Back from FAERIECON!

Ok, just a quick note to tell you that I had a great time in FAERIECON (USA). We made two concerts with Woodland, and also I performed in the bad faery ball and made an accoustic unplugged set the day after. It was way fun and the room was crazy opening to a lobby where all bands (woodland, Faun and myself) made parties and jammed all night long (and still performing the following days). We went also to Oregon a few days and on our way back we collected a gift from two listeners (Poe and Amelia) that hosted us for our last night and gave to me a precious lap dulcimer that I'm intending to learn.

There's a gallery of the event already in faeriecon website. Though I'll make a selection and will put a few here and a more complete zip file for the vip later on

visit  to see the first galleries up