TUULA and RITVA, welcome home, welcome to my heart!

I cannot say I'm over Totonika´s departure. I miss my golden star so much. As you know I made a song for Totonika called "Totonika Nova" that is in my new album The Underliving and me and Hector are trying to gather some strength to make a video with her images and the song, but tears come everytime we try. It's been several months now but the wound  hurts so much still that I didn´t even consider to have a new pet for a while but there came TWO...!!!

Somehow two little critters TUULA (finnish for "wind") and RITVA (finnish for "silver birch branch")   found their way home and to our hearts. Welcome home babies!

We now call her "fufunchis" so I created her youtube channel and here's the first video from when they first arrived home.


and some pictures