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No Matter What They Say (single)

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Hector's picture
Joined: 2011-04-01
No Matter What They Say (single)


This new song is a bit different. It has more electronic instruments. It started as a rare experiment. We thought... why not to finish it and release it as a single? It may not be the main style of music we do.. but... music is music and certainly it is nice to experiment and try different things.

You can download it from bandcamp




in the shadows...

Priscilla Hernandez
Priscilla Hernandez's picture
Joined: 2009-12-13

The song was born from a   "nonconformist" mood as usual hahah thus the title but lyrics ended up to mean much much more.  The structure was meant to be simple in this one because It was born as a simple piano song and pads and Héctor is now working on many layers of electronic experimental vibe in this one, and then I was building back with more choirs and pads, and now we may add some acoustic elements, so combining it´s rendered in something that it's not in either of the line of each of us separately and that we hope you will like.  Not a definite change in our music direction, just a moment of experimental fun, a breeze of fresh air.

Priscilla Hernandez: singer/composer/instrumentalist/illustrator
Unfurl and live through the Long Way

wolfempress's picture
Joined: 2006-12-18

Great song.. I like that style, will the single be available?! I'd like to buy it then...

Hector's picture
Joined: 2011-04-01

 Thank you wolfempress. Yes it will be available... only in digital download format. 

Joined: 2011-11-19

¿como es que habeis hecho un single aparte de "The Underliving"?

Priscilla Hernandez
Priscilla Hernandez's picture
Joined: 2009-12-13

Este es un experimento, además The Underliving ya está publicado y es un tema nuevo XD. Héctor y yo queríamos hacer este tema un poco para refrescarnos y porque nos apetecía para lanzar en descarga digital sólo. En principio no forma parte del siguiente disco tampoco, es un tema suelto. En este mismo segundo Armen está grabando el violín.

This is an experiment we wanted to make just to refresh and to offer as digital download. We´re not sure even if it will be part of our next release or just a digital download single, but we're having fun recording it. Armen recording violin at this very moment.

wolfempress's picture
Joined: 2006-12-18

Thanks, I'm really looking forward to it. Can you send me a note then? Thanks again, Astrid.

Hector's picture
Joined: 2011-04-01

Sure when it is released it will be notified here, and on twitter... or facebook .. everywhere we can. Also there is a notification system by email, of new comments on the topics you subscribe on the forum.

Yesterday we recorded the violins and some guitars... which may give the song a less electronic touch which I think it is nice. The song is almost ready, we had an idea for the videoclip too because I have some already recorded video footage that fits, but we may release just the song first and may do the video later because that's a lot of work too. 

Hector's picture
Joined: 2011-04-01

I can hear Priscilla is working adding harps, flutes, guitars, violins...  what started as an experiment strange electronic song is going to end in a nice song finally. No matter what I said... of leaving this song as it is and continue working in the Rivendell song... haha.. This reminds me to The Underliving... which was like a never ending work on each song. What was going to be a 4 days work... turned to be a 1 month work.... LOL But now it's much more powerful  and much more.. Priscilla's :D



wolfempress's picture
Joined: 2006-12-18

But rather late than never! Besides Pris' work is always worth the wait, besides I feel like waiting for a Xmas-present :)

Priscilla Hernandez
Priscilla Hernandez's picture
Joined: 2009-12-13

hahah it won't take till Xmas

and the beauty sometimes are in small details.

wolfempress's picture
Joined: 2006-12-18

I didn't mean it in the way of the time, but of the feeling when you get a wonderful present :)

Laineth's picture
Joined: 2009-12-01

Well, Héctor, dont complain! At least there is gonna be a SINGLE finall ;) Im looking forward! Sounds wonderful so far, Pris!

Priscilla Hernandez
Priscilla Hernandez's picture
Joined: 2009-12-13

link to a first shot (during the making of) of "No matter what they say"

Photography was taken by Oristila Photography  during the making of

the rat in the pic is VALKYRIA from Piece of Heaven rattery  (Barcelona) where I also bought my fufunchis

In the video some other rats starring ;-)  :) of the rattery are featured as well as my two dear fufunchis  TUULA AND RITVA :)  And well you know there are so many people that hate rats

Rat stars in the video: Takumi, Demona, Valkyria, Tuula, Ritva, Dastan  and another male whose name I need to recall


many people dislike rats, we know

                       matter what they say

wolfempress's picture
Joined: 2006-12-18

Lovely pics... :) Can't wait for the whole song.

