Forum, Ringtones, New downloads, new video, interview, new songs coming
Dear friends and listeners.
As always, this monthly newsletter is to highlight a few of the latest news :)
We have launched a new forum in the website, where everyone can participate. We were testing it a bit and I can announce it now. We will be using it to put some contents that don't fit on any other section and also to interact with you. Read more about the forum in the About the forum post. So if you want to stop by and introduce yourself, say how you got to know my music or artworks or your feedback about my works, we´d be honored to count with your participation. You need to login with your user or email and password to participate.

New free VIP downloads
Added two files in the VIP area Remember to introduce your code from the album in your profile if you can't access.
- The Underliving Ringtones pack I
- Titania score soundtrack has also been added FREE for VIP members in the VIP area.
Radio Rivendell interview
Also Radio Rivendell has published a full audio interview. I recently won the fantasy award as best independent composer in this radio station and recorded a greeting that will become also a full song in brief (for lotr fans). You can listen to the full interview and greeting at:
New live video performing in Hostalric medieval fair.

New songs
There will be new songs soon, No Matter What They Say & Rivendell. You can listen to a preview there in the forum.
And that was all for now! :)
See you at my forum and networks... Thank you you all.
Priscilla Hernandez