E-mail Newsletters

These are the issues of the newsletters we sent from time to time to registered users and subscribers.

Forum, Ringtones, New downloads, new video, interview, new songs coming

Dear friends and listeners.

As always, this monthly newsletter is to highlight a few of the latest news :)


We have launched a new forum in the website, where everyone can participate. We were testing it a bit and I can announce it now. We will be using it to put some contents that don't fit on any other section and also to interact with you. Read more about the forum in the About the forum post. So if you want to stop by and introduce yourself, say how you got to know my music or artworks or your feedback about my works, we´d be honored to count with your participation. You need to login with your user or email and password to participate. 


The Underliving Official RingtonesWe have also included in our store a package of OFFICIAL THE UNDERLIVING RINGTONES.  They loop seamlessly and are not straight files from the CD but isolated tracks and special features. There is a free ringtone for EVERYONE, package 1 free for VIP members and full package with notification for a small price (so you can consider it as to give a token to the artist)   Have a look here: http://priscillahernandez.com/product/the-underliving-ringtones

New free VIP downloads

Added two files in the VIP area Remember to introduce your code from the album in your profile if you can't access.

- The Underliving Ringtones pack I
- Titania score soundtrack has also been added FREE for VIP members in the VIP area.

Radio Rivendell interview

Also Radio Rivendell has published a full audio interview. I recently won the fantasy award as best independent composer in this radio station and recorded a greeting that will become also a full song in brief (for lotr fans). You can listen to the full interview and greeting at:


New live video performing in Hostalric medieval fair.

New songs

There will be new songs soon, No Matter What They Say & Rivendell. You can listen to a preview there in the forum. 
And that was all for now! :)
See you at my forum and networks... Thank you you all.
Priscilla Hernandez

Priscilla Hernandez: singer-songwriter/illustrator. New award, performance in hostalric and latest reviews

Hi  again  there all my friends and listeners / Hola de nuevo a todos mis amigos y oyentes

Another month has passed, :), I'll be brief in this newsletter highlighting only a few of the things that have passed this month :). Otro mes ha pasado y os dejo algunas pinceladas de lo que ha pasado este marzo y la próxima actuación.

Upcoming performance/Próxima actuación

7-8th April: Medieval Fair of Hostalric (Catalonia, Spain). Place: Castle of Hostalric. 
7-8 de Abril: Feria medieval de Hostalric (Cataluña, España) castillo de Hostalric.

+ INFO http://www.drakonia.com/medievalhostalric/hostalric.php


Featuring myself (harp, hammered dulcimer, flute, voice), Héctor Corcín (keyboard), Jorge Lamata (Guitar) and Sveta Tovstukha (Cello) saturday and myself and  Héctor and sunday (though we may surprise you and bring  again some of the guest performers of Saturday! :) Event will be limited to 50 people per day and it becomes part of the Medieval Fair of Hostalric. More info of the event here


Remember we added OFF THE LANE and LONG WAY for free download from our bandcamp page. Please spread the songs. You can purchase them or simply download them for FREE from this link.

Recordad que podéis descargar dos de los singles del nuevo disco OFF THE LANE y LONG WAY desde nuestra web de bandcamp así que compartid las canciones. Podéis donar algo o simplemente descargarlas GRATIS poniendo cero en el precio de descarga desde este link.



This past month we added two new videos to our channel 

-Cover of the Rainbow connection (from THE MUPPETS) that you can watch hereThumbnail
-Making of the Artworks of THE UNDERLIVING album that you can watch here  Thumbnail


-My "riding hood" was cover of MINATURA magazine. Mi ilustración de caperucita roja en la revista Minatura, nominada a mejor fanzine de fantasía en los premios SCIFIWORLD. http://www.servercronos.net/bloglgc/media/blogs/minatura/pdf/RevistaDigitalmiNatura117.pdf

-Two pages issue published in THE MAGICAL TIMES magazine (UK) issue 15 that also includes a compilation of fairy music including one of my songs. Artículo de dos páginas en la revista THE MAGICAL TIMES (Inglaterra) incluye un tema en CD recopilatorio de la revista.

-2-30th Marzo my original paintings were part of the art gallery "women of Poble Nou" (Barcelona). Del 2-30 de Marzo varios de mis cuadros originales fueron expuestos en la colección "Mujeres artistas de Poble Nou"

-Radio interview in CUANDO YO PARO EL TIEMPO available in mp3 only one of the several that took place during march/ Entrevista de radio en CUANDO YO PARO EL TIEMPO

-New reviews of THE UNDERLIVING at Heathen Harvest  and Ver Sacrum  among others (see reviews section in my site). Nuevas reseñas y críticas positivas del disco incluídas en la web.

