Happy New Year from Priscilla Hernandez and some news


First of all I want to thank again to all my fans, friends, listeners and supporters. 2012 is over and the world is still there, so hope you weave that silver thread of your dreams into wishes that will come true next 2013. Happy New Year.

Above: Priscilla Hernandez photographed by Rebeca Saray (you can see a making of this picture here 

Above: the cover of my album  THE UNDERLIVING http://theunderliving and trying simliar stylism for "In the mist" video

Also I wanted to announce that we are almost finished with the making of the videoclip "In the mist". You can read about the making of the video in our forum . Thanks very much to all the staff involved in the making of the video (Héctor Corcín, El Costurero Real and more) and we really hope you like it once released. We´ll send a little newsletter update when coming online so you don't miss it. 

And thank you to all the people who has purchased my music, fine arts, and or send us a review about it. Thanks also to each one of you that keep spreading a word about our work to encourage us. I am sure 2013 will be full of dreams, music and art! :) Dream on!