Joined: 2011-11-19

solo le veo un fallo a este preview del single: te sabe a poco, queremos oir mas

Priscilla Hernandez
Priscilla Hernandez's picture
Joined: 2009-12-13

It is incredible that we have received quite a few messages not to use RATS in the video because they're afraid of them. That's the point precisely, that something you have a prejudice about can be beautiful and loving, and well the song is called "No matter what they say" right?

isn't it?

Thank you for being beautiful IN and OUT and well if with this song I can make people understand you're beautiful and loving creatures, or even if they see you with one eye against their hands because they like my music... I think you are amazing! Always remember Totonika, the first fufunchiiiiii! And well "No matter what they say" I love you my fufunchis.

Then when last night during our ustream online concert people were DEMANDING to see "fufunchis" it makes me feel. ok, THIS IS A GOOD THING INDEED :)

Guest stars 


RITVA  (Birch branch) and TUULA (wind) my two rats and actual guardians. Mummy love you and you're two super stars. They have their own youtube channel by the way :)

Above: Ritva and Tuula happy at my home (this is not a shot from the video)

From Piece of Heaven Rattery (where by the way I also got mine)  guest cousin friends


Takumi, Valkyria and Demona


Dastan and Evil Dead


and the ratties in action! Below Dastan and Evil Dead performing  ashadowsplay like cool superstars!

Joined: 2011-11-19

Sam Raimi debe contratarlas para futuras partes de Evil Dead

Hector's picture
Joined: 2011-04-01


for those interested... the delay on the release is because we decided to release it at the same time as the videoclip.. we are working now on the small details... because sometimes the small things are big. ;)

Louisa's picture
Joined: 2012-05-01

Such a cool sound! I am really into this kind of hip, underground, shuffling type of shoegaze trip-hop, so yes, I'll be buying this single as well. Keep me in the loop, ratties included. Kisses Priscilla, you can sing in many genres with flair, and you've talented dudes working with you too. x Louisa

Priscilla Hernandez
Priscilla Hernandez's picture
Joined: 2009-12-13

Thank you Louisa, :)

I am a bit clueless about its final genre, but due to the lyrics it was quite distressing.  If you mean Jorge and Armen they joined recently the band. :) We have also often our cellist Biel Fiol or Sveta when he can join us and it makes a big difference  for us.

As I don't have a regular band (sort of) I try to compensate playing too many things LOL hahaha but I confess I sing better when I can concentrate in my singing, so thankful when I'm backed up by my friend and band members. My humble skills at your service by the way :) luvv!


Louisa's picture
Joined: 2012-05-01

Hi Priscilla,

please convey my congratulations and respects to all the musicians whom you've mentioned, who are accompanying you in such sensitive ways. I'll email you privately about a couple more songs on which you might like to contribute kantele etc.

Last night friends took us to see T. Burton's new film "Dark Shadows", starring J. Depp etc. I became convinced of similarities between their ghostly imagery and your illustrations in both CDs: "Ancient Shadows" & "The Underliving", especially their female ghost and her incarnation as heroine. Your releases came first, so perhaps you've cast some influence?

loving regards,


Admin's picture
Joined: 2009-12-13

Blooper... making of

Yes they have a tail :D


Admin's picture
Joined: 2009-12-13

Listen to the full song now!

wolfempress's picture
Joined: 2006-12-18

Lovely, powerful song... I shared it everywhere I could! You both did a great job. Yeah! :D

It's like I said... it's like Xmas... an early present ;) 


Hehe, playing instruments while dealing with rats isn't easy, hm?! Mummy, why can you eat the stick, while I don't? I want it, too! ;)

Louisa's picture
Joined: 2012-05-01

Hi darlings, please forgive if this post appears twice (albeit not identically), as I might have lost the last attempt but am not quite sure. Just wish to express how much I love your ethereal electronica... the dubsteps and other rippling sounds, your voice as always, and ratties Tuula & Ritva peering suddenly from veils, as if about to tumble out of the screen into my arms... also seeing you in full faery regalia on trains is magnificent, magnifique! Congrats to everyone involved for this gorgeousness. Cheeky yet haunting all at once.

