The evolution of my keyboards/synthetizers. How it all begun!

So they say sometimes a picture can explain the story :) How it all started...!  These are the models of keyboards/synthetizers  I've had during my life till present day. :) It all started with toy piano, baby blue with a rose on top. A wee version of me spent hours messing with it. :). The casiotone came mid eighties and wrote down songs that I used to record on cassettes with a radio. I remember to over-record one time and another till the recording was no more like a layered noise :)  I still have some of this recordings in tapes and I would love to digitalize them one day.

During High School I was extremely shy, :)  singing (in the toilet) was a passion and loved songwritting but it was a very private aspect of me. I used to show my drawings with no problem, but music was always my secret. :)   I used to perform with my brother Germán a lot with this one, he had some talent, and always thought he was going to be the musician of the family :) Then I joined internet in 2001 and uploaded  some songs there as demos. The roland fantom came inmediately and more recently the roalnd rd700sx beause I needed already weighted keys :). 


Above: younger me back in 2004 or 2005. I had not a home studio by them just a limited gear, though I experimented quite a lot with what I had. I met Héctor around that time and thanks to him, I've learnt a lot since to improve my recordings. I also decided to invest great part of what I make in music in gear and things I was going to need 

 I also evolved from being keyboard/piano based to play more instruments and spread my skills. So now I´m addicted to learn new instruments :) and in my latest album The Underliving I played (with more or less success) 15 of them.  In this section of the website  you can see quite a few of them :). Some have been endorsed by lovely companies that have believed in our work like Gerry Henkel kantele, Rees Harps, Ron Ewing dulcimer, Hind Ocarina (thank you) and even some followers have sent us instruments they kept unplayed. Not that I'm a collector because I do play all I have even if wrongly. My head things of improving what I play and have access to new sounds, guzheng, erhu, duduks.... they will come ;)

And here I am, first online song uploaded in 2002, first official album released in 2006, and almost a decade after, though I have some moments of doubt like every independent artist, I don't regret a thing and I can say something truthfully and with all my heart.

I love making music so thanks to all the people who support me so I'm able to do so. :*** <3