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Some pictures from miniperformance in Gelida

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Priscilla Hernandez
Priscilla Hernandez's picture
Joined: 2009-12-13
Some pictures from miniperformance in Gelida


It was a most lovely weeken, Saturday despite the rain we celebrated the eurosteamcon (thread and pictures coming later on) and sunday we  made a mini concert in a most lovely place in Gelida (Spain). Even when I was performing "the realms of twilight" the real twilight rays spread all over the instruments :)

30th September:  mini-performance along with Héctor and Armen in Gelida, in a wonderful restored house called Can Llopard de Dalta (before known as Mas Pere Miquel).

 Event: JORNADES EUROPEES DEL PATRIMONI 2012 - Racons de patrimoni


ensemble: Priscilla Hernandez (composer, voice, piano, flutes, hammered dulcimer, harp), Hector Corcín (sound engineer, piano, drums), Armen Vartanyan (Violin)


so here some snapshots and impressions :)

Getting ready, all instruments setup :)



below: I was performing a solo voice/harp theme in this one :) this is my lovely fullsicle mini-harp endorsed by harpsicle harps :). It was not only me but also with Héctor and Armen but I'll try to get some pictures of that (and hopefully some video) from the videocamera  or I shall wait till we are sent some picture of the performance :). These are all ones we took ourselves with our cameras or smartphones 

Right after the concert, perfect sunset, nature was our light engineer and it was just sync and perfect :)

Below: me and violin player Armen Vartanyan, chilling out after performance :)

Priscilla Hernandez and Armen Vartanyan

And in this last picture Héctor joined us :) he's always hiding as photographer LOL so yay we three in a little ensemble pic :)

Armen Priscilla and Hector

oh and then it was already dark and the pool was rather tempting :)

gelida puig priscilla hernandez miniconcert


Priscilla Hernandez: singer/composer/instrumentalist/illustrator
Unfurl and live through the Long Way

Ainat's picture
Joined: 2011-12-05

Tuvo que ser una muy buena experiencia tocar en ese ambiente tan bello,y un placer hacer sonar tu musica envolviendolo todo.Felicidades y que fluya tu arte! ;)

En sueños nada me impide llegar a la isla de San Borondón,La Encantada,trocito perdido de la Atlá desapareces entre tu niebla despertaré.Mi espíritu galopa,sobre puentes de ramas,bajo un cielo de aguas nacientes,abrigada por el valor del viento