About love and remembrance...! And living through the long way

Sorry that it has been a little while I've not updated the blog :) as you all may know already we have also a microblog and a message board in the site and thus somehow I've been a bit lazy with this section, so probably there  and in the front pannel news you can get to know a bit of what's happened lately. But one important event has committed me to write an entry, my father Emilio Hernandez Pais has left me, suddenly, last week, unexpectedly and at the best of his life due to a heart stroke. He finally left us 22nd of August. He helped so much people, he was joyful, friendly and in his own particular way, very wise. When young he travelled the whole world working in a ship, then he invested and bought his own fishing boat. During my childhood I was the daughter of the captain of a little fishing boat with a dozen working sailors. I remember those time fondly. He worked all his life, in a cab, and at the end as massage therapist like my grandfather was (and my family was quite acknowledged for our healing power somehow). Like me, He loved painting and in fact he was quite well known for his landscapes, specially those showcasing the wild beauty of my native island La Palma and sea landscapes. He was a person that always lived his way and always lived intensely, and in fact he did till the very last moment leaving at his best. My father didn't know much about music but loved playing an old guitar he had and that I hope I'll bring soon home, thus I'm encouraged to learn guitar now and I've started taking lessons in order to be ready to play my father´s guitar when the time comes. Sounds like a challenge. I am not sure if my style of music was his favourite, but he always supported me without question, and I was moved by all the people lovely comments at the funeral of things my father had told them about my work, and I felt proud and moved, and encouraged. And I miss you, Dad, really, a lot. My  grandfather (daddy's father) was such a good man, and I hope they find a way to be together if only in my dreams and hope for it. Safe journey, papa! :( We will miss you.

Above: My father Emilio Hernandez Pais (1944-2012)

Above: painting of "La caldera de Taburiente" made by my father

But if something I've learnt about love and remembrance, is to treasure every memory, I won't let any detail to fade to hurt less, but will find the  courage to make it into joy, I'll learn to remember you to summon a smile. I'll try to learn to do it  even through the pain of not having you close,

Almost a decade ago, my companion, my dog and little sister Kira left me, still I cry for her, but also fills my heart with joy to think that I shared such lovely time with such wonderful spirit. I love Kira so dearly. Love is not a thing that understands death, but I can tell you, love is so very real. It's not an utopic term, and it never fades.

Above: me and Kira

Summer has always been for me a time where my beloved ones have left my side, thus I confess it's not my favourite season of the year despite being a lover of bathing in the sea. June took me Kira, August my father and a September Toto. So looking forward the leaves to fall because summer´s  sun is jealous of things too bright and has taken them away from me.

Also yesterday 5th September it was one year  that my golden ball Totonika Nova died, she healed me in so many ways. :( We just uploaded a video and I've put the song I composed for her "Totonika Nova" as free download in her site "a thing so small and yet a life so big"

I now enjoy my time with my two fufunchis (my rats) Tuula and Ritva and try to think about life and that there is no short or long life, just LIVE, life is intense, vibrant, take the most of it and live. My father taught me that, and taught me to be brave to try to pursue my dreams. Thank you papa


I love you Daddy,

I love you Kira

I love you Totonika

Everything stays, you're here, safe with me.

And now I'm going to burn a candle, for love, and for remembrance