More about Totonika, remembering Kira and news about The Underliving

Well starting with some random things, my first CD Ancient Shadows now is available in Japan through X-REC. If you're in this country you'll find it available here.

Totonika, my hamster remains very sick, she´s fighting but she´s gone on a down and we´re suffering so much for her. Keep updated or show her love at her official site I love you TOTONIKA you are so brave, you make the decision to live or stay, but as long as you're with me you'll be the most loved hammie on earth.  Thank you deep from my heart to all the ones that have left such pretty words in her guestbook and site and specially to Maria aka Yishana for the healing letter and sketch:

I'm re-living all the pain I underwent when my beloved dog Kira got sick and died years ago. I will never forget her and she has a special lullaby called "Good Night Kira" in the album. You can read the lyric/poem at KIRA´S SECTION and here is a drawing I've made to illustrate that song in my forthcoming album The Underliving.

To end this post, thanks very much to all the friends that have already donated for the release of the Underliving, we only have three weeks from now to send it to the factory if we want it to be in time for Faeriecon (USA), It will be out in 2011 for sure but I'd be happier if we can bring it with us to premier it there and thus I thank your support. Faeriecon is 3-4 Nov so that leaves us few weeks of margin.

The cd is READY, It's recorded, the artwork done, all we need is to gather the funds. It has 16 tracks and features some collaborations as Kelly Miller Lopez (harp) and Louisa John Krol (additional vocals) among others. This is a glimpse of the artwork included within:

Excerpt of the drawing for "One last Hope" song included in the forthcoming album

What can you do to help THE UNDERLIVING RELEASE?

-Well you can DONATE. Even  1 Eur can help. There´s a Paypal donation form in THE UNDERLIVING PAGE

-You can BUY "Off the lane" single. For 1 Eur you will have one of the tracks of The Underliving plus the instrumental karaoke that won´t be in the album, and you'll be contributing indirectly to the fundraising. Remember you can watch the videoclip also at

-You can BUY my first album or any item (original painting, pendant, book or craft) from the store. If you downloaded my first CD illegally... this is time to show your love and support purchasing the original, it will be all derived to pay the manufacturing of the new album. By the way you can preview and listen all the tracks at the link to make sure you migh like it. I'll be listing handmade items and specials during these weeks in the store. All sales will go to the fund.

-If you can´t do anything of the above, you still can help. You can voice out our name, you can  spread the crowdfunding link or our official site or in all your networks. Thanks for being my streat-team.  You can also join me in my networks.

I'm thinking of making another online broadcast 10 or 11th of September. Stay tuned.