Performance for the Red Cross (Catalonia) and in ANIMACOMIC (Málaga) comic convention
Next week We are going to make two performances :) Hope you can gather us in either of them. Here is the info.
5th July. Teatre Ponent (Granollers, Barcelona). Charity concert for the Red Cross in Granollers. Ticket: 10 Eur + giveaway contest and chocolate. +info at where you can book your ticket.
Info about Animacomic (Málaga). A series of limited ed. prints will be available 6th of July in the organization booth stand and I'll be attending as guest 7th where I'll sign the illustrations and will also bring some CDs and give a small piano/harp performance at the convention. Other guest illustrators are Irene Roga, Azpiri and Dave Mckean.