We were robbed :(. Nos han robado

If you want to help please do at:

Below the story of it all...

This is a bittersweet story, it happened last August when we came back from our USA gig :(, I've had the greatest of times in Oregon, and in Faerieworlds, it was awesome, the people, my band supporters, Woodland, the Frouds, Robert, the Greenman, the storyteller ... I miss them so much already...)
when flying back it was exhausting, we had to go from portland to chicago, then to zurich and then to Spain. We were exhausted and willing to get home...
but THEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just as soon as we stepped from the airbus airport two big guys attacked us robbed all our studio equipment and personal belongings, they poured a substance over us and they wanted the black case in which we carried all important things, so we've been stolen all the cash we made in faerieworlds, our laptop, our mobile studio and soundcard, our photocamera, our hardrive with our data, our videocamera, all our memories, our flat and car keys, our passports, and almost everything of value I had with me, thanks god they didn't took my carry on so my original paintings are safe. I'm pretty sure we were spotted and they did know which case they wanted.
We even had to pay over 800 dollars just to break into our flat and change the lock :( we're absolutely uncovered and we had no insurance and we're in need of replacing some of the working staff to prepare our concert in the faeriecon... not to add I am hideously scared and unsafe and I'm considering even to leave Barcelona now ...
we were not insured so now it seems to be lost, at least we're not hurt

as much as I loved this town of Barcelona, I feel it's maybe too big to feel safe, and my health is rather precarious to cope with this kind of scares :(
Police told us though we've been lucky because the same band attacked last sunday with violence another couple in same circumstances, but they offered resistance and  were not so lucky.
It was not our idea, but we're very grateful to faerieworlds staff for opening a rising funds page for us here
Thanks Woodland, Brian and Wendy Froud and Robert Goud from Imaginosis for starting it, deep from my heart! they're even giving gift packages to donors (thank you!!)
If you wish to make a contribution to help right now we opened again the donations for the upcoming release "The underliving" though due to this it's been put on hold still will be considered as donations for the cd and we shall try to go on working replacing our studio through the old donation page

Thank you to all the blogs, faerieworlds, faerie magazine, fae magazine and all the media that have helped me to undergo this.

and I need to center a little bit to cope with what i've lost, my memories, data, after all the economical part was important and something i can't hardly get covered when i was trying to save for making my next release which was actually delayed... for me the priority was to save for the release and now I go back to scratch!

anyway they can steal the good memory I carry with me from my new family there
and I'm deeply grateful to all the people who is sending me pictures and videos of the event now that we're lost ours.
i'm now having a headache also changing my passwords and trying to keep safe all the info i had in there...
but i had no backing of all the things, as they took the computer and also the external hardrive...

i'm just planning in a big big black cloud but i know it will drift away, and I have all my friends and i feel wrapped by them

I carry though the warm heart of having met Mike burn again (thank you my friend for the hug and encouragement) and the wonderful time I had there, it was a BLAST!!