Had a super lovely sunday in the forest

I spent a lovely sunday out in the Catalonian forests  with Héctor and my friends Jose Javier and Oristila. Both Héctor and Oris took me plenty of pictures that I'll share soon, I also recorded some video. It was so fun! I carried my harp (endorsed by Harpsicle harps) all the way.  It is indeed so lightweight, but after hours of trek in the forest hahaha I really felt insanely tired. It was worth the effort, We got to see a lovely waterfall and back down we enjoyed some cheese and bread by the water. Overall a perfect day...

Here is Héctor wearing the YIDNETH t-shirt  (even if you can´t see it LOL) soon available in the store. :) By the way my man is a little bit reckless :/ climbing and jumping...! I also saw boars for the first time, they were behind a fence but soooo cute!

A shot of the landscape (lush, green, wet, lovely). Photo by Héctor Corcín.

and  one promotional picture we took up there also taken by Héctor of me playing my harpsicle harp. I'm wearing also the crown by Los Tesoros de la Ayalga, and my arm gloves and scarf by Opal Moon design. (see both in my endorsements). More lovely pics (and video) to come :) but so far sharing this one that I've called "Forest ballad"

You can see a bigger version of the photo in "My sponsors" gallery