Me and "Fufunchis" wishes you a Merry Xmas and a happy closing of the year

And of course all the best for 2012, luck but above all determination and will to fight for your dreams to come true!

Here are the "closing of the year" / Yule / Xmas whatever you celebrate card from us to you


Above: Priscilla Hernandez with RITVA

Below: Priscilla Hernandez with TUULA and RITVA


By the way now my rats TUULA and RITVA (aka. "Fufunchis")  have their own youtube fufunchis channel (Please SUBSCRIBE it will be updated often!)  and we´re posting videos since their arrival so you can get to know their little lives. We don't forget KIRA and TOTONIKA forever part of my heart and my soul. Kira and Toto  portraits and candles burning were on our Xmas table as part of the family, because they're remembered and loved too. Now I'm happy that even the wounds of missing Kira and Toto are not entirely healed as they'll never be I'm sort of happy that they both have their own songs (Totonika Nova and Good Night Kira) in my latest (and recently released) new album The Underliving that was published in their memory... And now... now I have my cute "Fufunchis"


                          All I want for Cristmas...