to burn a candle, for love, and for remembrance