-Just won the award as BEST INDEPENDENT composer in well known  fantasy devoted radio RADIO RIVENDEL. thanks to all who voted.
La estación de radio especializada en fantasía Radio Rivendell me ha otorgado el premio a mejor compositora independiente del género 2011

-Also special thanks to GERRY HENKEL from kantele.com for sponsoring the band a custom-made 21 string kantele.  Gracias también en especial a Gerry Henkel de kantele.com por esponsorizar un kantele de 21 cuerdas hecho a medida.


ENGLISH: Remember you can support me by purchasing any of my music albums :) Ancient Shadows or the most recent The Underliving, both also illustrated projects, and of course if you already have it by spreading the word about them and directing them back to have a look to our website at http://priscillahernandez.com  I keep on dreaming, I keep on fighting! THANK YOU!

SPANISH: Recordad que podéis apoyar mi música comprando cualquiera de mis dos discos Ancient Shadows o el más reciente The Underliving, y que ambos son proyectos ilustrados también con mis propios dibujos, o si ya tenéis los discos podéis contribuir haciendo correr la voz y recomendando nuestra web en http://priscillahernandez.com  Yo sigo soñando y sigo luchando. GRACIAS.

Priscilla Hernandez: The Underliving CD, reviews, news, and more! (español/english) composer-singer songwriter-illustrator

(ENGLISH) It´s been so many months since I sent a newsletter I know. So I'll make a brief resume of what's been going on lately :).  As you all may already know I released my second and new album THE UNDERLIVING late 2011. After a pre-release in Faeriecon (USA) and Imagicon (Spain) it oficially released late November and in December a dream came true when I was able to perform in La Palma, my native island. You can listen to previews and  download two free songs from bandcamp and also see a flash of the booklet at the info page. It released in special edition with 18 tracks and a booklet of 52 pages of illustrations in panoramic DVD size format So both digital and digibook ed. are available at the store.  I may tell you physical copy is a really pretty deluxe edition. If you're press an interested in feature/review please feel free to contact for the purpose.

(ESPAÑOL) Han pasado varios meses desde la última newsletter y muchas cosas han pasado, lo más importante que mi segundo y nuevo disco THE UNDERLIVING ha sido editado. En la web podréis ver muestras y descargar dos temas gratuitamente. El disco se compone de 18 canciones y se ha editado en un formato especial digibook en tamaño DVD panorámico y con un libreto de 52 páginas de ilustraciones. Después de pre-estrenarse en faeriecon (Estados Unidos) e IMAGICON (España) su fecha de lanzamiento oficial fue a finales de Noviembre y desde entonces ha ido cosechando muy buenas críticas. Este febrero ha sido incluido en los programas HIDROGEN (Catalunya Radio) y también en el legendario programa estadounidense HEARTS OF SPACE que se emite en más de 200  estaciones de radio norteamericanas. El programa 792 del show "Supernatural" incluye cuatro temas del disco. A los lectores que sean de medios de prensa y estén interesados en apoyarnos mediante reseña, artículos o emisión en radio, no dudéis en contactarnos.

Some interested videos about The Underliving / Algunos videos que podrían interesarte de THE UNDERLIVING


If you already have the CD feel free to send us a review and spread the word. Si ya tienes el CD nos encantaría tener tu opinión y que nos ayudes a correr la voz. You can also upload a picture of yourself with the album in the fan picture gallery.

About to start a videoblog ;-) and more ustream concerts coming soon
A punto de lanzar un videoblog y más conciertos ustream en breve.


Gracias a todos. Thanks all of you. More soon!

Priscilla Hernandez: Ustream concert, faeriecon (USA), and about "The Underliving"

Priscilla Hernandez: ethereal gothic singer-songwriter and fantasy illustrator news /Priscilla Hernandez: compositora de gótico etérea e ilustradora de arte fantástico.

This newsletter is in ENGLISH. Esta newsletter también está en español.

ENGLISH:Next Saturday 20th AUGUST 21:30  CET  I'll be performing from my home studio a little broadcast accoustic concert (piano, hammered dulcimer, harp) of some old songs and also some new songs from my forthcoming album The Underliving.  If you do not have a ustream account you can also enter the chat and broadcast with your facebook or twitter account.  All you have to do is to go and enter in the broadcast section of the site, the event is open and free for everyone to attend and have a friendly chat/ webcam miniconcert with me.!!