Your production style in this piece reminds me a little of that by our Adelaide producer Brett Taylor, in some of our more dream-pop songs over the years. I've posted your song-clip link to my Facebook wall, and am also planning to download it from your Bandcamp site soon. Congrats & embraces, caldo abbracci,

Louisa xxx


Priscilla Hernandez
Priscilla Hernandez's picture
Joined: 2009-12-13


thank you so much  and thanks for forwarding to Brett, the more feedback and opinions the better.  The song was just an experiment and video mostly down indoors with my ratties (that came to my life last november) and some of their cousins from the rattery. Both Hec and I started making more electronica stuff and then derived to more ambient, the song is neither one thing not the other LOL but was quite a fun and distressing exercise :) with a more serious yet simple meaning.  I've got already some mixed replies about... I like the song but the rats are disgusting LOL and others that say  "I don't see the rats the same way anymore" I think that if a few can stare at them and think, well, they're sort of cute :) I´ll be more than happy. 


I'll send the download to you, don't worry. :*** 

luv you!

Shannon Modrell
Shannon Modrell's picture
Joined: 2012-05-30

Love the song, love the production, instrumentation, and the video.  Love the cute rats and the effects in the video, too ;) ~Shannon

Shannon Modrell

Manugarnier's picture
Joined: 2012-05-26

A mi me gusta le mélange des genres et des musiques...l'electronique, c'est bien, mais les "vrais" instruments, c'est beaucoup plus forts et ne peux que vous encourager à poursuivre cette voix....A quand des chansons avec un "philarmonique" ?


Quoiqu'il en soit, bon courage et bonne continuation !!!


un ami des fées.....



penser à vivre, et pas vivre pour penser

Hector's picture
Joined: 2011-04-01

thank you Shannon and Manu. Very appreciated. The rats are super stars now hehe.they are so lovely.Thanks to the video we are receiving some feedback of people wanting to have pet rats now. That's great :)

Manu, we are working now on a composition "Rivendell" which will sound more like a soundtrack. I dream that one day Priscilla will sing with a full orchestra behind her... ahhhh it's cheap to dream isn't it? We are ready to work hard for it for sure..... one day one day... when we find the right sponsor at the right time and the right place ;-) 

Don't miss the next live broadcast concert in which Priscilla will do covers singing some of her favourite soundtracks.Maybe next weekend, if not tomorrow.


Ainat's picture
Joined: 2011-12-05

Hector,that day ("I dream that one day Priscilla will sing with a full orchestra behind her...") tears will be light and worlds will be connected.Let's dream on.Who knows...

You people have given me a reason to be bilingual jejeje sorry if I write something wrong,my English is still small...a traslator helps me xd also i like the sound of english...

You know what?this gives me strength to live my way,and also the cover photo was always an inspiration to me to go into the forest with strange costumes, or the city,yesterday with the crown that Priscilla knows.It's beautiful give freedom to your wings.

By the way, I also want rats running around in my life :P congratulations on what you have created!

En sueños nada me impide llegar a la isla de San Borondón,La Encantada,trocito perdido de la Atlá desapareces entre tu niebla despertaré.Mi espíritu galopa,sobre puentes de ramas,bajo un cielo de aguas nacientes,abrigada por el valor del viento

Manugarnier's picture
Joined: 2012-05-26

Rivendell....rien que le nom fait saliver, emprunter à une mythologie onirique.... j'ai hate ! En ce moment, j'ecoute aussi un compositeur qui s'appelle Thomas Bergersen, de magnifiques me plais à penser qu'un jour, comme vous le voulez tant vous aussi, une telle musique accompagnera la voix magique de Priscilla ! Voilà ! Encore bon courage à vous deux, et merci !!

