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Filming "In the mist": 2nd videoclip from The Underliving

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Ainat's picture
Joined: 2011-12-05

It is sublime to see as you two doing to grow your art !! meaning and myth for the vine of the soul, I'm really glad you give life to this melody, the perfect choice, a lot of surprises! Hector, these photographs are a portal transmitted beyond the from the fairy tales...the mystery behind the mist.

And congratulations for that decade as an artist! tempus fugit...wings very large.

Uff It's hard to write in English, the translator does not always help, but read you no problem ^ ^

En sueños nada me impide llegar a la isla de San Borondón,La Encantada,trocito perdido de la Atlá desapareces entre tu niebla despertaré.Mi espíritu galopa,sobre puentes de ramas,bajo un cielo de aguas nacientes,abrigada por el valor del viento

Hector's picture
Joined: 2011-04-01

Thank you Tania ! Those pictures are not retouched or anything.. just from the making of. :)

The video will require more time to complete. I have an idea to release the video with an extended enhanced version of In the Mist. :)

oosp Tuula just wrote that walking on my keyboard hahah. I think she says hello in her language :D



in the shadows...

Ainat's picture
Joined: 2011-12-05

Jajaja Tuula kisses from La Palma! living with you two an intelligent little friend learns very well,I think that after "No matter what they say" she knows that now she is an artist too :)

I love the idea! more sounds from the mist...this keeps getting better :_)

Falabrego's picture
Joined: 2007-11-10
Such amazing pictures! You look here almost like a china doll. I am anxious to see the final outcome of the videoclip. I think your creativity and Alassie's complement each other very well! I hope we will get to see much more of this collaboration soon. Well done, ladies!
Priscilla Hernandez
Priscilla Hernandez's picture
Joined: 2009-12-13

Thank you, it was way fun, and we hope that once color corrected and lights added it will look close to the Underliving cover in the video :) (hopefully)

johnshantellegacho's picture

I think your creativity and Alassie's complement each other very well! I hope we will get to see much more of this collaboration soon.

Ainat's picture
Joined: 2011-12-05

Como echo de menos escribir algo por estos lares...(debo ser de las pocas personas que no tienen twitter ni facebook,pero es una buena forma de leeros a los artistas,aunque luego me venga siempre al querido foro) en alas de lechuza,un besazo Priscilla,el otro dia soñe que te preste un boligrafo dorado...como me divierten las visiones disparatadas xd aunque nada como los sueños cuya intencion es transmitir mensajes...ojala no se desvanecieran como,precisamente,la niebla.

Suerte,pasion y amor por lo que haceis

Hector's picture
Joined: 2011-04-01

It has been a while since we started recording scenes for the videoclip and for one or other reason the video was delayed but we are working hard recently on it to make sure it is released before 2013 heh... I would like to have better funds and resources to make more videos quickly but it is what it is and we go through the long way ;)

here you can see some video frames



wolfempress's picture
Joined: 2006-12-18

Looks great. BTW. You know, the longer you work on it, the better it gets and so it will be perfect in the end.

Priscilla Hernandez
Priscilla Hernandez's picture
Joined: 2009-12-13

That is true Astrid :) 

I want to thank all people involved

of course Héctor for filming ediing and working in the effects, he´s the master and commander of all you'll see in the final video

I also worked in some traditional matte-painting and illustration  for the pictures

Costuming by El Costurero Real and myself 

Make up, hair and stylism  by Alassie from el Costurero Real (thanks for your experience and harwork!)

Assistant: Felix Goggles  and his "patent pending LOL " fog machine :)

Hair extensions by Woodland Wilde (wool)  and Puppy cat meow (silver and white braids)


Nina1979's picture
Joined: 2012-11-30

Respect dear Hektor and Prisc. The work is magic and you are the perfekt team. 

Not Here
Not Here's picture
Joined: 2007-04-27

As always, very nicely done.  Please post when video is done.  Happy Birthday !!

Priscilla Hernandez
Priscilla Hernandez's picture
Joined: 2009-12-13

thank you, posted some pics of my birthday party and thanks for the lovely wishes :) we hope to release the video before the closing of the year :), almost there, also plotting two new videos, one in collaboration with Drakonia :) and the other for our next single "Ethereal"

Ainat's picture
Joined: 2011-12-05

Estoy haciendo un recorrido por lo que no he leido,a veces paso semanas sin acceso al ordenador (meditando,precisamente,que me estare perdiendo...)

Pero siempre vuelvo :)

Y...Pris...buff cada vez me gusta mas lo que haceis.Imagino que lo habreis notado,con el paso de los años sois mas habilidosos,mas maestros,de este arte al que dedicais el alma.Siempre habeis sabido como darle forma a lo que ronda en las profundas cavernas de vosotros mismos (cada concierto es unico y especial,vuestro propio dia a dia,el improvisar unas notas,dibujos,fotografias...) pero ahora mismo lo estais expresando  mejor que nunca.

Ardo en deseos de que nos reveleis esa hermosura que habeis hecho nacer! el tiempo que lleve hacerlo...el camino mas largo,depara mas cosas,luego al echar la vista atras sera toda una travesia.


Ainat's picture
Joined: 2011-12-05

Ahhhhhhhhhhh!! ya vieneeeeeee!! xD :P que poquito y que lejano hasta tenerlo! como ir corriendo en una cueva tras un ave

Hector's picture
Joined: 2011-04-01

having some technical problems with the computer ... but the video is almost ready. I promise.

I need a faster and better computer to do the things I want to do... but it is what it is.. and we cannot afford a new computer now... but maybe one day I will have one and will do incredible videos for Priscilla :)

the video will have a slightly remixed version of In the Mist and then for the VIP members will be able to download also another special instrumental more ethereal version. 


Priscilla tiene tantas ganas de publicar el video que no hace más que anunciar que ya sale ... pero la realidad es que por mi culpa.. se retrasa día tras día... jeje... pero ya está casi eso es verdad... mi ordenador es muy lento y para hacer estas cosas necesitaría un ordenador 10 veces más rápido por lo menos.. y se me bloquea y me está dando errores... le queda poco a esta máquina... tengo ganas de jubilarla. Por esta razón se está retrasando un par de días... pero ya no queda nada... en fin .. es lo que hay.... poco a poco.. paciencia...  

El video contiene una version un poco remezclada de Int the Mist, y para los VIP incluiremos una descarga de otra version instrumental especial más etérea. 

saludos, por el camino largo





Ainat's picture
Joined: 2011-12-05

Lo que merece la pena se hace esperar,y mucho de rogar...;) por el camino largo,hay mas que observar.

Por tu culpa no Hector,apremiar a un ave para que nazca restaria belleza a su naturaleza.El tiempo acaba llegando,poca importancia tiene si al final os vais a sentir orgullosos y nosotros alegres y deleitados!!

Ademas :P cada vez que decis algo al respecto se reaviva la llama,personalmente me gusta la idea de esperarlo ilusionada mas que verlo desde el primer dia,sin expectacion.

Tardo mucho en abrir los regalos para prolongarme la sorpresa.Asi que,y hablo por mi,no hay paciencia ni impaciencia,solo ilusion!

Bendita la paciencia vuestra,que no es una tarea sencilla,sobretodo cuando se trata de plasmar un sentimiento,deseas que sea evidente.

Postdata a la maquina: ya te vale frenar el talento de semejantes artistas!