TOTONIKA the brightest supernova! MUMMY and DADDY LOVES YOU. Thank you for everything

Totonika Nova, greatest and brightest star

Totonika Nova (January 2010 - September 6th 2011)

MUMMY LOVES YOU TOTONIKA! Now Totonika and Kira are playing together at the other side of the rainbow. Totonika has become a supernova and will shine like the brightest star forever in my heart. Please LEAVE HER A THOUGHT in her guestbook or in the special BLOG entry we´ve made in her site.

My forthcoming album THE UNDERLIVING will be dedicated to Totonika and Kira. You both have been the shiniest  lights I've ever seen, and you both shone just too short but brightest than any other, just like super novas, the most amazing healers, my biggest joy. I am and will be forever grateful. You only have to think of Mum and  I know you'll take care of each other and will visit me in my dreams. My memory will always find the way back to you, and a peace of my heart is now with you both. I've been so lucky to share part of my life with you. Loving you forever!

Totonika... my little angel! Please leave her some words at her site

Above: me and Kira. (1995-2003)