In the top 10 most listened artists from the canary islands.... thinking about it

Ok , I honestly am clueless about last fm, and in fact i'm splitted in different profiles with or without accent, the official is the one precisely picked in this article, but still there are other two or three profiles that should be mingled with this one.
Still I was regretting the other day that I'VE NEVER been invited to play in the Canary Islands, i've been in UK, germany, USA and even there is chance to go to Asia in brief... but in my own native islands I remain let's say UNKNOWN

well this made me feel nice... according to the article i'm in the top ten most listened artists from the islands, mingles with some MAJOR acts from there. Push me up, it will make feel better (even if it sounds a little bit vengeful LOL hahaha)
love you all!!