1.2,3 fufunchis!

As you've read in previous posts we got another baby rat :) Taika 

She´s been already two weeks at home and finally We´ve successfully introduced the elder "aunts" to the newcomer :). She´s a little hyperactive bug. They play now together for whiles on a daily basis but Taika doesn´t sleep still in the cage tower and thus we had to set up a cage for her. So this is Taika´s temporary home. The cages are close to each other so they get used to the scents :)


Above: temporary Taika´s home. Thanks Tania from Piece of Heaven Rattery for the Sputnik and Mireia for the cage :). In a week from now hopefully she´ll move over to the double Furet Tower, aka "fufunchis castle" 

She's grown sooooooooooooooo fast from a wee thing to this gorgeous silvery young lady

In the picture below all I love most in the world. Héctor and for the first time in a picture together all three "fufunchis" Tuula, Ritva and Taika and yes 1,2,3 .... fufunchis

I couldn't resist to take a shot myself

And the we posed for a while :) I think I have a collection of me kissing rats now LOL hahaha


Above me and Taika, the lovely green and golden crown I'm wearing was  a gift  from Ashley from Freckles Fairy chest