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Now you can listen to collaboration track with Louisa John Krol for her forthcoming album, plus updates of this project

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Ainat's picture
Joined: 2011-12-05

Gracias por este descubrimiento,que siempre es una bendicion,pues no cada dia llega a nuestros oidos musica asi.Tienes razon,si nos gusta tu arte,esta magia tambien nos atrae.

Tu intervencion....digna de la bso de una leyenda.

En sueños nada me impide llegar a la isla de San Borondón,La Encantada,trocito perdido de la Atlá desapareces entre tu niebla despertaré.Mi espíritu galopa,sobre puentes de ramas,bajo un cielo de aguas nacientes,abrigada por el valor del viento

Priscilla Hernandez
Priscilla Hernandez's picture
Joined: 2009-12-13

She is an amazing artist. I am featured myself in her forthcoming CD and you can listen to Louisa´s singing dueting with me in ONE LAST HOPE in my album THE UNDERLIVING. We also provided backing vocals together for Woodland´s "Season of Elfland" album, so Louisa, me and Kelly-Miller sort of mingle like sisters in all of our projects :) and I simply love that :) each one with a vision.

sad we´re so far away three points of the world :)

Ainat's picture
Joined: 2011-12-05

Adoro One Last Hope,la union fue perfecta,un pasadizo mas alla de lo fisico,parece imposible que los pies toquen la tierra si nos dejamos llevar por dos voces tan etereas.Os estoy oyendo ahora mismo.

Y definitivamente sois como tres brujas (blancas ;) ) haciendo magia,la cual,supera cualquier distancia.Los tesoros siempre se dividen en diferentes partes del mundo ;P

Louisa's picture
Joined: 2012-05-01

Thanks Ainat, I'm looking forward to sharing more harmonies with Priscilla and our mutual friend Kelly from Woodland / Treguenda in the near future. The three of us span 3 continents. If you draw a line between our cities, it forms the runic sign of a vase / chalice. By the way, I also love Priscilla's new video and have just visited her store again to buy more treasures. x Louisa

Ainat's picture
Joined: 2011-12-05

We have the same treasure Louisa! the handcuffs with black feathers,it makes me happy to know it (my english is a little creature yet,but I love the language)

the light of your chalice is life from other worlds that we dream,and we see when the eyes are half closed,thanks to you,to make this possible

I have my dog in my amrs right now,we both are listening "The Fountains of Alderbee",I imagine stories,I feel like this world in my soul is,somehow real too.My feets! now i'm dancing in circles in my hands are wings...

its an honor read you,people like you are very specials to me

sorry for my english,and go wonderful woman,to the myth,and give us the present of your voice and melodies...