ESPAÑOL: El próximo SÁBADO 20 de Agosto 21:30 CET haré un pequeño concierto acústico desde mi  estudio mediante webcam y tocando el piano, dulcimer y arpa, interpretaré temas antiguos y también temas de nuestro nuevo proyecto The Underliving.. Si no tienes cuenta USTREAM no pasa nada, podéis entrar con facebook o con twitter. Os esperamos el sábado en la sección de "conciertos en línea".

ENGLISH: Remember you can  already listen and watch the videoclip "Off the lane" (first single from THE UNDERLIVING). Also for  only 1 Euro you can buy in the store the digital download of "Off the lane" at our store (soon also in ITUNES) and you get the download of the song and also a free karaoke.  If you are a press media you can request a digital download for free in order to promote the forthcoming release.

ESPAÑOL: Recordad que ahora podéis ver el videoclip de "Off the lane" (primer single de THE UNDERLIVING) Por 1 Eur puedes comprar en la tienda la descarga digital con un karaoke instrumental gratuito. Si eres un meido de prensa puedes contactarme para acceder a su descarga gratuita con el fin de promocionarlo.

ENGLISH :We are scheduled to release THE UNDERLIVING EARLY FALL.  Remember We have  setup also a crowdfunding for the release and more info at the official section of the album theunderliving.com.  We have also added a downloadeble "excerpt" demoreel and a video trailer at the very section as well as a CROWDFUNDING, we have a deadline mid September in order to be able to premier it in Faeriecon next  November. So please consider to help us. We´ll be listing very soon a donors page, deadline to appear in the booklet as donor is 10th September. YOU CAN HELP US, even if you can't donate you can buy our single, buy our first album, or simply spread the link theunderliving.com in your networks. Love you! thanks!

ESPAÑOL: Necesitamos mandar a fabricación THE UNDERLIVING a principios de otoño para poder estrenarlo en Estados Unidos (Faeriecon) en Noviembre. Así que necesitamos vuestra ayuda. Hemos abierto una página de DONACIONES. Si no te es posible hacer una donación no pasa nada, puedes ayudarnos de muchas formas: comprar nuestra música publicada, poner nuestro link en vuestras redes sociales. Gracias a todos por hacerme de "managers" :**

Also stay tuned, Radio Garlands (Argentina) will include a full interview next Friday 19th. El día 19 Radio Garlands (Argentina) emite entrevista completa. More info at. Más info en: http://garlandsradio.blogspot.com/ I'll be also featured this week in the spanish new radio program "nuevos talentos". I'll be also featured in the brand new radio program Nuevos Talentos.


And remember  you can support too FOLLOWING us in twitter or LIKING US in Facebook

Y recordad podéis también apoyarnos siguiendonos en Twitter o en Facebook.



más noticias en breve :)


Priscilla Hernandez lauching of new official site/fanclub/store and news of forthcoming album The Underliving


We have launched our new official website totally redesigned and with new contents (my instruments, sponsors, new pictures and even some lyrics  and pics of the new album), getting ready for the pre-release campaign of our forthcoming album The Underliving. Also the shop and fanclub have moved and integrated with the official site. So if you had an account in the fanclub you don't need to re-register and you keep your vip number if you already had it. We´ll get back to the contests but meanwhile you can show your love by sending (if you have it) a picture of you with my previous CD Ancient Shadows.  Now you can bookmark  either http://yidneth.com or http://priscillahernandez.com

Information about my upcoming album The Underliving.

The Underliving cover and Logo (not final version of the cover)

The album is now in post-production. All instruments and voices have been recorded. You can already read some lyrics, and listen to a preview.  A world veiled and unseen that co-exists with ours and communicate with us though the wind, the silence, the shadows, the feelings they imprint and we can perceive with the corner of our eyes and with our spirit.

We have also set up a fundraising with the hope that doing some crowd funding we´ll be able to release it. I´m a small independent artist so your help really counts. We have setup several levels of donations and you can read in detail and also listen to a preview with excerpts of some of the 16 tracks included if you go directly to http://theunderliving.com There are many ways you can help and even if you can´t contribute, you'll be helping if you can voice this out! :** Let´s make "The Underliving" a 2011 release! It needs to see the light!

Faeriecon 2011

We are honored to announce that we´ll be back at faeriecon next november with Qntal and hopefully with your support The Underliving will be there :)


Thank you

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