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Remembering...Yesterday it was exactly one year Totonika Nova left us to become a star in the sky. Hector and I made a video wit

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Priscilla Hernandez
Priscilla Hernandez's picture
Joined: 2009-12-13
Remembering...Yesterday it was exactly one year Totonika Nova left us to become a star in the sky. Hector and I made a video wit

Hi everyone,

one of the reasons I've been a bit away from the site is that I had to go urgently to my native Canary Islands, my father suddenly had a stroke and after struggling for his life left us last week :(. So I've had to say farewell to my father who has supported me. I'm really so proud of being his daughter and I miss him so much. There are little words I can say to convey this extreme loss but I'm encouraged now to learn the guitar only to be able to play my daddy's old guitar that I hope to bring with me soon. 

So these days have been quiet days for sorrow and remembrance

Also yesterday 5th September it was exactly one year Totonika Nova left us to become a star in the sky. Hector and I made a video with all her life since she arrived home till she left. The video includes several musical tracks featuring her theme, a piano version made by Héctor and also the lullaby Totonika Nova I made for her in my last album. And also you can download those tracks for free from Totonika´s page. And also you can tell her "Toto, we haven´t forgotten and we miss you". I love you my golden furry ball. You were the cutest hamster ever






I'll come later on to a few things more about this and some pictures, but just wanted to voice out that though they're gone, they're very much alive in me and in my heart.

Priscilla Hernandez: singer/composer/instrumentalist/illustrator
Unfurl and live through the Long Way

Ainat's picture
Joined: 2011-12-05

En verdad nunca vi una hamster con una personalidad tan grande,brillara con fuerza en el cielo.Me he reido mucho viendo sus expresiones,cuando no quiere comer y aparta cerrando los ojos,sus correteos en la bola...¡si hasta ha tocado el piano! en su idioma seguro que dijo muchas veces "I'm happy Mummy and daddy" . Teneis unas grabaciones que la reflejan muy bien...digno y especial recuerdo.

Te envie un correo desde que supe la semana pasada que tu padre habia marchado querida Priscilla,los sonidos de la guitarra sonaran a su esencia.Si eres una maravillosa persona,se que el tambien lo era,y sigue siendolo en ti.Que se eleve ese espiritu inolvidable.

Tus seguidores tampoco olvidaremos nunca a Kira y Toto,ellas siguen aqui de muchas formas,los animales dejan huellas imborrables...(escribo mientras beso la frente de mi perra en brazos)

Un abrazo lleno de amor,ahi estaremos,dispuestos a escucharte a la guitarra y aplaudir en honor a ti y a tu padre ;)

En sueños nada me impide llegar a la isla de San Borondón,La Encantada,trocito perdido de la Atlá desapareces entre tu niebla despertaré.Mi espíritu galopa,sobre puentes de ramas,bajo un cielo de aguas nacientes,abrigada por el valor del viento

Priscilla Hernandez
Priscilla Hernandez's picture
Joined: 2009-12-13

he puesto una entrada sobre mi padre

I've added a blog entry about my father a picture of him and one of his paintings, he was an artist too

Gracias Tania, la verdad se me ha pasado porque apenas estuve conectada y se me han acumulado muchisimos mensajes que no he podido leer, agradezco todos ellos, así que gracias a tí y todos los que nos han escrito. Y también por tus bellas palabras sobre Toto y Kira.

Totonika fue un hamster fue feliz y muy especial.
