Learning new instruments is fun!!! and participating in a internet tv miniseries

I absolutely love the sound of my Kantele (thanks once more to Gerry Henkel for building mine. It's amazing how a simple thing can sound so heavently. I composed my first improvisation with it, and I've decided to give it a proper shape into an interlude called "into the mist".

Been also playing like crazy the lap dulcimer (I never played guitar so this one has been hard for me in terms of learning to strum and keep rhythm) but I feel now i'm getting to a poing I can make simple arrangements while I sing and It's so fun. Thank you to Poe and Amelia for this wonderful gift (and congrats on your baby!!) and also to Ron Ewing for the advice to learn to play (your capo looks and work wonderfully on it)!! Of course hammered dulcimer is not deserted and I keep some time a day also with my flutes and the oscar hank drum. It's crazy but I may expend hours practising till my dingers go achy. But I'm glad to have had some time to do this (even if it all looks quiet regarding activity). I needed some time to polish, to study and to approach to new things in my music. I'm starting to study theory too, never did as I'm self taught, but at some point I guess I had to have some background.

I leave you with a pic of me with my double ocarina (the hardest flute I have in terms of playing but also the most special). It was made by Charlie Hind from and it's a brain trainer, believe me. This lovely dress was endorsed by el Costurero Real and the photography was taken by Sebastià Paragolas a week ago for a local magazine. It's sort of a test picture too as I'm performing in the Opening credits of a internet broadcasted independent tv miniseries called "El Cordial de Medianoche" (inspired in the XV century it mixes historical elements with fairytales storytelling) + info coming soon here:
El Cordial de Medianoche

I'm thinking of installing a chat there and schedule maybe one day a week.