Priscilla Hernandez
Priscilla Hernandez's picture
Joined: 2009-12-13

Thank you Tania and Manu

Rivendell is next stop in the process, it's also a single that is not part of our forthcoming CD but I was a Tolkien fan and after No matter what they say I fancy to be back a while to my quiet self. Thanks both of you for your encouraging comments :) deeply appreciated.

Manu, I don't understand French but thanks :) to google translate :) I can understand you, so thanks for your messages and for being an active part in our feedback, we really are grateful :)


Tania, if you go for a rat, please don't get it in a purchase store, get it from a breeder, it's safer for their health and you're not making them breed for being food. Most ratteries ship to the canary islands, I'll try and check breeders in the canaries, if not it's always a good excuse for a quick trip to Barcelona, they are AMAZING

Ainat's picture
Joined: 2011-12-05

I agree with what you say,I never left canary islands (jojo someday, somedayyy) so when that occasion comes, I will bring a furry friend that will gnaw my soul.I have no hurry because it would put my dog hehe jealous but I'll buy from a breeder someday.Sorry for my incorrect words, creo que el traductor de google no siempre esta cuerdo del todo.Gracias a que se un poquitin,si copiase confiando en el saldrian verdaderas locuras :P

I think i will call him/her Ghealach.Barcelona,a little dream^^

PD: I love how that charming creature (curiosea) your flute while you're playing.That key so mysterious ...and you appear more beautiful than ever, I swear. I Unfurl everytime i see that video,that message.Thanks.


Priscilla Hernandez
Priscilla Hernandez's picture
Joined: 2009-12-13

Remember always to grab a pair, they're social animals and get really sad if they don't have a partner to play with, so you need to go for two boys or two girls, :) that is that you'll have to find a second name too :)

The flute is a bamboo bansuri, they're quite inexpensive, that one is from "Erik the flutemaker" website.


Ainat's picture
Joined: 2011-12-05

Thanks for the information! is wonderful to see dancing fingers on the flute.The second name...sun in gaelic "Ghrian",that way I will have a moon and a sun at home.

I trust that people have recognized the beauty of rodents thanks to your great video.

wolfempress's picture
Joined: 2006-12-18

I'm not sure, if you understand my message right and for the lack of answer, I don't think you did. I love the song and the vid with the rats in it!  - That's that! - Your voice is great and the music is great and those rats are cute. So, there you have it.

I only find it amusing that when you played flute in video, your rats (especially Ritva) tried steal/eat the *stick* you had in your mouth. It was like: "Mummy eats a tasty stick and I want it, too!"  I smile, when I see the scene (I added a pic from the scene I was refering to.)

And the second time she tries to steal, she seems interrupted by someone (by Hector?) and looks into the camera like: "Me? I didn't do anything!" Those are actually my fav scenes...

Hector's picture
Joined: 2011-04-01

Heheh yes I love that scene too Astrid. It is exactly what happened... I called her.. "Ritva!" and then she is like...what? AM I doing it wrong? hahaha love it... 

Also another thing I love from Ritva in the video is at second 143. She appears from the fabrics at the top left corner.. and It is not edited.. it was like that.. we had to include that scene hahah.. 

around second 143 here

they are little creatures but big heart stealers :D



Priscilla Hernandez
Priscilla Hernandez's picture
Joined: 2009-12-13

they're my little super stars :)

and I think they'd learn to play the flute If I let them ... hmmm or maybe they would eat the flute whole LOL

Ainat's picture
Joined: 2011-12-05

Jaja Ritva made ​​me laugh for her white head appearing out of nowhere,curiously also fits well with the tone of the song and priscilla at the time, "fiiiiiÍND" and found a small creature hehe :P

lunachilde's picture
Joined: 2011-11-19

Hi Priscilla! I love this new song. It is quite different from your usual style, but beautiful all the same. I love all the layering.  And the video is wonderful!  You really captured a dark and defiant feel.  This could easily be an anthem for all of us living outside the mainstream! :)  Thank you as always for sharing your phenomenal voice with the world!


Priscilla Hernandez
Priscilla Hernandez's picture
Joined: 2009-12-13

Thank you, I know, it's quite different from my style, still it was a good distressing exercise, and at the end the video was more about the ratties (and their cuteness) than myself LOL. It was really fun :) glad you like it